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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. For the rest of us that aren't from the UK, what are you talking about? The shower hot water? Or the electric hot water pump to make tea with? Go buy a new one in either case!

    Sorry I'm not from the UK and did not mention pump. Yes It is for the shower.

  2. So then that old time-honored strategy of stereotyping, and then insulting people to make new friends didn't work out for you, eh? Oh well, you'll get the hang of it eventually. Practice makes perfect and all that.
    By the way, is niveau a French word for "how to win friends and influence people"?
    Just wondering…

    Niveau is French for level, does not say what level.......

  3. OP don't get offended, some people on here are just bitter at your drive and panache for life. So as to help I have rewritten your intro to better explain yourself to the expats here.

    Hi everybody I am after meeting people who can pretty much show me how to make a living whilst sitting on my arse doing ... all as I have failed back in the west but am still convincing myself I am young and vibrant at 26.

    The fact I never left home or got a job counts not in my proposal to become an international jet set millionaire with your ideas, help, funding, accommodation, transport and last but not least pity.

    Please don't let the fact I have the personality of a soggy towel put you off pleeeeaaase.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6A using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sargasm / funny ?? Nah

  4. @ dogpoo and @ britpop

    In your working years where you civil servants?

    Only people with a mind like yours would like to take away any fun that there is in life.

    Don't do this, do not ! do that and if you have to do it it let it be controlled by the authorities..... yeez man a lot of us are in Thailand just to get away from this kind of thinking !

    You don't like Songran well stay inside, it's only 1 day per bloody year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  5. At the OP's age I was just as arrogant and blissfully ignorent of the real world as him. Of cause we had no Ipod's nor FB so we had to find friends the old fashioned way.

    All of us thought we were the centre of the universe :-) BUT there was not a Free-lancers among us since we all held proper jobs, We Started-up years ago and did not have the time to play poker. Stocktraders were some kind of species we've heard of but never met.

    All our conversations were very intelligent, we talked about money, football and girls (a bit like now) and we thought everyone above the age of thirty was already dying.

    • Like 2


    Something strange happening here in Rawai. Something cool and wet falling from the sky. What is this?

    I don't know but it woke me up.

    Did not last very long :-(


    I have never had it so hot in my life. Nowadays I must leave the water of my bum gun running for 5 minutes before pointing it at its designated position just to avoid my bum gun burning my bum !

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