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Posts posted by Presto

  1. 36 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Fascinating stuff. Do you remember Shae Moss and Ruby Freeman? Two election workers in Georgia, harassed, threatened and chased out of their home by Trump supporters. What did the Garland DOJ do about that?

    (You must remember that videos and names were available of all of that)

    Absolutely nothing. They were left on their own to file a civil suit.

    Talk is cheap.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    He is making the right pitch to strengthen democracy. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/29/politics/biden-second-summit-for-democracy/index.html

    Meanwhile Trump pour gasoline and lit the fire on democracy.


    AG Garland has defended voting rights and the GOP doesn't like that and has been trying to attack him which is again dangerous for democracy. 

    Garland has had four years to put the coup plotters before a judge and had miserably failed. Caveat: miserably in the eyes of a non-American. Maybe Garland is a wonderful competent guy in the eyes of Americans.

    The right pitch? Again, I'm not American, I go for actual results, not for talk, and talk, and more talk.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    On the contrary, I think it is a briliant strategic move for Biden to make democracy the center of his campaign. For that he didnt have to do much as Trump's incendiary rhetoric that he intend to be a dictator on day one, denying the election result and going after his political enemies make clear that Trump is trying to dismantle democracy. Clear distinction who is for democracy and who has fascist intention. However at the end of the day, it is policies that will likely to determine the election and Biden hold the advantage.

    Four years and nothing to show for with regard to strengthening democracy. Just talk, talk, and more talk.

    Even the rule of law, essential for a functioning democracy, has efficiently been run into the ditch by Biden's choice for AG.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    Ok, that's a reason not to vote for Biden. And now? What are the alternatives? What would President Trump do? Would he block weapons to Israel?

    No, he wouldn't!

    So, what now? Vote for someone else who has about no chance to become president?

    Luckily, I don't have to vote over there. It's a tough choice between bad and even worse.

    Follow your conscience, instead of being bullied into a choice. But fortunately I don't have to make that choice. I can only have an opinion.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I think to be fair, Biden just can't win with that war and whatever he does.

    Many Americans support Israel, many others support Palestine, and many support a little this or that. Biden will lose voters with anything he does and with anything he doesn't do.

    His opponents, anyone of them, can always claim they would do it somehow better.


    It seems many voters vote against some politics, like supplying unlimited weapons to Israel. But they don't ask themselves: What would my favorite candidate do. Or even: What would I decided if I could? And how would that improve the situation.

    But that's my point. Biden is portrayed as empathetic, but he's anything but. He could have used America's leverage on Israel, but he won't, whatever war crimes are committed.

    He's an opportunist without principles, and that should be enough to loose him millions of votes. It's all very disgusting, and whether you like it or not, this Biden's legacy.

    I'll look up a link that describes his weird affinity for Israel (and it's ethnic cleansing), in defiance of and undermining Obama.

    Here it is:


  6. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    His policies are unclear and he is non committal on major issues such as reproductive rights, iimigration, gun control and Jan 6

    It has a certain charm that various nutcases announce themselves as running for the presidency, and amass a lot of money for campaigning. Nutcases like Jill Stein, who happily dined with Putin and Michael Flynn. And now Hulk Hogan feels it's the right moment to get his 15 minutes.

  7. 1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

    I think it is sad that a country can't find 2 younger, capable people to represent them.  

    Imo it's the Democratic party establishment. 

    First huge mistake was to choose Hillary Clinton as candidate, hugely unpopular.

    In his eight years Obama should have pushed towards a much younger successor, instead of someone from a dynasty.

    And then Biden. The mind boggles.

  8. 11 minutes ago, dhupverg said:

    Alternative is RFK Jr who just might make it into the debate.  CNN came out with rules to keep RFK Jr out of the debate, mainly saying you needed to be on enough states ballots to reach 270 electoral votes.  The only problem with that is both Trump and Biden are not on any ballots until they are confirmed at their respective conventions.  CNN also set a rule that you needed to be at 15% number via polling, and RFK is over that in a number of polls.


    Both Biden  and Trump don't want RFK on the debate as he will run circles around both of them.  



    Maybe the problem was that RFK jr is very hard to understand, with whatever he's saying?

  9. 47 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I guess you heard this before: Nations have no friends, they have interests.


    Biden does what is in the interest of the USA and the military industrial complex, and obviously he does what the rich Jewish donors want. He wants to get reelected; it would be stupid of him to oppose the people who donate millions and billions.

    Sure, there are also Americans who don't support the war. And there are DEM voters who don't like what he is doing. But what is the alternative for those people? Vote for Trump, who supports Israel even more?

    I thought Biden is supposedly to be admired because of his empathy? Where is his empathy with the tens of thousands of Palestinian children killed and maimed for life with the help of the American bombs that Biden supplied for free? 

    Even the pathetic word 'concern' doesn't come out of the mouth of this guy anymore.

    • Confused 1
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  10. 1 hour ago, dhupverg said:

    Here's a video from Biden's fundraiser in LA.  Good thing Obama was there to help the guy offstage.  Is this who the public really wants as president, or do people just hate the other guy so much that anyone will do, regardless of lack of mental faculities?



    The other guy is an incompetent, ignorant and corrupt fascist and racist, who will surround himself this time with enough competent fascists and christo nationalists, to put an end to the famed American democracy once and for all. With a minority of American voters, but that's how it works in America, minority rule.

    • Haha 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes I read it, that's why I posted it. The CNN article does not reveal all the demands, here some more, do you agree with this? Do you think Netanyahu will agree with it and the rest of them. Do you think Blinken is right when he says some are just unworkable?


    Arab translation of course this should be hostages: 

    5. Number of Detainees: The number of detainees to be released by Hamas has been adjusted from 33 to 32. This includes individuals who are alive, body parts, and remains, encompassing civilian women and female soldiers.



    I can't make a lot of sense of your response.

    Are some demands unworkable? Maybe in the eyes of Blinken. 

    It's a negotiation. Blinken is just blabbing to put public pressure on Hamas while, as always, shielding Israel from criticism.

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  12. 7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    We know that Blinken is biased, and not a neutral party.


    Correct, he's biased against terrorists are you not then?


    Hamas official tells CNN why it hasn’t accepted ceasefire plan that was approved by the UN Security Council, Hamas official says ‘no one has any idea’ how many Israeli hostages are still alive.

    The fate of the 120 remaining hostages in Gaza is crucial to any deal to end the protracted and bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas. But a senior Hamas official has told CNN that “no one has an idea” how many of them are alive, and that any deal to release them must include guarantees of a permanent ceasefire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

    In an interview with CNN, Hamas spokesperson and political bureau member Osama Hamdan offered an insight into the militant group’s position on the stalled ceasefire talks, a view on whether Hamas regrets its decision to attack Israel given the mounting Palestinian death toll, and a commentary on the leak earlier this week of messages from its chief in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, the man believed to be the ultimate decision-maker on any peace deal.



    Have you read the CNN article completely? Do you disagree with the demands of Hamas? Do you think Netanyahu has or will agree (hus rabid extreme right coalition buddies certainly won't) to a permanent ceasefire and full withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza?

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  13. 27 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Its not about you though.


    6 page topic on it, you think you are the first to discuss that.  The Poll was carried out by https://jlpartners.com/ not Henry....lol. Discuss in the topic, I will wait.


    Its not as bad as 90% of Palestinians that believe that Hamas did not commit any atrocities against Israel civilians during its October the 7th offensive.



    How many Israelis agree with the war crimes and atrocities committed against Palestinians?

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Israel as an independent nation can decide and control its own immigration policy .

      What makes you think that non Israel's should decide Israel's immigration policy ?

       Would you be telling Brazil who should be allowed to enter Brazil?

    You completely miss my point. 

    How would you define 'their own country'? Of Jews I assume.

    Jews from all over the world, with different nationalities and for different reasons, emigrate from their own country to Israel. Tens of thousands each year.

    What is their own country? They definitely have a new country, and as far as I'm concerned within the 67 borders. You have to draw a line somewhere.

    But that's of course not how it works. With increasing population, Israel needs land. Legal.ir illegal.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Do you think that Jews should be able to live in their own Country in Israel (regardless of actual borders) ?

    How would you define 'their own country'?

    Thousands and thousands of Jews have emigrated from their own country to Israel, because they could.

    For instance one of the recently rescued hostages has a dual Russian and Israeli nationality, and had arrived in Israel (reportedly) a year and a half ago.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 26 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


     The first link refers  to security measures taken after the Oct 7 th terror attack and the second link is about Non Israeli citizens .

       Palestinian Israelis live with equal rights in Israel before Palestains waged war on Israel on Oct 7 th 


    Anyway , better to get back on toic

    You do understand the meaning of the English words 'increased discrimination'?

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