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Posts posted by Hooliganzone

  1. 45 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

    Read to story carefully He was using his cell phone The wife had called him in the truck Having said that The child would most definitely be alive today had it been in a child seat strapped in 

    From that standpoint the blame can also be put on the others shoulders as well as the angered man 


    A death that could have been avoided 

    As you say the child would have survived the accident if it had been strapped in a child seat but that doesn't change anything the blame is always with the driver on the wrong carridgeway.


    The accident could have beed avoided if the black pickup was not driving in the outside overtaking lane on an empty road the same as 99% of all Thai drivers do.


    FACT:  Thailand is the most dangerous place to drive in the world, this means that Thai people are the worst and most dangerous drivers in the world.


    The only way to change this is to get back to basics starting at childhood then all the rest and there is so much...

  2. On 9/4/2017 at 10:38 AM, coulson said:

    Good for him he'll get his fifteen minutes of fame. Possibly the most exposure he'll get for the rest of his acting career.

    He's nothing more than a foul mouthed American...A---hole.

    I'm an American and i'll do what I want LOL... Go back to where you came from the USA and do what you want there.

  3. 8 minutes ago, soistalker said:

    The only way to stop this problem is to have local government employees standing around waiting for people to litter, then fining them B1000. 

    And to say that the garage is coming from the water from some other location is ludicrous. It is coming from mostly Thai people at the beach. Foreign tourist mostly just use the sand as a ashtray, which is just as bad. B1000. You pay now or go monkey house!

    Besides that what Pattaya needs is to think and start spending money on sorting the city out and making more waste water treatment plants and cleaning the whole area up. Never mind about all these fancy ideas about high speed trains, for what to link up people so they can arrive faster to nothing more than a garbage area, get your city in order first.

    For example in Soi Khow Noi on the road near the railway crossing there are drains that go across the road and fill up and get all clogged up with rubbish and plastic with the heavy rain fall, it's been days since it last rained but the plastic and rubbish is still there sticking out of the drains you would think the shop keepers themselves would clean it up if the local council don't do it its right in front of them and it must stink too.

    The problem here is that they are used to living in such squaller and don't care about their environment nobody cares and they only think about one thing making money end of story.


  4. 7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:



    Double edge to a Thai World Cup bid


    All the glory that would accrue might be lost if corruption played a role before or during the event


    It was a relatively small item in the sports news a few days ago, but soon enough, it might not be. Thailand’s ambition to host football’s World Cup in 2034 looks serious enough to warrant both cautious praise and alarm bells. 


    The upsides of the idea are obvious. A Cup-hosting gig would be a short cut to getting our team in the topmost tournament of the world’s most popular sport. It would be a tremendous boost for tourism. And it would certainly enhance the Kingdom’s international profile. The downside is that the quadrennial selection of the host nation is a process plagued by corruption – and Thailand doesn’t need to see more of that.


    Stadium requirements alone would force Thailand to find at least one hosting-partner among its Southeast Asian neighbours. Indonesia has expressed interest after Malaysia’s enthusiasm cooled.


    Co-hosting has worked successfully before, when Japan and South Korea jointly staged the 2002 World Cup. One likely opponent of Thailand and Indonesia seeking to play joint host in 2034 is China, which is expected to lose in its bid for the 2030 Cup and, if so, would almost certainly try again for the tournament to follow four years hence.


    Meanwhile the list of past Cup hosts shows that Fifa’s selections have followed a “looping pattern” – countries on the same continent are not chosen consecutively. Proponents of a Thai bid point out that, if we skip the 2034 opportunity, we’d have to wait eight years for another chance. 


    On top of trying to counter China’s mighty rivalry (and remember: the Beijing Olympics were a resounding success), Fifa rules and preferences concerning budget, transport, facilities and public opinion give the Thailand-Indonesia application little hope. 


    There are other concerns, too. The world governing body of football has been beset with one scandal after another, some of them related to selecting World Cup hosts. High-ranking officials in Thai football have faced accusations of irregularities as well. In fact, just days ago, Thailand featured in a damning Fifa report concerning the 2018 World Cup.


    The report called a planned England-Thailand friendly match here, aimed at winning support for England’s bid to host the 2018 Cup, “a form of bribery”. News and gossip suggest that this sort of scheming is common among hopeful Cup hosts, but far more outrageous examples of bribery exist, often involving vast sums of money.


    Thailand’s terrible reputation for corruption and the risks of massive graft that strew the selection process for World Cup hosts demonstrate that a bid to co-host the 2034 tournament would be highly susceptible to irregularities, criminal and otherwise.


    Loopholes in the regulations are rife enough that illegalities and violations of ethics would be difficult if not impossible to curtail.


    Is it possible that Thai society might reach a high enough level of ethical maturity in coming years to justify a bid for the 2034 World Cup?


    The eyes of the world will be on us, as well as the glaring scrutiny of our rivals for the hosting privileges. To be able to co-host the event would bring diplomatic glory, but the risk of global shame and embarrassment is too horrifying to contemplate.


    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/sunday/comment_letters/30320205


    -- © Copyright The Nation 2017-07-08

    5555555 my sides are spitting I cant stop laughing its got to be the funniest thing I've heard in years.


    7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:



    Double edge to a Thai World Cup bid


    All the glory that would accrue might be lost if corruption played a role before or during the event


    It was a relatively small item in the sports news a few days ago, but soon enough, it might not be. Thailand’s ambition to host football’s World Cup in 2034 looks serious enough to warrant both cautious praise and alarm bells. 


    The upsides of the idea are obvious. A Cup-hosting gig would be a short cut to getting our team in the topmost tournament of the world’s most popular sport. It would be a tremendous boost for tourism. And it would certainly enhance the Kingdom’s international profile. The downside is that the quadrennial selection of the host nation is a process plagued by corruption – and Thailand doesn’t need to see more of that.


    Stadium requirements alone would force Thailand to find at least one hosting-partner among its Southeast Asian neighbours. Indonesia has expressed interest after Malaysia’s enthusiasm cooled.


    Co-hosting has worked successfully before, when Japan and South Korea jointly staged the 2002 World Cup. One likely opponent of Thailand and Indonesia seeking to play joint host in 2034 is China, which is expected to lose in its bid for the 2030 Cup and, if so, would almost certainly try again for the tournament to follow four years hence.


    Meanwhile the list of past Cup hosts shows that Fifa’s selections have followed a “looping pattern” – countries on the same continent are not chosen consecutively. Proponents of a Thai bid point out that, if we skip the 2034 opportunity, we’d have to wait eight years for another chance. 


    On top of trying to counter China’s mighty rivalry (and remember: the Beijing Olympics were a resounding success), Fifa rules and preferences concerning budget, transport, facilities and public opinion give the Thailand-Indonesia application little hope. 


    There are other concerns, too. The world governing body of football has been beset with one scandal after another, some of them related to selecting World Cup hosts. High-ranking officials in Thai football have faced accusations of irregularities as well. In fact, just days ago, Thailand featured in a damning Fifa report concerning the 2018 World Cup.


    The report called a planned England-Thailand friendly match here, aimed at winning support for England’s bid to host the 2018 Cup, “a form of bribery”. News and gossip suggest that this sort of scheming is common among hopeful Cup hosts, but far more outrageous examples of bribery exist, often involving vast sums of money.


    Thailand’s terrible reputation for corruption and the risks of massive graft that strew the selection process for World Cup hosts demonstrate that a bid to co-host the 2034 tournament would be highly susceptible to irregularities, criminal and otherwise.


    Loopholes in the regulations are rife enough that illegalities and violations of ethics would be difficult if not impossible to curtail.


    Is it possible that Thai society might reach a high enough level of ethical maturity in coming years to justify a bid for the 2034 World Cup?


    The eyes of the world will be on us, as well as the glaring scrutiny of our rivals for the hosting privileges. To be able to co-host the event would bring diplomatic glory, but the risk of global shame and embarrassment is too horrifying to contemplate.


    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/sunday/comment_letters/30320205


    -- © Copyright The Nation 2017-07-08

    55555555 My sides are splitting I can't stop laughing its got to be the funniest thing I've heard in years.

  5. 34 minutes ago, leeedwards said:

    Anyone who has had driving/riding lessons and taken a test should know anticipation is one of the most important skills while driving, and also that giving a full car's width of a gap while overtaking any vehicle, be it a car, motorcycle or even a bicycle is standard procedure. If a car's width can't be given then one should not overtake. The headline of this post is wrong. It should read 

    "Driver's worst nightmare.....". 

    Until a sufficiently thorough testing system is applied here these kind of reckless and unnecessary accidents will continue to occur. It's so sad that so many people are needlessly killed or injured due to this. 

    The headline is wrong because it was most probably written by a Thai person...lol

  6. 4 hours ago, fruitman said:

    This door is opened properly, if they do it fast it's the passengers' fault but in this case it's the motocy's fault.

    I am afraid to say guys that you are all wrong in saying its the motorcyclists fault its not,  it is the car drivers fault I know it sounds crazy even to me but thats the way it is, now I'll explain why.


    A few months ago this happened to me I parked my truck in front of a shop on a parking area about the width of a car in so the door actually opened on to the road, there was some traffic as it was 16:30 school finishing time I opened my door about 6 inches and looked in my side mirror and waited for a good gap in the traffic before opening enough to get out it must have been at least a minute later a woman in a car smashed into my door bending it upwards not outwards I could not get out of my side because her car was so close to mine so I had to get out of the passenger side.


    My Thanachart insurance man came to the scene at the end of a lengthy discussion he said it was my fault I asked WHY he said because when you open a door onto a road it is always your fault no matter what.


    A good job I wasn't outside of the my truck like that poor guy in the video was or that crazy woman would have run me down.


    Unbelievable but thats the way it is... 

  7. 3 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Hospital bills plus a totally new holiday to Thailand since this one is ruined by him. Also his actions ruined the "good image" of Pattaya and Thailand so he has to fix that as well.


    And where was the government in their job to protect all quality tourists??? Was it in the safe zone? Beachroad should be a safe place to walk around, it's already hard enough to avoid the idiot drivers and criminal ladyboys there.

    Sounds like your a Pattaya fan. LOL

  8. 6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Incredible footage ... the guy in the blue truck was diving too fast and not only endangered himself but other people. Luckily, the other drivers did not pay a price for his recklessness and stupidity. 

    They are both at fault because they are both Thais I think that says it all.

    The taxi should have slowed down and checked for oncoming traffic and give way to oncoming traffic iit looks like the taxi hit the pickup on its rear end sending the truck into a spin.

    The pickup was wrong for speeding and overtaking on the inside and must o=f seen the taxi pulling into the trucks lane but wasn't prepared to give way. Both are idiots.

  9. 5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    So the tourist got away without paying the full amount he was owed ? Why wasn't he arrested for trying to do a runner on his tab ?

    The tourist is at fault for not paying the bill, the bargirl is at fault for assaulting and causing serious bodily harm, but in the end it does not matter who is at fault.

    What Thai people do not have in their stupid heads is that if their is a problem call the police to come and sort it out thats what they are therefore you do not take the law into your own hands and attack people and male Pattaya lose face as it does not have much of a face left as is obvious by the continuing decline in tourists from Europe and other areas.

    So in my opinion the man was at fault for refusing to pay the bill, but when the bargirl attacked him the fault goes on he and the man goes free no need to pay anything, as it would be from where I come from.


    Personally the man is a <deleted> letting her kick and punch him if it was me no way she would have needed the Sawangburiboon.

  10. 3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    For those of us non Brits who are unfamiliar with the modern measurement (stone). The weight of the fish is actually 8912.2 shekels.

    The weight of this fish in terms that all can understand including Thais is 100 kilos, and well done most of the other cynical quotes are just jealous, and a true angler usually fishes for sport and not to eat every fish they catch so it don't matter if its eatable or not.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    To be fair this is a constipated rule which was also applied by UK IMMIG at one time and maybe still in force.Simply inform the Sharks that U changed your address n you will be safe BAD GUY?

    Many single people come here just on a flight and find a place to stay after they have arrived, so how can you write the name of the place your going to stay on the TM card if you don't know where.:unsure::unsure:


    3 minutes ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

    It's like driving a car without a licence - you can do it for years and years and years, and may never get caught. Same for registering where people live. It's only when people have a reason to go looking they find out you're not there

    Years back when I didn't have a permanent address I used to just write Pattaya as place residing thats it and nobody ever questioned it, I don't know nowadays.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

    To be fair this is a constipated rule which was also applied by UK IMMIG at one time and maybe still in force.Simply inform the Sharks that U changed your address n you will be safe BAD GUY?

    Many single people come here just on a flight and find a place to stay after they have arrived, so how can you write the name of the place your going to stay on the TM card if you don't know where.:unsure::unsure:

  13. I find it disgusting to hear that the family had to also pay for their hospital bill after being beaten up by Thai drunken thugs.

    I feel that the Thai government - tourism authority who are so worried about the damage to their tourism trade should pay their hospital bills, where is the compensation bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif.

    When Thai people do things of this nature then the Thai government should be held responsible for any expenses and damages done by their own people or is this expecting too much from this country cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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