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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 8 hours ago, BestB said:

    Not blaming the girl as murder is way out of line but these girls have to understand when you play with someone feelings their reaction is unpredictable. 

    Agree.  If someone has a job at McD's and also at Starbucks, you're not messing with peoples feelings. 


    Disregarding peoples emotions and/or being dismissive, 'running two or 3 tabs' without mutual consent appears to be able to amplify that pain and sometimes anger.


    Doesn't make it okay to kill someone of course, but smarter people might take a lesson from it and be a little more honest.  Even if they miss out on what appears to be a free lunch that exacts a high price.

  2. 2 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


    Thus showing the uselessness of testing for drugs that don't do what alcohol routinely does.  Drugs should be legalized.  

    A [qualified] 'Agree' on that one.  There are more benign drugs than alcohol that should be left out of the legal system.  There are also some that damage anyone associated with the user, not only the user themselves.  

    Sometimes I wonder whether it would work if the posession/use of the drug itself is the wrong thing to punish, but the behaviour of the person using it (i.e. drink, but do no harm to others, or toke, but ...).  If you get cabbaged and become a social nuisance or danger, the that perhaps should be the focal point.

    In this instance he was a nuisance, and a danger only to himself (except perhaps rescue workers).

  3. 11 minutes ago, steve73 said:

    The ONLY way to avoid ALL risk is to keep 800k in a Thai bank...  I'm sure there are some Venezuelans who thought they had enough bolivars, only to see their value in THB drop by 1million % over the past couple of years.... (or Zimbabweans a couple of decades ago).  


    With the amount of printing (or QE) by the US/UK/Euro, etc, I'm actually surprised these currencies are not dropping even faster than they are.  I can only conclude that Thailand is printing equally.  


    In many ways it's a race to the bottom. Yuan and Yen are doing it too.  In relative terms they look similar(ish) on a chart, but in purchasing power just think back a decade, two decades and recall the price of something like Gasoline, a Pint, Cigarettes or whatever.  Food baskets change to reflect whatever makes the best statistic.

    I'm not sure whether Thailand wants a strong or weak currency, though I'd be inclined to believe strong if anything.

  4. 44 minutes ago, peterb17 said:


    Here in Thailand they sell really good tin foil- ‘Diamond ‘ brand - I would suggest you spend some time making one of those anti- conspiracy hats .

    Dont forget even 7/11 have fiendish machines that send out ‘waves’ 

    Take care 

    But they'd cut cost corners and substitute the Tin for Aluminum/Aluminium.  School boy error, seem it many a time...

  5. Although I've never done this since I only qualify for retirement next year and had to pay the 5 year 'easy access' visa, if I were doing this I think 7% would be a reasonable buffer.  If you can afford 10% then better of course.


    You then would still have 2 parachutes left - The border or the quasi-pay-for-it visa.  I'm not entirely sure of the legality of the latter as it may legitimately be "up to the discretion of the officer in charge" (though I know of many who have taken that road and never heard of a single issue - *not* advice, just observation).  The former which is certainly legal gives you more time to 'become' right about the forex swings, should you need to kick the plate to 'GTF out of this dilemma'.


    You can if inclined do a reasonable guess as to the direction of the exchange rate with some simple tools (trends tend to have inertia) - maybe not enough to be a wall street guru, but good enough to get things a little more on your side.  That, along with previous suggestions of tightening belt for a couple of months to make the grade should it become necessary, or treating your living money separate to your seasoned money give you a fair degree of latitude if you're already in the ball park would give a very high probability of success.  "The" way doesn't exist, but we have a toolbox of options to build what is most appropriate for individual needs.


  6. Would have been much better to commit to getting to the truth rather than a shot over the bow suggesting she's lying because they haven't found any evidence that she's telling the truth.

    Way to dig yourself into a corner where either people won't come just in case, or they won't come because it turns out she was telling the truth.  It's thought that most rape cases are not reported around the world already.  This isn't helping.  It takes a strong person to take on authorities/media/social branding after a what would I imagine be a very traumatic experience.



    • Like 2
  7. On 8/31/2018 at 9:31 AM, IAMHERE said:

    I quit drinking wine in m. I get about the same taste and certainly the same kick by mixing vodka with fruit juice; doesn't go bad in a few days either.

    I like vodka for its simplicity and flexibility, but haven't touched it in years because my version of drink count became distorted from reality.  A beer is a beer and you can count them, that's all the positive spin I have for it.  I still drink it though.

  8. I have a lot of trouble taking this story on board.  Unsworth was not even a public person before this.  Is his ability to maintain his career damaged if Musk (who is equally stupid to be so reckless) does a bit of name calling?  No, not at all, no damages and no remedy due.  If he dropped his ego then took another look at this conflict, what would be see?  A big fat nothing burger.

    Lawyers were the other mistake our maker made, right up there with mosquitoes.


    • Haha 1
  9. I don't drink wine much here - partly price but mostly because it's not enjoyable.  I was told the Peter Vella is okay, but have never tried it as it seems always to be out of stock.  Instead I got the Mar Sol and, well, if you consider Mont Claire to be wine then you'd probably live with it.


    Surprised after all these years there's no Loei wine that's been debugged/snagged perfected yet.  Not asking for world class, but if you just want intoxication then there are cheaper ways to destroy yourself.  If you want to enjoy it along the way then we don't have a lot of options (that I know, at least).


    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, seasia said:


    I do not even want beer after eating.


    This above is perhaps a large part of your answer right there.


    I along with several friends have all been discussing this issue lately, and how all of us need to clean up our act.  Like you, no beer is not really an issue in terms of dependency, but if you don't have a hobby or job then it's just too easy to go and do social which invariably involves at least a couple of drinks.  I say a couple, then you add them up next day and realise that you had one at that shop, one when we ran into a friend, and another for the road, so you're telling yourself you had two when really it was 5.  Got to be careful to be true to yourself and also making it public knowledge as well helps make it prominent in your mind what actual behaviour is rather than the story you wish you could be telling.


    If I stay off it for a day or two, I don't really want to touch the stuff, but then Friday rolls around, the first few sips taste like a**, then before you know it you're back in the swing of it and returning to previous behaviour.


    If food takes away your desire to drink (maybe just no room for it?) then that sounds like an obvious starting point.  I have learnt to never ever drink without food before hand.  For me it's not that it fills me up or slows down absorption or anything, it's just that if you're going to challenge your body then it needs some ammo to defend itself.  If drinking makes you not eat then you can get in real trouble as I did a few years back.


    Purely for health reasons and protecting your liver powerfully, I would strongly suggest getting on AliExpress and ordering 1Kg of "Cordyceps Sinensis" and take a large spoon morning and evening whether drinking or not.  It's the nearest thing to a miracle for the liver I've ever experienced, and repaired what the doctors told me was impossible.


    I don't ban myself from drinking.  If I have one at home I do it while doing something else (in my case being on the computer) and you may find that a bottle lasts you several hours, and also that a bottle of green tea would do just as well.  I have my Friday nights, and arrange to go to a place that closes early-ish, such as a restaurant to add another constraint to going overboard.  That way I can go through the week without any noticeable negative effects.  


    The times that really get me in trouble is when say you do your Friday (or whatever you choose) then someone flies into town Saturday, then find out it's a birthday party on a Sunday, and cumulatively it all gets too much and feel terrible.  In that situation dedicate the next day to just sleeping and lazing around, and I titrate back to zero over the next couple of days and my feet are back on the ground and all is back to normal.


    Oh, and don't neglect sleep.  That's when we repair.  Missing out on that and also food makes alcohol that much more dangerous to your health.



    • Like 1
  11. Gu te't Tickle Trout.  It's reet grand.

    But seriously, if you don't mind a bit of travel and the weather is okay, then Delamere Forest (Cheshire) is a wonderful place for a walk on an Autumn day.  Lake District (obviously), or "Hotel del Terror" in Blackpool (near "The Big One") - It scared the crap out of me (in a funny way - she'll never ever forget it), and I'm usually unphased and bored with pre-orchestrated rides or live entertainment.  However good you think you can predict the tricks, they will get you.  I'll say no more other than the ending is very fun and socially entertaining and you'll surely make some new friends.  There's no ghosts so nothing to worry about there ?


    There are also places where you can go for a paragliding lesson if you're adventurous, or quad riding, horse riding and other activities - I can't remember the names now, but I'm sure google will know.

    Maybe you could rent a barge on the canals?

    If you don't mind heading to Wales, then 'Electric Mountain' do tours that is genuinely interesting as a commercial venture.

    Finish the evening with an actual Pub (as distinct from a bar) for some local stodge and a guest beer (I'm sure they have Coca Cola if 10,000Km trip is worth it) ? and a B&B of suitably average quality to get in the spirit of things - no Hilton Hotels pu-leaseeee.


    There's about 5 days in the above if you're sharp on the clock, but I'd give it at least a week and take in the ambiance, moss on the stone walls, enjoy having a wander, listen to the different accents than she's familiar with.  I'm sure there will be lots of people curious to chat and learn about her home country.

    Bit of excitement, bit of nature, bit of [ahem] cuisine, bit of curiosity, bit of relaxation, and a cultural mind fek if it's new to her.


    • Like 1
  12. Suing State media?  That would be the next level we can look forward to for direction and leadership.

    I'm no fan of British Royalty, but that's what comes to mind when someone says something about something/someone that they find unpleasant.  It avoids the Streisand effect reasonably well.  Must be horrible to live a life where you've perfected everything and there's nothing left to learn.  Maybe he's 16 and just stressing it a bit.


  13. On 8/20/2018 at 8:17 PM, rumak said:

    i am usually not harsh .   what's the point?   but really there is nothing anybody can say to you that

    will help  inho, as they say.    your posts sound like your living on THE  BEACH.   good luck, Leonardo

    Lol, no, I live in a very humble rented town house.  That used to be out of necessity, but I like the convenience in relation to the city centre, and would like to keep it as long as the landlord is amenable. 

    Wife wants the 'picket fence'.  I'd like somewhere I can invite friends and their wives over for BBQ or general socialising, as the bar scene no longer interests me.

  14. 50 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    And, we all can guess what will happen in that situation. 


    Farang: my account was hacked and 500,000 Baht stolen. 


    K. Nok Bank Manager: solly siiir. Your money 500,000 Baht gone na. Please change your password na kha. Sawatdee kha. 

    With Kbank I lost 60K due to card scamming.  It was near a university, and they took 1000, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000 etc.  Kbank said they were not at fault.  I said I wanted to see the video of the times it was taken then by being there they would clearly see that it wasn't me (and the pattern of withdrawals was not my behaviour either).  They said they would have to get the police, and if I was found to be wasting police time they would charge me.  I changed banks and never dealt with them again.  It's not like I even keep a lot of money in a bank in this country or any other, I just don't trust them at all.  Shower of (*&(&(&*&^$%$ all of them from my experience.

    • Like 1
  15. 37 minutes ago, WonnabeBiker said:

    I'll bite. YES. years later, I was approached again and we met. Soon after, she wanted a loan to buy AIA life insurance for her Dad. Horrified, I tried to nix that.


    Paid half of what she wanted and got the first of 10 monthly installments. But she is with some boy now - the age difference is 28 years. And she won't even explain her non-payment.


    Seems all going according to PLAN. The suckering...


    Move on, man!

    My first and only previous GF cut and run, saying to mutual acquaintances "I want him to learn by himself".  In that instance it was family that forced her hand as I found out later.  Didn't work out for her though.  I had no money at the time, and family wanted 'stuff'.  I started to earn good once they were out of my life. Sick and funny at the same time.  Yes it hurt, but glad in hindsight.

    At least my current partner is prepared to communicate in some way - I've learned that the best way is to set it up that another Thai (eg. wife of a friend, then interpret back to my own language) seems to be the best way to get to the foundational story,  Not perfect, but tolerable.

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  16. Did I not say that I know we don't own anything, and even Thais don't own anything really, since once we pop our clogs we can't take it with us, so the value is merely right of use for our tenure.


    I'll buy her the house she dreams of, which to me is not interesting at all.  I'm not concerned she'll leave me, I'm more concerned whether she'll leave if I were to ask her to, so it's given freely and 100% in her name, I would be a guest if I chose to be there with her.  I used to be the supplicating one, now I know the world is my oyster - shoe on other foot kind of thing, I just have to not destroy myself with excess, and why I live such a simple life while accumulating resources.

    If I'm going to invest seriously (more than just gifting a house) then I want a method that peoples feelings can't interfere with business logic.  Someone else will win it eventually when I'm gone, I just want 'use of' for now (eg. 30+30 years is way more than enough).


  17. 15 hours ago, rumak said:

    you're making  me shiver already.  who is this "her" ?   how long have you been in a relationship.  what status do you have with her family?  the questions go on and on.  and then your answers !  I expect the usual "i trust her 100%",   or if i lose the house i still have the land.  

    what you need to know ( and knowing is a lot more complicated than a lawyer or a friend of a friend telling you something.   or trying to look up on google thai land laws ).   

    For starters, there are many long time thailand dwellers here on TV.  Ask (survey) how many have successfully acquired land by way of forming a company.  I guess that is what you mean by a business acquisition.  Or do you plan to put it in a "good friends" name that you "trust".  Shiver, shiver. Yes, you can get a long term lease on a property, but you will never own it...and if there are problems dealing with the locals or going to court would be something I do not wish for.

    Only sure way i know to live in a house without paying rent is go buy one for your wife/gf/bf or whatever

    and take your chances.  There are many success stories.  And even more (if my figuring is correct) downright failures.     Study up........

    Wife (not really wife, in speech only, no kids thankfully)  8 year relationship been here 12+ years in total.

    We're splitting up apparently - that may change but I'm assuming that's the case - all since Friday night when I asked my farang friend back and she really took exception to that (complicated and will skip that for now).  Occurred to me that we're battle tested, but only one direction (me fighting for her, not her tolerating my failings at all as a counterparty).

    I'm prepared still to buy her a house as a f-off present, and can do that without much pain - I might or might not, depends on the moment.  I'm not really feeling any pain right now which surprises me since I invested my heart into this relationship, but.... meh... I'm done (she is still amazing and gorgeous, but it looks like she's going to be that for someone else, not me, I just did the kindergarten thing and won't see the benefit, but that next guy could be a great buddy at arms length).

    My own place I want  to be special though, which would be the '007 Island" and want that in a business name not a wife with estrogen name, although I'm not sure of the current rules on that, so I continue to just rent a very modest place for now.

    I will never own the place and I am well aware of that.  Even for native Thais owning is a transient nature of things and we're born naked and hairless, and exit the same way.  We gather toys along the way, and I have assets that don't really matter at all, so not really a loss.

    Hope that makes sense in where I'm coming from.... I'm not pretending to be smart. I'm a 49 year old baby. I just have some skills that can make a positive difference if given a chance, or negative if forced too.

  18. Splendid.  As always.

    I come from about 1 mile from Haydock race course, a small village called...Haydock.  Hello Thailand.  The last parting words of my mother "don't be coming back here with some dusky new woman".  So I didn't.  Was that wise advice? Dunno, never tried it.

    Enjoy your day.  I'm showered/shaved and ready to go meet some friends and speak my native language for a few hours.  Ignore anything I write after this cut off point for the next 24 hours...it might not be pretty because I'm going to be taking out my relationship feelings on a perfectly innocent Leo.  Guess who's going to pay, and pay manifold... Gep tang Kaap!



  19. 18 hours ago, jackdd said:

    By advancing the ignition timing you still can't change the compression ratio of the engine, and that's what all this is about.

    In the cycle of the piston there is a certain optimal point of when the spark plug should ignite. Why would a manufacturer not use this optimal point? And why would a manufacturer recommend fuel with an octane level at which this optimal point could not be used?

    So you are basically saying that manufacturers are wasting energy / power by recommending to use 91 instead of 95? This just doesn't make any sense.


    Hmmm, the last new car I bought in UK (which would be very old now) was all based on values assuming RON98 or 'Super' or 'Premium' or whatever.

    I'm not a chemist so can't defend the numbers, but it seemed happier with that stuff than 'regular'.  I noticed temperature made a difference also, as I had to drive over the Pennines so altitude was also a factor.

  20. 3 hours ago, elgenon said:

    Your dog can use the ATM? Very be careful!

    Maybe I could train him(?) he's staying close to me as I write, as although he can't talk, he lives via his nose and can feel (yeah actual feelings... here... in Thailand).  He knows I might be out of his picture soon and is hanging on.  He just wants everyone to be happy and play team.  Human mum doesn't get it, and her cute little fluffy friend is no good to her right now and he can't compute that.

    I know she cares about the dog more than me, but to see her ignore him also is a game ending event.  If we should split up I can see me going for custody of the dog (!! yeah that messed up).....and this is a woman that wants kids to fill her picket fenced house that I will buy her?  (I will buy the house to prove a point, but am entirely unconvinced she'll get the take home message....8 years, all good, I bring a friend home that she doesn't like and all is broken.  Battle tested relationship but ... only one way around, to test my mettle.  The other way it's as hard as noodles.. I have to laugh.  I brought home a friend - it should have been a girlfriend so that she would have a defensible position.

    What's the Dylan line?
    I'm too old to cry, but it hurts too much to laugh.

    I guess Sunday is going to be a beer day.  Not proud of it, but at least there will be people who actually answer you when you say something, and that alone is a positive to climb back from.  Won't be the last time I'm down here...  Smoke me a kipper...  I'm going to have fun but I'll be back for breakfast.


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