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Posts posted by Shiver

  1. 25 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

    Both you and BritManToo have great advice. My problem is IMO the Thai women I have been involved with detach so easily so I have started to develop a let’s have fun for a year and then it is over because it generally is great at the beginning and then after a while they start to want too much. I know they have pressure on them when they date an expat.  I know that is a generalization and not fair to paint all thai women that way but it has been my experiences. I also am a realist. I am 58 look good for my age but I am not attracted to women over age 39 and maybe just maybe I am the issue and send some signals that I am not wanting forever. But it takes me a while to detach and it seems to me a thai woman can love you on Monday and delete you on Tuesday and that is hard to emotionally understand and keep repeating. 


    I also know a few married guys and their women are great and educated but the guys also spend a ton of money on them and buy rice land for them and etc..... makes me wonder how great they would be if the money slowed down or stopped. 





    I can relate to what you guys are saying as it overlaps much of my own experience.  The first 2 years of our relationship was out of this world fantastic, and wondered what I did to deserve something so good.  The last 6 years have been a convenience for each other, more business like.  I'd be happy to stay with her to end of days if she'd stay with, or evolve from first negotiations rather than changing the game rules.  I've provided all the security anyone could need, and much more.  I created a monster (probably out of my own need to prove myself worthy or something). 

    We get on well with a couple of hours a day in each others company and being fairly independent outside of mutual back scratching, but tbh I get more from my farang friends in terms of conversation, understanding and acknowledgement than I ever could with a woman in my social sphere in this country.  I want to go to Vienna, Andorra, Livigno, Chile and many other places.  She's never seen snow and has no desire to.  A picket fence a kid and a 3-bed is the end game for her.  She's wonderful, she's my equal ... but we're not the same.


    Right now if I was single I'd be heading to Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines while I'm in Asia.  All the crp about smoking/politics/tourism/visas (I bought an Elite visa which I probably won't finish), not caring for the populous and only their top brass is getting me down.

    I've given my missus some suggestions and asked her to leave several times (she won't - even though she has all she needs from me), but she won't set me free to put my stick in a hole, and I don't butterfly, so I've given an ultimatum, and her answer is silence.  "Do you hear me? Do you understand what I'm saying?", "Yes", "Okay, you don't have to answer me right now, but will you promise to think about what you want in your life and see if we have a future and how I can best help you?" .... silence.  <deleted>!  

    Sorry for dumping, it just fell onto the keyboard.


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  2. On 11/8/2018 at 10:15 AM, hobz said:

    I would rather share the road with high people (friendly, cautious) than share the road with tired and angry people. 

    Have a minor fender nearly bender, say "hey whoa dude" a few times, belly laugh about it for 20 mins, swap christmas cards, and joke about it for decades more. 

    We need the economy sector (fast food and insurance companies) to displace the political and military sectors.

  3. On 11/6/2018 at 4:28 PM, HappyAndRich said:

    That a very good step to promote public health and to get rid of all the bad smelling spews of all smokers.
    If you want to smoke, get away from people and show some dignity and respect for other that don´t want your tobacco smoke in their lungs.


    Same like a factory can´t dump their shit anywhere, due to that it´s bad for nature. You smokers can´t dump your dangerous smoke into other peoples lives and surroundings.

    Thank You!

    Fair comment, but what about city smog?  I'd rather choke down several packs of cigarettes than ride my push bike behind the trucks and busses taking just one breath until I can get past them.

    • Like 2
  4. I haven't followed the whole of all the threads on this topic, so apologies if I'm repeating someone else's comments, but...


    Wouldn't it be better for all concerned that they just demand some money be kept on escrow (eg. $2000) so that if they have a need to send you back for some reason, they're doing it on the foreigners funds, then do like Cambodia and charge a few hundred dollars for a 1 year visa, and forget the 90 day thing, and make life more simple for all concerned?



    • Thanks 1
  5. Looking at the headlines of today's email.


    No alcohol

    No smokes


    added to ....


    No vaping

    No weed


    So all we need now is ...


    No fun in Thailand


    or. ....


    No taxes since there's No service to the population.


    I think the above list needs to be inverted.  Anyone threatening to go to Cambodia?  My missus and a small number of friends are why I stay here, not anything about the country.  It's become about as appealing as UK became before I felt I had to leave it forever.  When you're born in a cage you don't know that a cage is not natural I guess.


    Anyone want to chip in and we establish an independent island? (only half joking).


  6. 17 hours ago, jimmynewbie said:

    Good post I use it for arthritis, cbd oil is ok helps but lets be honest thc works far better

    They need to do far more tests and not just on rats

    Ha ha,  "We took a sample size of 100 rats and asked them if they were happier after smoking weed.  No response.  In conclusion....
    Rats are too lazy to learn English after smoking weed, though there was a propensity to eat Pringles in larger stax than normal".

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  7. 4 hours ago, Amusements said:

    Personably I don't agree with anyone under the age of 21 (undeveloped brain) smoking cannabis. It can be very detrimental. A friend of mine (drug councilor) dealt with a lot of schizophrenia with clients who started smoking cannabis in their teen years. As a medicine, there can be positive benefits for youngsters with cancer ect, which do not have the same effect as smoking.


    With adults (developed brain) smoking has a different effect. I smoked when I was 19, and it made me laugh and be silly, then I stopped for 10 years. When I was 30+ I smoked it for a few years it and helped me with spondylitis and asthma. I am a bit older now and suffer with nothing anymore.






    ...but schizophrenics don't get cancer. Look it up.  Paradigm challenging stuff.


    Ahem, ... just sayin'

    • Like 2
  8. You might be interested in Lufenuron.  It doesn't kill ticks, but it does stop the eggs from developing a hard shell, so that the immune system can break them down.

    I've seen it in animal products (called "Program"), but not sure there's a human licensed version.  You could make your own capsules though if you're adventurous.  There may still be some people selling it for human use, but the description would be a bit vague on purpose.

  9. 17 hours ago, rott said:

    I can remember a time when people were admonished not to repeat a long post just to add a line or two.


    In this case though I do see the point.


    Load of self-serving, smug waffle.

    "Happy Thursday everyone."

    That short enough?

    If you can do lossy compression of information then please do tell.  I just wrote what I wrote long hand and nothing more/less.  Apologies if it was wordy, but I was defending the writer (who I do not know), and not "self serving smug waffle" at all.  Next time you need support, write on a Visa forum or something and see how many come to your rescue in real world.  I'll be in the background watching with interest.

    I would be *nothing* without people who trusted me.  They would have failed later without me, and I without them, them without I etc.  Do you want me to call them smug and report back? - nah, fruitless exercise as it would only be talk, any which way, as people I enjoy the company of are mild and gentle, not thugs.

    They'd probably just laugh and say "forget about it".  If someone did that to me then I'd likely do the same, but tonight..... My Missus said something about my friend and knee jerk I defended him over her.  I was shocked (as she is pretty awesome to me), she was, and he I guess was too.... (much respect gained on all sides later on)  I'm not for sitting down though, and not for making issues either.  As a 'keyboard warrior' it's easy to pretend, but IRL I'm just saying I want a quiet magnolia life, but if backed into a corner then weird sht would not be unexpected (friendly but a bit weird - that's how it appears to people with a different drum beat).

    No issues with any readers, of Wifey, or friend.  I hope you are able to understand....

  10. On 10/11/2018 at 3:24 PM, PeCeDe said:

    Your comments are dripping with a demeaning distaste for the Thai "low IQ/low-empathy immigration officer," and smack of how dare they question me, I'm God! Have you tried other Country I/O's including your own because they would be the same, ask the same questions be identical in every way even though they have a well earned and superior degree, just like Thailand all Country I/O's are trained to not care about the visitors self important stature, Country of origin etc. You're right Thailand has some catching up to do but I'm confident it will get there, meanwhile try to be a little more sensitive and appreciate the Country the I/O has allowed you to enter, remember the Country belongs to him/her not you and permission is not automatic just because you have a higher IQ (ahem)...

    Whooa!  He's saying (if I understand) that just because they can't understand your procedures it can't be true!

    "Any technology sufficiently advanced will appear as magic" (or 'summink' like that).

    I say he's right, that they can't understand (and that includes farang) so they stick to their trusted ways of yesteryear because they believe their forefathers and not what's coming down the tracks to run them over because they're too busy saying "I want a swimming pool like that, but it has to be bigger" (without earning it).  I'm a crypto eejit and made a chunk doing that amongst other businesses that nobody paid attention to prior, at the time at all because it wasn't on CNBC or some such.  Even today in late 2018 everyone thinks I'm some kind of weirdo with too much cash (I can still run out if I help too many people and then where would I be in this land of smiles and gossip?), when the reality is they weren't paying attention, so to defend themselves they pick on the innocents to deflect from their own guilt or lack of attention to what's going on around them.

    I could easily live on an average teachers wage (actually I do!) and my missus says "why you keep giving money to other people" and I say "You....are the other people.  You cost me more (emotionally, and likely in fiat) than all of the other gifts put together whereas I spend very modestly" - I don't have a house, I don't have a car, or even a scooter anymore (she has all of that) - it's all gifted.  I don't have gold, I don't have residence/citizenship or passport here (She has that too), I'm a 2nd class citizen that can meet their best class in every respect, like for like) I don't have a gbzmilizon in the bank (she's doing pretty good by me though - but in fairness she met me as a potential, not a result, so not a gold digger or any other derogatory term) - I keep that out of danger thank you very much, and even with a gun to my head and Ps & Sh streaming down my leg and full of fear, they cannot win...because I thought about tomorrow before it happened.  As you might imagine that doesn't go down well at all (nor did I expect it to).  If you earn it you can give it or spend it (which is ultimately giving anyhow).  Then they say "don't talk about money like that" and I say "I don't, but you do!".  It get's worse, then there's a breakdown, confusion (and I do a take away and go for a 'walk') and then finally we reach parity and caring.

    Life is full of 50/50's (givers and takers).  I'm a giver and a giver again, and I give a lot away for free, but I don't do nothing for nothing (anything for nothing).

    So back the f off and let the guy speak, please....

    That was my detour which was nothing at all to do with the posters point of view, but his point of view is just as valid as anyone else's here.  And... his point of view is right (because it's an opinion...not that it would need pointing out, would it.).



    So go on... bring on the hate mail...

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, madusa said:

    I wonder what is Chinese whispers? Please explain. I need to know.

    (never seen chinese whisper always see them talking loudly ) I would like to whisper to them "keep your voice down" in Chinese language. That would be fun wouldn't it?

    I mean something like "send reinforcement we're going to advance" after lots of gossip and lossy relays becomes "send 3 and 4 pence we're going to a dance".

    Like people saying take antibiotics for a viral infection.  Like how my business doubled in price paid for price after mere weeks (but nobody asked me).  Endless examples.

    For Durian, "taken together will kill you".  It is classed as a 'heat' fruit buy the Chinese, and it's not good to challenge the liver too much (in this case lots of good fats - which still need to be processed by the liver, and dumping a bottle of whiskey on top of it would be silly, but there are many other ways of doing that, and I suspect OP may not that kind of character anyhow.


    Another alternative would be to study something like YK-11. 10lbs in 30 days is not unusual, and it's not a steroid or a SARM.

  12. While others may have more comprehensive suggestions, I would look into Durian as a calorie dense/low volume source of healthy fats. I know with myself If I eat fats I can lose weight, or if I eat carbs I can lose weight, but the two combined I can pile it on (If I'm well behaved I look like a Meso, but beer can hide that).

    Some say that mixing Durian with Alcohol is not a good idea, as both fats and the metabolites of Alcohol, when combined can give the liver a hard time.  There's a lot of misinformation, but it does appear to be based on a small amount of truth before being turned into urban myths and chinese whispers.


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  13. 13 hours ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

    haha! That was your 420th post btw... 
    I haven't been stonned in years, but these days I'd just want access to CBD oil for various medical reasons, without any worry or hassle. 

    I read about others experience, but tried CBD and it didn't do anything at all.  Others may say different (evidence based medicine rather than science based).  Tried a concentrate also, but same result, so gave it away, yet others thought it was okay. YMMV, I have nothing like that on my person these days - esp in this country.

  14. 3 hours ago, kwilco said:

    As I said, you clearly don't understand how the efficqacy of any medicinal product or therapy is verified.

    The process is well established and universally accepted, it is incontrovertible.

    You really need to educate yourself of this methodology, it is founded on critical thinking and skeptically.

    Even the conclusions you draw from my post are incorrect which just further underlines how you don't understand the basics.

    This site will help you understand the basics...




    I would also suggest you read "Bad Science" by Ben Goldacre.


    The whole point of skeptically and critical thinking is that is fully understands fallibility and the part it plays in continuing investigation rather than jumping to the first conclusion that comes along.


    What most anecdotal examples do is substitute association instead of cause.

    This is an interesting article that shows how quackery abuses evidence based medicine against science based.



    Look, I have better things to do than to get into a pissing contest, so will suggest only one thing:

    Take resveratrol, because it worked for rats.
    (unmentioned: That's about 70 litres of wine per day, if you assume 100% bio-availability).
    Maybe you could make Liposomal wine, and reduce it to just 3 litres a day... never tried.

    Apple, Orange, genetically I'm guessing 95%+ the same.  One person can be an <deleted> and the other a president, and a third person would say what's the difference?

    I'm done.  I found what works, and don't wish to engage with people who tell me what works with why it couldn't possibly.

    Explain to me how SBM is more accurate than EBM, please... I'm all ears if you're constructive and trying to reach a result rather than insulting me.


  15. 2 hours ago, kwilco said:

    Yes...you clearly don't understand the difference between scientifically verifiable evidence and anecdote...The plural of anecdote is NOT data.


    If you hit your thumb with a hammer in a forest when nobody is listening, did it still happen?

    Logic and science is not Truth.  It's a descriptive language, and fallible. 

    Thank you for your positive schooling me, though I'll stick with my own methods thank you very much.  It's saved quite a lot of lives, but there's no white paper to prove it so it couldn't have happened.

  16. On 9/28/2018 at 6:03 AM, kwilco said:

    As ever the 2 issues mixed up.

    The first is recreational cannabis use.....there is good peer review research that strongly suggests it should be decriminalize or legalized.

    Many major companies have for years had copywriters names for cannabis products and many countries have taken steps in that direction.

    They also like the idea of the potential tax venues.


    The second...the issue of medical cannabis is a far murkier area.

    Firstly, recreational users WANT medical cannabis to be accepted because they think it helps their "cause" ... in reality it doesn't.

    Then you have Big Pharma who can't wait to sell Cannabis based products, mostly through their quack subsidiaries at first.

    Cannabis is the new herbalism and represents easy money for every quack throughout the world.

    The internet is swamped with claims of cannabis' efficacy; most are dubious at best, others are downright bogus.

    The problem is there slimply is not enough proper scientific research....by this I mean REAL double blind peer reviewed papers that convincingly back up ANY claims for cannabis and it's derivatives.

    Even the apparent benefits..seen often in video are not valid....Not research exists on long term efficacy or dosage or even the active ingredients.......(anyone whose been really stoned will know that moving is a real hassle, but you don't want to be in that state for life).


    The reality is not without precedent, ( e.g. N-rays, electricity, homeopathy), the general public are swept up in the idea that cannabis is some kind of cure-all miracle drug that cures everything from pain through mental illnesses to cancer.

    If you want to be so unscientific, before jumping on the bandwagon remember that one of the world's most famous prolific cannabis users, Bob Marley, died of cancer.

    Placebo double blind and control evidence not withstanding, I've seen someone with Parkinsons at an advanced stage use it, and the effect was dramatic and not 'that' debilitating.  The only other thing I've seen that was as effective was I.M. injection of large doses of Glutathione which is truly startling, but only lasts for about 30 mins.

    I have an arm/shoulder injury which is problematic unless slugged by something where it can damp spasms (is that the right word?) by about half.  The bone healed fine and have full range of motion, but I daren't carry anything with it for fear of it slinging something across the room without me intending it to due to what I presume is nerve damage - it's coming back ever so slowly, but it's been a year already and I think the best of the repair is behind me.  That and general social anxiety (and panic attacks if in the wrong situation - I've learned situational avoidance to reduce those to maybe 2 -3 times a year, and I wouldn't wish those on my worst enemy, if I had any), I'd love to get hold of something of known consistent strength so I don't end up with kaleidoscopes and inability to move my legs.  I'm not looking for that effect, just to get by in life and be coherent.  A gentle vape to take the rough edges off would be ideal.  I'm going to ask a doctor when the time is right if they'll prescribe it off label and see what they say.


  17. On 9/27/2018 at 10:17 PM, CLW said:
    On 9/27/2018 at 9:23 PM, Shiver said:
    I'd like to see it legal full stop, but if it has to be medical only, I think there are a lot more use cases than just the three they mentioned.  Hopefully they'll expand the list if its introduction were to go smoothly.

    In most, if not all countries, the legalisation of medicinal Marihuana lead to a decriminalisation and eventually legislation of recreational use as well


    That's encouraging.  Fingers crossed.  It would cut down on my beer a lot, so certain influential companies in this country might oppose it.

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