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Posts posted by Hooliganzone

  1. This place is in an extreme down turn if they do not get rid of this military state as it is now Thailand is finished as a great place to come and visit.

    The Chinese, Russian and Indians only care about visiting the well known places to show there friends they have been there don't spend any money in restaurants, bars or shops only organised travel. 

    The TAT say great numbers visiting Thailand yes but ( Bullshit) they don't spend much money in restaurants, bars for the Thai people to make a decent living as when many farlangs used to come,. but bad organisation, control, bad  publicity and safety for tourists by the Thai government military state has ruined this place and turned them away they don't seem to understand that Thailand is not the and only place in the word to visit something that Thailand with this government have forgotten about.

  2. 3 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    They can't be bothered. The police may have had a percentage of the fines (unreceipted or otherwise) and told them to wai each other for the cameras. Job done.


    The police here need to raise revenue to support the lifestyles of their officers. They can't be wasting time on silly squabbles (armed or otherwise) between truck drivers. No significant money in it.


    The police are not interested in social change, they are interested in how much cash they can rake in this week. If they don't bring in enough, their senior officers, wives and mia nois will be very unhappy and make their lives hell.


    • Thanks 1
  3. Anyone caught carrying dangrous weapons of any kind swords, knives of any kind in or out of a vehicle, car, taxi, truck or bus should be arrested immediately.

    Another thing I do not understand in this country is that of out all the times I have been stopped at a checkpoint in all the years I've been here never one time have the police ever asked to open and check the boot or the inside of the car.

    I think especially in this country it should be a mandatory thing to do by police at so called Checkpoints.

    It would help deter people from carrying dangerous weapons and help stop these kind of actions.


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  4. 19 hours ago, kannot said:

    dunno whats the  matter with folk these  days  just "forget it" everyone has to sue everyone now, just  tell him to <deleted>off and thats the end of it

    On Sunday, Musk fired back with a series of tweets where he said that Mr Unsworth living in Thailand was “sus”, suggesting that the only reason the British expat would choose to live in Thailand was to be involved in child sex tourism.


    Mr Unsworth and not only him should sue the arse off Musk does his statement mean all British expats who live in Thailand are involved in child sex tourism???

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Tourism authorities and others must step up preventive safety measures, such as ensuring passengers are taught how to use safety vests.

    It is overloaded boats and the lack of control from the authorities a harbour master should close the port to prevent any boats going out and only accept incoming ones in dangerous red flag conditions these are the problems and Not safety vest use.

  6. 2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Seen it so many times, even close to home, they always swerve and never brake straight, which causes unnecessary loss of innocent lives .

    Thai people do nit know what brake are for the same as wing mirrors think they are for show


    2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    Seen it so many times, even close to home, they always swerve and never brake straight, which causes unnecessary loss of innocent lives .


    • Sad 1
  7. 5 hours ago, poohy said:

    Fair enough their tent their circus!


    Will someone then kindly explain why they wont put the unwanted unhealthy dogs down.


    Something doesnt add up in this bankrupt Buddhist paradise

     Thai bashing time again.....(Something doesn't add up in this bankrupt Buddhist paradise)...

    Yes your right, its us we are not Thai not educated in the Buddhist way of life and therefore we do not have Thai mentality so we can't fully grasp and understand the way of life here.

    Thailand is a paradise compared with many places in this world and is far from being bankrupt


    Back to the original thread....(Will someone then kindly explain why they wont put the unwanted unhealthy dogs down).

    Simple, Dogs do not commit extremely grave crimes in-fact they do not commit any crimes at all so they do not deserve the capital punishment.

    The same as many a beggar unwanted and unhealthy on the street, what do we do kill all of them to put them out of their misery.

    Think about it.



  8. Two months ago I was in an English style pub in north Italy I ordered a pint of Guinness it was served in a Guinness glass but it was well short of the pint line.


    I also ordered a pint of English bitter served in a pint glass a  short measure the same well short of the top of the glass as you can see.


    I said to the pub owner that the beers where well short of a pint, he replied in an unfriendly way;

    That is how I pull a pint in my pub and if you don't like it you can go somewhere else (They say Italians are friendly and nice people...LOL) not this one he only had Euro signs in front of his eyes. 


    So for all you people who always have a go at Thailand.

    The same happens everywhere especially in tourist areas.



  9. On 09/05/2018 at 9:26 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    Not nearly as many times as I see Thai guys to dangerously idiotic stuff on their motorcycles....   the only outstanding question is whether they are licensed or not.


    Of course, being licensed won't stop these guys from doing dangerous and idiotic stuff on their motorcycles, but the heavy fines might.


    Stringent and consistent enforcement of the regulations with impacting and consistent penalties for all who use Thailands roads is the primary solution to many of Thailands traffic woes.


    In targeting foreigners the intelligent and common sense approach to road safety has been kneecapped by greed.

    Renting motorbikes in Thailand are not covered by insurance companies. They are in the dangerous sports category.

    • Like 2
  10. On 09/05/2018 at 8:38 PM, snoop1130 said:

    he said that the reason for the change is that many tourists don't know the highway code and have not had any training leading to accidents.


    We have no idea about the Highway code and we have never had any training, i've never heard so much bullshit, but the Thais have.

    So how do they explain the 418 dead on the road at Songran 99.99% of them wereThais...:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  11. 14 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    Thais will. Never learn. Thailand is Lawless. Until Thai people obey Thai law  nothing will change.

    Also if the so called medics where probly trained  they could have resusitated the person with just better training.Nobody needs to die from drowning if caught quickly enough.

    You will never change them they are brain dead. Education is a yes but you don't need education, just common sense is enough something Thais do not have....

  12. 1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Watcharacters, everyone who is not Thai  knows that when ambulance, police, and

    firetrucks are behind you with their sirens and flashing lights going,

    you pull over and get out of their way.  Does it really have to be a law for people

    to know this??


    They would not know or change even if it was law because the police drive in the same way. I once got pulled on the Sukhumvit by the Highway Police for overtaking on the left, I explained to them if Thais would keep left then I would overtake on the right , they didn't understand what I was talking about...:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:.

    They just gave me a ticket and a smile pathetic.

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