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Everything posted by JulesMad

  1. For sure, nobody else than these 4 were smoking ganja in Pai
  2. US, Israel, Russia (among others) have not signed up to ICC. Basically the biggest war criminals don't recognize international law (only when it suits them, the cowards!)
  3. That is what americans think
  4. Always these Israelis... Anywhere, everywhere, all the time
  5. Just boycott ALL american products as much as possible, in Thailand and everywhere.
  6. Assumptions, assumptions... Maybe they did not buy new amulets, but sold some (which maybe was NOT a smart move?)
  7. Better to be a lunatic, than a tRump supporter
  8. ALL farang do...
  9. You have a completely mentally disturbed 'president' (also convicted criminal!) running around with nuclear arms, do you call that normal?!? Maybe in america, yes, but not in the real world!
  10. You mean, like Israel... They just 'genocide' with support of america.
  11. The thing you call american president has way too much power...
  12. Because most people of AN are americans... They want to copy their 'president'; nastiness is a positive quality these days in america 😢
  13. EVERY country has different rules to determine you are alive...
  14. like ALL americans in present government... Spine-less, soul-less, heart-less and immoral! May they all fly in planes with just not enough fuel 😎
  15. Please go back to your country (I guess america...), Bob! You don't belong in Thailand! Get out, so we don't have to listen to your useless whining! It is not even remotely funny...
  16. Kiss his feet?!? Is this before or after he kissed his **s and sucked his d***???
  17. If a consistent and ALWAYS lying sack of s*** says, it is FAKE, then you know with absolute certainty that it is TRUE! Nobody can accuse tRump from telling any truth, so that is easy scoring. Anybody going against tRump in any way, is kind of a hero to me 😎🙏
  18. So my conclusion stands: "14.29% of AN readers are extremely stupid and deny reality." 'Ridiculous' is very often 'stupid'. QED 🙏
  19. IRA is from the past, get over it! Even so, the murderous USA slaughtered many MORE innocent people in all their wars... AND continue to do so!!!
  20. Simple Conclusion: 14.29% of AN readers are extremely stupid and deny reality. It would be very interesting to know from what countries these 14.29% are... I think I know
  21. If Ukraine are nazis, then america are SUPER-nazis... Proof is to find every day while america's super-fuhrer vomits lies and hate into the world.
  22. Mistake 1: you are riding a Harley, not a real motorbike. Mistake 2: anyone who rides/drives thru soi 6, does not understand soi 6. Mistake 3: OR you watch the 'nature' around you, OR you watch all the other idiots on the road (any road!). Both is not possible, and leading to 'situations'.
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