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Posts posted by reallyok

  1. Why bother farming them!! import them from Australia, there are supposedly upwards of 24 million wild pigs In Australia,they are considered a pest and a major contributor to the pollution of the water supply in some states,the local rednecks hunt them with dogs and Bows for sunday entertainment, so get yourself a check shirt and a battered Akubra and you are in business :)

    Hi Nignoy,

    My nephew is one of those 'rednecks' you mentioned, hunting large wild pigs with just dogs. The dogs pull the pig down and he then rushes in and binds its snout and legs with a strong cord.

    He caught a wild boar live, on my property at Rocksberg a few years ago. It weighed over 300 lbs and took 6 men to lift it onto the Toyota ute.

  2. Back home in oz, i dont have town water. So i have 2x5000Gal plastic water tanks, dont see them here, only those stupid little things, one is fed the rain water from my roofing gutters, which i pump through a bank of 3 filters for drinking, and the other tank i replenish from the nearby creek for all houshold uses, like showers and toilet. I have never run out of drinking water with 4 users.

  3. Growing up on a farm we used to put water in the tractor tyres (about 25%) to make them " less bouncy " and to improve stability as the weight is always at the lowest point of the tractor. We used Tryes with tubes and just added water with a hosetaped to the valve and most of the water went imnto the trye.

    From memory we only did this to the rear tyres.

    How you did this is beyond me as the air must come out of the tube as the water goes in, the special filler has a tube attached to allow the air to escape. 70% fill should be the maximum. Years ago one of my mechanics attached a hose to a large tractor tyre and then went for his tea break, the pressure in the city water system was about 80 psi, goes without saying half way into his tea break the tyre burst, take a tip from me, stand there and watch it.

    Simple....................let the air out first, then put water in, replace valve and pump up !

  4. Any one heard any more about this?


    Sign a petition

    This petition is now closed, as its deadline has passed.

    We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Allow compatability of pension payment of UK pensioners abroad and at home. More details

    Submitted by Neil Simpson – Deadline to sign up by: 02 February 2008 – Signatures: 221

    Hi All, There is a new petion, here is the link to the Goverments own website where you can make electronic petitions, this one is to give expat pensioners the same increase in state pension as those living in the UK.


    Please sign up and pass the word to anyone you might know, in any country, any age who might/has retired overseas. Also try friends and family who might support our cause :D

    Regards David

    I just tried and there is no country of choice called Thailand and I have no postal address in the UK so how can i vote? :):D

    So its now 2010 so i think that we should have a petition every year. Will someone in the "know" please start another and ask just how the UK government have managed to discriminate amongst countries of choice ?

  5. Well, i don't know which part of the UK you are 'ratting' on about, but i was on holiday in Dorset from oz, back in september, and they were very 'fussy' about putting out their seperated and recyclable garbage to be collected in different coloured bags etc., never seen this in Thailand.............. yet !

    The point i was making is that in the Uk you actually have to pay a bloody lot of money to get your recycling taken away

    (council tax)the same as you do in Aus yes? mine was 1000 pound last year!

    In Thailand YOU get payed for supplying your rubbish for someone to come and sort it and dispose of it ok!! that of course is in the village where i live...so as you kindly put it,uninformed rubbish it is not!

    As for the mass waste management and where it eventually ends up??? land fill sites and recycling centres then this as i stated in my post is way behind the west and of course Australia by many a year.

    And also in the uk fly tipping is a massive problem due to the excessive fees charged to local contractors by landfill sites.

    I hope i have made it clear now for you,out of interest how much garbage tax do you pay in Aus for the pleasure of getting your rubbish taken away?

    Well to be honest ...........Nothing ! as i live in an area which does not have the garbage collection. As stated there is a nearby FREE tip which in fact looks like a park on approach, very clean and tidy. These tips are very well run and very busy.

  6. Sometimes i actually think Thailand is better organized than the west,recycleable stuff like cardboard tins and bottles are collected by people who earn there entire living from it,and you are also given money for them to take it away! this does not happen in the west.

    There's definitely room in this market to shut the little guy/gal out. Along the lines of what Wongpanich already does but also employing more of their own collectors (like the big publicly listed companies back home). You can employ armies of thousands at 200 baht a day and there is no doubt that they could collect well in excess of their daily wage 'value' in plastic, glass, aluminum, etc., operating from dozens of outposts (on relatively worthless land) all over the country. Would do it myself but don't want to have to setup offices amidst huge piles of garbage, also the parents have mentioned that they don't want their first son to be in money lending AND waste management.


    Where there"s muck there"s brass!!!

    A massive business recycling and waste management,Thailand is where the uk was in the 40"s/50"s

    The UK is hardly a shinning example to recycling. Thailand is on par if not better

    Well, i don't know which part of the UK you are 'ratting' on about, but i was on holiday in Dorset from oz, back in september, and they were very 'fussy' about putting out their seperated and recyclable garbage to be collected in different coloured bags etc., never seen this in Thailand.............. yet !

  7. Sometimes i actually think Thailand is better organized than the west,recycleable stuff like cardboard tins and bottles are collected by people who earn there entire living from it,and you are also given money for them to take it away! this does not happen in the west.Just after new year the man was round with his cart and scales...easy and a good service!

    You can think of anything in Thailand and it is used and recycled many times to get the most out of it,the Thais are past masters at getting something out of nothing and where materials come into again they are really versatile and creative.

    The burning does go on as i have seen it a lot but nothing worse than the illegal tipping that goes on in the west,you will not stop them burning stuff it is ingrained especially in the villages,maybe in the cities there is more of a chance?

    What a load of uninformed rubbish !

    My aussie home is in the Moreton Bay Shire, and we have .......

    1) Regular garbage collections, the council provide "Wheelie Bins" black ones for general rubbish and green ones for recyclable garbage.

    2) The garbage is broken up into seperate recyclable components, i.e. Paper/Cardboard, Glass, Plastic, metal and so on.

    3) For those who do not get the regular collection, there are strictly controlled free tips with large industrial bins for the different types of garbage, tip attendants are constantly on duty to assist anyone who needs to know where to put the rubbish.

    4) All rotting houshold waste is constantly covered by a bulldozer pushing earth over the top, so little smell and flies etc

    5) We also have a section for unwanted plants, weeds, grass cuttings, trees and any general greenstuffs. This goes into one hugh dumping point, on a regular basis when the heap is big enough the council bring in a mulching machine and turns it into mulch which the public can collect free of charge for their gardens.............................Where in the bloody hel_l does this happen in Thailand.

    p.s. I forgot to mention that "backyard burning" is strictly forbidden ! and subject to heavy fines................match that Thailand .

  8. Sometimes i actually think Thailand is better organized than the west,recycleable stuff like cardboard tins and bottles are collected by people who earn there entire living from it,and you are also given money for them to take it away! this does not happen in the west.Just after new year the man was round with his cart and scales...easy and a good service!

    You can think of anything in Thailand and it is used and recycled many times to get the most out of it,the Thais are past masters at getting something out of nothing and where materials come into again they are really versatile and creative.

    The burning does go on as i have seen it a lot but nothing worse than the illegal tipping that goes on in the west,you will not stop them burning stuff it is ingrained especially in the villages,maybe in the cities there is more of a chance?

    What a load of uninformed rubbish !

    My aussie home is in the Moreton Bay Shire, and we have .......

    1) Regular garbage collections, the council provide "Wheelie Bins" black ones for general rubbish and green ones for recyclable garbage.

    2) The garbage is broken up into seperate recyclable components, i.e. Paper/Cardboard, Glass, Plastic, metal and so on.

    3) For those who do not get the regular collection, there are strictly controlled free tips with large industrial bins for the different types of garbage, tip attendants are constantly on duty to assist anyone who needs to know where to put the rubbish.

    4) All rotting houshold waste is constantly covered by a bulldozer pushing earth over the top, so little smell and flies etc

    5) We also have a section for unwanted plants, weeds, grass cuttings, trees and any general greenstuffs. This goes into one hugh dumping point, on a regular basis when the heap is big enough the council bring in a mulching machine and turns it into mulch which the public can collect free of charge for their gardens.............................Where in the bloody hel_l does this happen in Thailand.

  9. I thought the 13 week rule applied to other Centrelink payments such as the dole, not aged pensions. I would take the advice of immigration officers at the airport with a large grain of salt.

    There are also other rules as well as being in Australia on the day you lodge. You must have lived in Australia for a minimum number of years during your working life- I think 20 years - and paid tax during that time. It's all on the Centrelink website.

    We both receive aged pension as previously stated, , on the 9th of december we were called into centrelink Caboolture for an interview, to prove that we actually did return to australia, we were informed that as aged pensioners we have to inform centrelink when leaving australia and if leaving for over 13 weeks financial penalties could apply,Nignoy

    Hi Nignoy, i am from Rocksberg and also used the Caboolture office. And that is where i got all the bloody strife till i found the "overseas pension" phone number. I am now happily ensconced on Samui and get my full pension. .......ReallyOK mate !

  10. Sorry to be the bearer of Bad News, my wife and I are both australian old age pensioners, we were leaving australia on the 21st of september last year on a 6 month tour of asia and europe, we were informed by immigration at Brisbane if we stayed out of australia for more than 13 weeks we would both lose our age pension and have to wait a further 3 months before being eligable to apply again,so we cut short our trip and returned after 12 weeks,when we returned on the 3rd of december we contacted a solicitor to check up on this new regulation, uptil now all we are getting is conflicting informationas soon as we hear something definite in writing we will post it here Nignoy

    If you want the true entitlement story DO NOT go to a general centrelink office, they know bugger all and appear to be hellbent on reducing anything and everything.

    There is a special office for pensions payable overseas and they are good. I was first told by centrelink ,that if i was overseas for "X" number of weeks my pension would cease ! However i got on to the overseas pension office and they checked my file and awarded me with full pension less medical entitlements which i will get if i return from Los to OZ.

    So don't be panicked until you talk with the right people.

  11. When you apply for the pension, one of the first things they ask in the application form

    is that you must prove your identity.

    They give you a list of documents that you can use with their worth as ID in points.

    You need 100 points.

    Passport (current) 70

    Citizenship Certificate 70

    Birth Certificate 70

    Certificate of Evidence of Resident Status 70

    Australian Entry Visa 70

    Driver's Licence 40

    Marriage Certificate 40

    Divorce Papers 40

    Birth Certificate(s) of any of your child(ren) 40

    Education Examination Certificates 40

    Bank Card or Statements 40

    Mortgage Papers 40

    Certificate of Name Change 40

    Rates Notices 20

    Financial Papers (inc. share or superannuation statements) 10

    Taxation Assessment Notice 10

    I think if you present your passport as proof of ID, they would most likely take the opportunity

    to take a look through it to see what visas you have.

    I suppose it depends on the officer.

    If they are trying to determine if you are genuinely intending to stay in Australia, then finding a 12 month Non-Imm O visa

    for Thailand in your passport would not strengthen your case.

    Perhaps I'm being paranoid here but I have learned in the past not to give the opposition too many free points.

    Or in other words, expect the worst and be prepared.

    As prepared as you can be, with Murphy looking over your shoulder .. :)

    So for me, a birth certificate and a driver's licence should do the trick.

    Another problem:

    If you've worked overseas for any length of time and paid into a super fund, you are obliged to apply

    to that country for a pension before you can begin to ask for the Australian pension.

    I spent a few years working in Europe, 30 years ago, so I'm going to start early on that one.

    Evidently they have a section of Centrelink that will help you apply of that foreign pension.

    I'll be giving them a call.

    Once that avenue has been tested and settled, only then will Centrelink consider paying you the balance.

    Working in Europe 30 yrs ago ! ..............Hope for your sake, that was'nt in the UK. I immigrated to OZ from UK aged 38 having worked since i was 15. Paid my stamp for over 23 years. But the 'buggers' froze my pension at 1973 rate and will not index it so i get a paltry few quid a month from the government who took my money for all those years.

    Now if i lived in say, Germany, USA or a dozen other countries the bastards would index my pension, and i would be getting the same as a gentleman who has done a finantial migration from India or Pakistan or a dozen or so other 3rd world countries.

    Don't expect anything from the bloody brit govt !

  12. "Along with my Thai partner (not married) i am buying a property on Samui. Its on a private estate ( no rubbish , no thro traffic, no dogs singing all night) we are getting a 2 b/r. a/c. house (probably extent) with pool & sala. Building to our spec by company's archetect under German construction manager and German electrial supervisor. Land cost one million and in partners name so will be chanote.600 sq mtrs., all infrastructure included with concrete road. House in my name. 3 years interest free loan. "

    I think most people are just saying beware - There is a German Company advertising that it is OK for foreigners to own land in Thailand as seen on BBC , CNN etc . This is false , so what else can you believe .

    Ask your lawyer to check the court cases in samui - be extra careful /

    Thanks Churchill, i really appreciate any sensible advice etc., but have nothing for disrespect and disgust for those idiots who are just "loosers" themselves and expect everyone else to be likewise. They just don't seem able to understand that all Thai ladies are not uneducated farm girls just out to rip them off, because it appears, that is what happened to them !

  13. I am fully authorised by the good Offices of the Governor General of Australia representing the duly elected parliament and it's territories and under the soverignty provisions to offer you a 50% share in the Syndey Harbor Bridge plus a 50% share in the Sydney Opera House.

    Due to offshore banking regulations to take advantage of this once only offer you cannot pay me in cash but you can buy for me the full ownership of a luxury resort on Ko Samui with at least 200 rooms, and have the ownership recorded in my Thai name. To be fair I would also be requiring that you pay all land taxes etc for the next 20 years in advance.

    Fair deal?

    Like the harbour bridge deal, but what about the painting, its quite an on going job you know!

  14. .... have done my research and am happy with it...

    It looks like reallyok like to make promotion for Samui and the german builders, but he is not sure if he did the right thing!? :)

    You can research as much you like and there is still uncertainty. Many years ago i had a very unplesant

    expirience with a German real-estate brooker in samui and i did my research too.

    But i wish good luck and a nice time on samui.

    Yes ! stay in the bedroom, lock the door, dont look outside as there might be a bad experience waiting for you.

    Did you never hear the saying .........Nothing ventured, nothing earned !

    Been coming to Samui for 8 years now and "always" have a nice time thank you!

    p.s. Luck is what you make it !

    I am sorry to say but it sounds like you are easy ready to be conned here. You say 'Nothing Ventured , nothing earned ' there is no chance you will earn any money from this. You will lose your money from this. You will never see 1 baht of this money again. Everyone wins here apart from you. The estate agent ( i think i no which company that is ) he wins... he gets your money for the house. Then your GF also wins she gets a free house not having to pay anything for it. Now what do you get ? When you and your gf break up you will have nothing from this. You have / are being conned simply as that. Are you going to live here full time ? if not then why buy a house for your gf.

    p.s the only 'LUCK' involed with this, is the lucky day your gf met you and found her free ticket in life... LONG LIVE THE FARANG CASH COWS. :D

    People like these cost us all money in the long run becuase some thai girls want all farang to buy them a house now... what ever happened to them ' sick buffalos ' ?? they where the cheaper days !!! :D

    Ahhhhh! now i get it. You are one of those fools who let their brains go to their 'BxxxS'. Got conned by one of those dirt poor uneducated bar girls from ISAAN who's main claim is being able to shout "allo andsome man".

    Well mine comes from a relatively wealthy southern family, had a very good education and has her own business....................

    Sick Buffalo .....my ass !

    She does not need me to give her a decent life, because one day her and her sister will inherit more than the average Isaan farm girl could ever dream of.

  15. Finished House Picture (Views and Gardens Welcome) Show us what you're looking at and what we should be looking for.

    Maybe some or all of the above could be incorporated. Thanks.

    Owzat!! :)

    Since you have been so helpful, here is another one for you. How can we best incorporate the following album into this thread? Finished House Pictures . In a blog, the pictures can go directly onto the page in a slideshow format, which is more attractive and accessible than the album itself. Any ideas?

    An excellent idea, but would men a lot more if Building price and Area situated were included.

  16. I lost my 4Mil Thai house through fraud, corruption and an inept (ex)wife unable to deal with the legal system to protect our home. Basically someone can screw you through the legal system and the court then seizes your assets and the other party gets them. Thus no way am I building/buying another house in Thailand unless its in my name and I can legally protect it from fraud. Until the Thais allow foreigners to own houses (well the land it sits on) I am quite happy renting in this country where we have few rights. You have been warned!

    Another tip: don't build a house until you are legally married. If you build it on her land before you marry you in effect gave her a house and you don't have a legal leg to stand on (I tried this legally and lost).

    For those of you who built a small house or a house you are happy to loose: you did the right thing.

    Sorry about the sour grapes, but a wise man learns from other mistakes and does not make them himself.

    Yes ! i feel sorry for you being ripped off like that. Have a mate who went thro the same, but it was the 'poor' Isaan family that stuffed him. Everybody tried to tell him but he would not be careful, i guess it was the same with you. My Thai family who live south of Suratthani, are fairly well off, owing 4 lucrative farms (palm oil, etc) never impose or interfere and 'her indoors' has a uni education and own business. So it pays to pick your partners, but not by the way they shout "hello handsome man".

  17. .... have done my research and am happy with it...

    It looks like reallyok like to make promotion for Samui and the german builders, but he is not sure if he did the right thing!? :)

    You can research as much you like and there is still uncertainty. Many years ago i had a very unplesant

    expirience with a German real-estate brooker in samui and i did my research too.

    But i wish good luck and a nice time on samui.

    Yes ! stay in the bedroom, lock the door, dont look outside as there might be a bad experience waiting for you.

    Did you never hear the saying .........Nothing ventured, nothing earned !

    Been coming to Samui for 8 years now and "always" have a nice time thank you!

    p.s. Luck is what you make it !

  18. a direct quote from the newspaper article linked to the O.P.:

    However, there were limitations on growing hemp since it is categorised as a No 5 narcotic plant in the form of marijuana.

    Therefore, farmers have to grow it secretly, despite the fact that hemp is an economic plant.

    If the Thai government Cabinet people approve something, then why in Bob's name does it have to be grown secretly?!?

    In related news: Two US states, Maine and Oregon approved hemp farming in 2009. Several other states and the US federal government are considering similar legislation in 2010. Since Thailand has been known to copy US laws, particularly on drug-related issues, then it's encouraging.

    Back to the OP: I applaud Thai legislators for moving forward on enabling Thais to grow hemp, yet the legislation mentioned in the OP is baby steps.

    It would be like hearing rumors that apples are edible, so lets set up a secret site where we can find out whether it's true. We may let you know in several months or years whether we find for sure that it's ok to eat apples. Until then, don't eat any apples, as you could be prosecuted under the full weight of the law, as dictated to us by American legislators at the turn of the 19th century.

    Perhaps the yanks have been copying the Aussies with regards to Hemp, they have been growing it in Tasmania for some time now.

  19. How the hel_l is a seemingly unterminated cable left live? Furthemore, it should have been connected through a Earth-leakage breaker, which would have tripped immediately upon contact with the water (earth) and the guy would not have been electrocuted. Whichever so-called electrician worked on this should be fuc_king shot!!

    Oh my goodness COB, surely you cant expect a Thai electrician to know all this. Be fair now !

  20. friends and booze...


    let my guess.. one of his 'friends' just wanted to see what would happen if he trown in an electrical cable

    strange how an electrical cable can just fall... as they are not supposed to be anywhere near a pool, day or night...

    maybe somebody tossed in a latern or something

    OMG thabkk !!!!! the likes of you will say anything to 'save face'.............Just have to blame someone else, it could'nt possibly be the fault of shoddy Thai wireing could it.

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