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Posts posted by Presto

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      You need to provide a link to back up your claim 

    More info for you, about supposed equal rights.



    And about freedom of movement.


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  2. 26 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    What you probably learned in the past 3 years was that only Trump's loyalists defied subpoenas or told to defy by Trump. Deliquents shouldn't be rewarded and rightfully they are in jail or going to jail. They are afraid to tell the truth or afraid to incriminate Trump or in Steve Bannon case, it was an opportunity to grift from his audiences. 

    To me it doesn't matter who defies a Congressional subpoena. What matters is, what is it worth, if most give you the middle finger or delay the process for years. As politics go in America, every two years the flags are changed in the House, so a bit of delay always works, if DoJ doesn't cooperate and hands it over to the courts, for whatever reason.

    The Jan6 committee subpoenaed Bannon, Navarro, Meadows, Clark, Scavino. DoJ only prosecuted Bannon and Navarro. Why?

    DoJ, or maybe more accurate, Special Counsel Smith chose to only investigate and indict Trump, because of speed. Well, we now know how that will end. 

    Special Counsel or DoJ thought it best to let Bannon, Navarro, Eastman, Meadows, Clark, Flynn, etc, etc., off the hook.

    All members of Congress are supposedly out of bounds for DoJ, with the exception of rep Perry, whose phone has been confiscated. And that's it.

    We're almost four years after the failed coup, and there's nothing tangible to show that any of the plotters face consequences. Yes, two guys four months in jail (possibly?) for contempt of Congress.

    A bit embarrassing I'd say.

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    There’s lots of things Gym Jordan fails to do.


    After 18 years in Congress he’s failed to sponsor a single Bill that has been passed.


    He’s not too sharp at attending when subpoenaed to do so either.



    What I've learned in the past three years, is that Congressional subpoenas, and referrals to the DOJ, have no meaning. Better stop with wasting time is my advice.

    • Confused 1
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  4. 21 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    Though the crime of falsifying business records is nominally a misdemeanor, the Manhattan district attorney’s office almost always charges it as a felony. Still, the Trump case stands apart. The (NY)Times could identify only two other felony cases in Manhattan over the past decade in which defendants were indicted on charges of falsifying business records but no other crime.

    Fine with me. Messing with a presidential election for your own advantage seems serious enough to me to dig up the appropriate laws, even if used rarely.

    I'd rather see Trump behind for his role in the Jan6 insurrection and his theft of classified documents, but Garland efficiently ran those cases into the ditch.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

    A jury's deliberations is only a function of the evidence allowed in Court and the pretrial rulings as to how the charges can be presented, and then instructions to the jury as presented by the judge.


    Or in a nutshell might be presented by the defense in an appeal:


    Garbage in -- Garbage out.

    Alvin Bragg and his colleagues did a very professional job in this case. I didn't expect a guilty on all 34 counts. But who am I.

    Considering their handling of the case so far, and the professionalism of the judge, I don't give an appeal much chance.

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  6. 28 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

    Trump now raise over $70 million of 'small donations' since convicted, with zero effort ... :cheesy:


    Just saw a news-blip, and biden only raised $25 million, at a major event, this week, with two ex-presidents speaking on his behalf ... :cheesy:

    You do realize that Trump needs all that money just to pay off his lawyers, don't you?

    He will finance his campaign all with his own money, because he's a very very very rich man. At least that's what he told us in 2016.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

    Nice visual. I doubt many supporters of Donald Trump head to your foam parties in Silom. Not really Trump territory, like drag queen story hours or female sports in Oregon.


    I should stand on the corner of Suk Soi 13 with a Maga hat on and count how many dirty looks I get from the dudes holding hands with ladyboys on their way to the short time hotels

    What a weird post. And not your first weird post. There's a pattern there.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, candide said:

    You are probably right about the way people are looking at it.


    However, high inflation, high oil prices, and high interest rates are a global phenomenon affecting all countries and don't particularly derive from Biden's policies. The main difference is that, with similar inflation level than other developped countries, the U.S. has enjoyed much higher GDP growth than other developped countries.


    But you are right, it's a hard sell for Biden.

    Most Americans don't have a clue about what's going on in other countries. They look at the gas price when they're filling up the car, and think, because that's what they're told every day, that's very expensive! While gas in America is a lot cheaper than in Western Europe. Americans start whining about it, Europeans don't.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

    An alpha male has respect of his peers. He has respect only amongst those who don't seem to understand politics and economics and rely on his bluster to feel good about their place in the world.

    The two things Trump has as a weapon is inflation and the border.

    He caused a significant part of inflation, as did most politicians around the world, through profligate spending during covid. Biden has had a tricky but successful path to have a booming economy with a reduction in inflation - though the everyday person still sees prices go up and feel others benefit from the good economy even though jobs are plentiful.

    The border is a problem though Biden finally woke up and offered to implement Republican policy but Trump scarpered that. Most of his followers probably don't know or will accept Trumps word that the policy was no good even though backed by his own party. 

    If Biden can effectively communicate on these two topics it will help but his communication isn't the best. 

    Biden can't communicate his way out of the actual results of his policies. If it's about economy, which seems to be the most important issue for Americans, there's no escaping that there's still a gap between accumulated inflation and accumulated wage growth. Besides that people don't check statistics, they go shopping, and that leaves them with an actual experience.

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