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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. To all of you mods and readers and active members of TV

    DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IRISHIVAN SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO OWN A GUN ????????????????????????????? Or his "mia Noi" if he has one........................

    I'm sorry you can't say anything about sex and such things here but where to get a gun is not closed topic ??

    Is TV a republican Amarican forum ? Then for sure I'm in the wrong place,.

    • Like 2
  2. "After a thorough research of the Phuket forum I have found that the best thing to do in Phuket recommended by only the most experienced Phuket experts available is...(drumroll please).: to stay at home!

    It´s obvious isn´t it? You will not need to take a Tuk-Tuk, get ripped off with service charges, scammed by Jetski operators, no need for bribes to the BiB, no more overcrowded roads and beaches, don´t have to listen to Russians, no eyesores, such as unfinished buildings and garbage, no stray dogs......And the best of all you have enough time on your hand to spend all day in front of the computer to tell everyone what a craphole Phuket has become.

    if this is not THE best thing to do in Phuket than what!?!?"

    This is your post on the mentioned link provided by Old Croc. Seems you've changed ???

    • Like 2
  3. Lucky me as I do not own a place in a estate like you. My friends however do and had some problems as well. First thing you have to do is indeed for a entity and ask for all the paper work. Just the income/cost sheet would be enough. Than you check if the costs are fabricated or not. If they are (most likely, knowing the local deveper) you can take them to court, or just treathen them with this action.

    You as house owner ( together) with the other owners) can run things whatever way you want. The developer sold the houses and now he should be out of the picture (that is if you stand as one).

    I have heard many crazy stories like this where the service charges are really high and never explained.

  4. Since you've been talking with your new pall the tuk tuk driver you're sounding more and more like a PR man ! And where do you get the "minority" from ? Brainwashed ?

    Go and see the governer then you are wasting your time here. I would like to know how often people go to the airport. 6 times a year? That equates to less than 100 baht a week on average. If expats cant afford this then perhaps its time to earn some more money. Just saying like

    Taxi's don't only drive to the airport, as for the governer, the different consuls and ambassador are already talking with him. BTW the only one wasting my time here is you with your everlasting trolling.

  5. So what to do ?

    Mind my own business or do something for the sake of a 2 year old ?

    I know of this Thai / Western couple who have a 2 year old boy. The boy is not the brightest I've ever seen and still does not talk much.

    Now the man works on and off, 1 month home, 1 month off kind of work and when he's at home all seems nice and good. But everytime he's off to work the place turn into an illigal casino.

    At any time between 2 p.m. and 2 a.. there will be about 20 Thai "ladies" playing cards and the kid does not get out at all. At times he is even locked into the bathroom !! As not to disurb the players.

    This is what I think at times like that : " Stay out of it ! It's not your family, you are not a snich ! Nobody will appreciate you if you tell " and so on an on. Then the other side of my brain kickes in and starts talking " Look at the poor boy he hasn't got a life !! "

    It's driving me bonkers

    So what would you do ?


    Tell the dad

    Tell the police

    Tell his countries embassy


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