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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I know not all Americans are stupid. But it seems the majority of the voters are stupid and/or ignorant.

    Trump did not change since he is president. He is the same moron like he was before the election. And people voted for him.

    The USA have the president they deserve.


    I am sorry for the smart Americans, I know they exist. Please educate the rest of your country. They really need it.

    I think smart Americans are generally the ones that got out of dodge, and are now our neighbors...generally.

    I say this as a Northern English person, which is no more than 220 miles from Britain (so say the remainers rulers).

  2. Only have experience of Civic RS Turbo as a daily, and Focus RS Turbo as a test drive (still no Type R in Thailand it seems) - both a million miles ahead of the Fortuner that preceded that choice though.  Both are GTI(ish) but not enough to satisfy the teenager in us.  They're both safe and reliable.  For SUV, a friend bought a Mazda CHR which is more that direction.  I drove it and it was very nice, but can't tell you about performance since it wasn't my car and wasn't trying to be a Yahoo.

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Makes perfect sense to me.  They have some percent chance of picking up a return fare if they haul you out of town. 


    If you hail them from out of town, they have 0% chance of getting a fare in the opposite direction.



    I live in the city though, so I go out of town, then am looking for a lift back to the city, so their final destination is where they want to finish.  They will do the outward journey though where they are less likely to get job in a non densely populated area for the return leg of the first journey to the city.

    Worse than that though, I tip good as a gesture when I ask for their number where they assure me that they will come when I telephone them, and give them an approximate time as well - happened multiple times, and it causes a lot of hassle and expense working out how to find an alternative to them  Maybe I should with hold the tip until the return leg is complete.  Moot now as I bought my missus a new car so she taxis me if I ever want to go somewhere (which typically is for a few beers with friends, so there's no way I'm going to drive).


  4. It's like discount beer.  The more you drink the more you save.


    But seriously:  since if the '+' was a '-' then the teachers answers would have been correct, it really makes me think about when you go into a shop and they use a calculator and they do something really convoluted to arrive at a number that is the correct digits but the wrong symbol, and if this is how they actually think the process through, then just throw away the symbol.  Negative profits...


    I wonder what the teacher would have said the answer to "10 + 20" is.  +10?



  5. In Udon a have had TukTuk's asking for 250-300 when a Grab taxi quotes 110 day in day out (not sure if they have a peak/off peak policy but I doubt it, maybe different in BKK though).


    My only gripe with Grab is that here they will not collect you from out of town to come back to the city even though they supplied the outbound journey.  I get the impression that they think it's further to do the circuit one way than the other (seriously).

  6. I just asked my missus about this kind of set up, and her view is that it depends on the shop - some will, some won't, and it'll come down to your actual contract.


    Since shops here for cars and bikes make very little  on the vehicle, and their profit is mostly in being a loan broker, they may have factored the interest as if it were profit already achieved.  If instead you went to a bank and only borrowed money rather than borrowing money against a 1st charge on a car (effectively a cash purchase as the shop would see it), then I expect the bank would let go of the interest payment, but there may be a 1 - 3 month interest penalty or something like that.


    Sounds like you need someone who can interpret the fine print on your contract to get a solid answer.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Hummin said:

    I could not replace a human with a dog. Well if you someone blindly follow and act like dog, you should get a dog, and not a gf or wife. 

    I said it would probably be my last relationship, not a dog replacing a wife.  Maybe I'd buy an insanely fast sports car and pretend I was 18 again, but the car wouldn't be replacing my wife either, more likely to mask some mid-life crisis which is well overdue.

  8. I never kept in touch or inquired about my first Thai GF.  I was too cut up after I found she'd hopped over to her (soon to be) husband before she'd even told me it was over.  Not even a single day of downtime.   The mother did call me some time later and told me that my former GF had become pregnant with her new husband and asked if I missed her.  Geez, the blood was still warm on the knife!  A friend of hers told me (though I wasn't asking) that she'd finally got her Honda Civic and was looking at some land in her village to build a house, but that she wasn't really that happy.  I think she was trying to elicit some response.  Anyhow that was more than a decade ago and hadn't given it much thought in a long time until the OP's question arose.


    On year 9 of current relationship, and I think it will be my last (whether it continues to work or not).  It's no longer a romantic relationship (if it ever was), more like we work for each other and are a team.  I'd probably get a dog next time if I found myself getting lonely.



    • Haha 1
  9. Paying bills is pretty much the only business 7-11 get from me (although I delegate so not entirely sure).  If I want something from a shop I'll take the local family shop every time, both out of principle and because rarely long queues.  Top Up I do on internet.  Never figured out if I could direct debit the bills on there.  Seems a bit odd that, in this day and age.

  10. 1 hour ago, hobz said:

    Deposit and withdraw. There's machines for that everywhere, usually outside 711 (withdraw)

     I don't get it.


    Is this mostly for ppl that want to deposit a bunch of small bills and coins because they run some type of mom/pop shop? Seems like the only valid reason for this. 

    This goes way beyond just banking as their reasoning.  Loyalty promotions, crypto, remittance etc all factor in.  In a couple of years it will be self evident.


    Banks have been closing branches for quite a while now.  Manual tellers are becoming a thing for the history books, like flag wavers for the automobile.


    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    So why am I still here, my family lived till eighties and nighties breathing in ciggy, coal and paraffin (diesel) fumes heating the house....We were exposed to horrendous crap in our working life but we are still here.... Why is that...?

    When I was a kid smoke came from every house chimney, smog covered London every year, yet we are still here.....Pubs in the UK, most smoked having a beer, did the bar staff all drop dead...Don't think so..

    I smoke.  There's one particular friday night I remember in the 80's going into the local on a friday night and the air was visibly blue with the smoke.  Even I as a smoker couldn't take it and my eyes were watering.  I chirped up saying "we need extractor fans, for all concerned", instead they eventually banned smoking, the pub industry died, not the smokers.  In that period where they had outside smoking zones about 1 in 3 would come outside as non smokers because their friends were there.  Law and the governed don't really sing from the same song sheet.

  12. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    Modern day diet, must go and get plastered at the late night disco on Friday and Saturday every week.....Folk go on and on here about smoking but in years to come the now youngsters will face an early grave......

    Useless factoid:


    Smoking increases risk of death to the tune of about 5x (500%) for lung cancer.  Being 70+, even as a non smoker increases risk of lung cancer about 500x (50,000%).  Toke and chill, just don't advertise it to the law.  Green tea will add about 13 years to your life, or just 8 if you're a smoker, so if you make marajuana tea... just sayin'


    "It's the immune system stupit!" - not what happens, but what you do about it.


  13. 2 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

    A lot of university aged women  in the UK and Ireland have became obese and Americanised


    I visited recently and the quality has literally went to the dogs


    You could walk around malls and parks in Dublin, Belfast London , and count the stunning looking women on your fingers


    It has certainly changed and not for the better

    Last time I was in England (I think maybe 2008?) I was there for 3 weeks and in all that time I saw just one girl who I would class as 'doable' on first impression (purely on looks, I didn't actually know her).  She was something like half my age(ish) so unobtanium there.  I'd also be frowned upon as a kiddie fiddler (she was probably University age or something).  Here there's a different system.  My wife is 33 and I'm 49 and that's seen as okay.  In England the curtains would be twitching.


    She's about 3Kg over her own preferred weight.  I'm thinking 'f**********k' that's 20Kg less than you'd be if you came from where I came from.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    If any guy has a preference for ladyboys how can they be straight?

    I mentioned earlier in this thread that a friend that had a LB partner.  He insists that he's straight (he's been married and has an adult kid).  (S)he said "I have a cock, how can you be straight?  I am a man with long hair".  The convo wasn't going well and they asked me to mediate.  I backed out, not my job.  They're in their the relationship and I'm a bystander.



    • Haha 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    Then what is? 

    I am not trying to be rude, but what exactly does a perversion mean?

    The obvious would be where underage sex interest is concerned, but is that all?

    Google being my girlfriend, I just tried it and it suggests that it's a distortion or deviation from what was originally intended.  That there is a can of worms with no end to the movie.  I'm going outside to chill and avoid the bar room blitz ?


    • Haha 1
  16. 43 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

    think about it... for the most part,  they overexaggerate, try to be the center of attention, overact their femininity, and like to flaunt everything. Other things they do as well is not normal for a teacher or employee to do. That is pushing their gender simply by throwing it in your face.. If your business is trying to pull customers off the street, they would be great to hire. But for a restaurant or a job with close contact to customers or profession where opinions determine the outcome of your success. It would be risky to hire a ladyboy. Kids are impressionable easily. Customers would either embrace and enjoy the ladyboy employee or they would ridicule and run depending on your business. 

    Is is risky to hire because of these reasons also... 

    Also, in experience watching them at a distance, I have noticed they are easily angered and quickly prone to violence if you don't accept them. Reject their transgender and comment and you will see fists flying same as a man. 


    I know/knew only one, that was the partner of a farang friend, and the first impression that I got, which falsely made me believe they were (as a generalisation) decent average people.  That single exception aside, every other I've met has been at best neutral, and at worst like the gum on the sole of someone elses flip flop.


    If I use the term "straight Gay" (meaning straight as in regular, or behave in a reasonable way socially), then gays are often very nice people (more so than most, as they try harder, being aware of everything), and lesbians also (although sometimes guarded).  LB's though, they seem to be the mix of all the worst aspects of society.  Now someone will write up and give me an example of an exception, but I'm talking generalisation, not specific people.

    It's no more true or false than saying all white people are trillionaires and all black people live in the bronx and shoot sideways.  Government is the measure of decency and the queen of England only eats humanely murdered puppies.


  17. 1 hour ago, animalmagic said:

    ???.  Picture or it never happened!

    Cling film (glad wrap) for clothing is both hygienic, truthful, and one size fits all.


    More seriously, I hope it works out well for you both.  I've had my own version of this drama.  Good in the end, but certainly more costly and much much more painful than I bargained for.  Hope the divestment is worth it to you.  I said yes, almost all disagreed with me.  Now they say yes also, but they didn't have their cock on the hot plate. 

    • Confused 1
  18. I know this is an old thread, but only just seen it at the side of the screen, and I feel like writing without being asked, so out of selfishness I'm going to impose for some self therapy (hey, if you can't write it down you don't understand it...and all that).


    Thinking about my relationship in relation to the thread, I can pick a couple of points that will have people groaning as a 'oh not again' and some that I think might actually be genuinely useful.


    I'll start by saying I've been with my girl 8+ years, so I must like her in some way, but that's not to say we don't have issues with each other.


    • I found her in a bar, she was a 'cashier' (no really she was - I just chose not to ask for more information that I didn't want to hear).
    • I work on the assumption that there's some history that is better left unspoken.  She told me about her Thai boyfriend way back in her teens and what he was like and why she didn't "do relationships" (butterfly, loud car, big sound, yabba etc).  I never asked if she had 'customers'.  I think actually she didn't, but I'm working on the probability that TiT and she did.  History, not my song sheet.
    • Although I want to say "my girls different", she doesn't have 6" of limp self evident between her legs to prove that.  There are some traits that are on balance a little different, but nothing that would make the news:
    1. She doesn't have many friends.  She's just had a birthday, and it's her first birthday party ever so I said I'd underwrite the whole deal, invite who you like.  There were maybe 3 groups of friends who didn't know each other, they were each in their own 'cubicle', so to speak, in her mental arrangement so this was their first time all meeting, then there was the group that are gf's/wives of farang that we both know, which I'd call 'our group'.  Even pulling out all the stops there were no more than 20-25 (ish) people.  Not a village full like you might expect for a freebie, and no hangers on.
    2. She is quite content to leave her phone at home, and nip around to the neighbour friends.  She doesn't live on the phone, and her "facebook pictures of food and cute dogs" is a task and not a lifestyle.  I like a phone to be a phone, and a computer to be a computer, so I'm happy I'm not competing with it for her attention.
    3. She's fairly self sustaining and not needy.  I like that, as I am also.  I don't get pressured into doing things I don't want, only asked, if it's something beyond her capacity or tolerance.
    4. As per above point, we're not in each others pockets.  I like my own company and she seems to like hers, and we (and also friends) hook up, have fun then go back to our own lives.  Not being needy is a very attractive trait.


    In moments of frustration I've tried to kick her out of my life (when I didn't really mean it, but had to lash out at something), and she won't leave - she accommodates... She (the song).  She becomes more accommodating the more I push, and haven't had the balls to see where the trip switch is, there will be one.  I know she needs me for money, and that it's not merely that I have a chiseled jaw, a private island governed by bikini beauties and the foundations are solid gold, it's because she knows 'the real me'.....tumble weeds, someone coughing in the back of the room, and otherwise silence...

    My one and only previous Thai relationship (blurring past my drunken womanising serial monogamy each evening period), she was good also, but also family steered, and the ultimate destruction of that relationship.  She got what she wanted with someone else, and the end of that story was a bit like what you might imagine if the dog actually did catch the motorbike and wonder 'what now?' - babied, Honda Civic'd and concrete housed and committed to a couple of decades of 'up to you' later.  I must write to her and ask her how she's enjoying that pink Nokia (remember when Nokia was "a thing"? - pre-social networking) she extracted from me when I had no money and was counting satang.  Life has a funny way.  Leo has been my only permanence/mistress so knock it at the peril of making a target. 


    What else? oh, it's a long week until weekend... bggr.


    and as I was about to say...
    [you have less than 20 baht. For toppup ....]



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