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Everything posted by bubblegum

  1. Another one of your non essential posts. No wonder I ignore you most of the times.
  2. What happened to ban all EV's????
  3. By executive order 47 has blocked any federal cases to go to the law firms that support diversity etc. But his own law firm's website promotes just that. LOL
  4. Like there are no stories just like this on the internet. Troll
  5. Lol. Or call it a bad deal? You really do live in an alternatives facts world.
  6. Looking at the stock market, getting a free Tesla in the near future is not out of the question but..can I hook that up to my solar system and use the car as a battery? So when its dark I have electricity from the car? And charge my Chinese EV?
  7. In that case good luck with your new car!
  8. He has no plan People won't buy Made in the USA US is already hated in a lot of places around the world and this will only grow. Grow so fast that in the end the USA will be avoided at al costs.
  9. As the market crashed 47 has all meetings cancelled. They now call him "bunker boy"
  10. Exactly as expected. But you can't explain this to Maga's.
  11. Why work? Mums about 80 and the wife needs to take care of me, that's her job.
  12. She needs to eat as does her Mum so a living wage of 80,000.-- a month seems about right.
  13. Agree, but also for those white KKK clowns and the like
  14. Wow the IQ on this thing is terrifying.
  15. You see the images of 47 signing orders after orders without having the faintest idea what they say. Clearly project 2025 is running the show.
  16. Like Canada taking everything from the supers, now even Sweden is doing it.
  17. Flip, flop, flap. Nobody knows what the F is going on.
  18. Is that the time they recruited you?
  19. And New York was New Amsterdam. Jeez by your logic the USA is not a country, just a self ruling part of Norway (Vikings)
  20. Kiev is roughly 600 years older than Moskou you ignorant twit.
  21. Does your ignorance on everything drops out of your ears or nose?
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