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  1. Attractive females do too, but you have to pay them (a lot). Middle aged men do it for free
  2. When has he NOT lied... He lies about everything, so rest assured, he will f*** you over. Sooner or later! Or more accurately, sooner AND later!
  3. I hope he does, so I can say "Som Nam Na" to all idiots that voted for him Keep your domestic s*** in your own country and stop polluting the world with your BS!
  4. I agree! They should do something to keep these tourists under control! There are just too many
  5. I also consider myself definitely (a lot) smarter than the average american 😎
  6. Hopefully all countries on the orange list will deny entry to each and all americans; And I expect the rest of the civilized world to follow rapidly! Basically, make americans feel unwelcome everywhere (tRump being the reason)! The world will be a better place instantly 😎 A few americans are real Americans (with the heart in the right place and a brain), so they might be welcome (after serious vetting!)
  7. IF they have British passports, they ARE British (whatever color!)
  8. For sure, nobody else than these 4 were smoking ganja in Pai
  9. US, Israel, Russia (among others) have not signed up to ICC. Basically the biggest war criminals don't recognize international law (only when it suits them, the cowards!)
  10. Always these Israelis... Anywhere, everywhere, all the time
  11. Just boycott ALL american products as much as possible, in Thailand and everywhere.
  12. Assumptions, assumptions... Maybe they did not buy new amulets, but sold some (which maybe was NOT a smart move?)
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