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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. Norbu is good but if your friends are Thai they might not like it too much since on the other side of the road they keep the dead people for burning.

    The Wat's school is on the other side of the road from Norbu. The crematorium is on a different road...

    I did not say crematorium, I said its where they keep the bodies, next to the school right on the corner. Atleast thats what all the Thai tell me.

  2. And the Celtic....yeah if you're stuck in the 70 thees you might like it, personally I do not like it at all !! Old school food and old school sauses.why too fat .

    Yes, I think I am old school, and really like some unhealthy but delicious food smile.png

    I don't mind unhealthy but delicious food its just that in my opinion the Celtic does not offer delicious food. In fact I think its really really bad.

  3. A good steak can be accomplished by a nice sauce for instand pepper sauce, mushroom sauce, sauce benedictine and so on. Usually it is the fillet mignon with the sauce. T-bones, sirloin etc. has more taste/kick to it and does not need the sauce to give it an extra level of taste.

    There is also a difference in preperation, fillet really, really hot for a short time, the rest not so hot and cooked longer.

    As for the steak "know it all" guy's here, the difference between T-bone and Porterhouse steak is that the T-bone has only half of the fillet, not the other way round !!!

    And the Celtic....yeah if you're stuck in the 70 thees you might like it, personally I do not like it at all !! Old school food and old school sauses.why too fat .

    Thank you.

  4. whistling.gif Currently the maximum fine for overstay is at 20,000 Baht.

    Just have a good attitude, keep a cool head, be courteous, and have the money ready to pay

    There is no penalty for a long overstay ... and usually being ready to pay the 20k fine is all that they really want.

    However, this is Thailand, and nothing is absolutely certain, but having a polite attitude, not bring confrontational, and paying the fime as asked is normally all that's required.

    They will put a stamp in your passport and write on that stamp in Thai that you overstayed .... but that's all.

    Oh, and you may have to listen to a little speech from the supervisor about not overstaying again. Just smile and be polite to everything he says.

    Then pay and go.

    Once you're in the neighboring country get a Non immigrant O visa to re-enter Thailand to start the rest of your life legally.

    Tnx for your info, how long would it take to get a Non O in KL and what do I need to take ?

  5. Hi to all you experts hope there is one of you who can actually help me in a clear, understandable way.

    I've been reading and reading about the retirement visa and nowere can I find a definate answer. This is my case;

    I've always been in Thailand for a long, long time but...without a visa.

    I know the risks I'm taking so don't need any comments on that thank you.

    After a live time of doing this and that and screwing around I'm finally in a position where I would like to settle down and be legal

    much to do with my wifes to be piece of mind.

    I have all the requerements to obtail a Non O, retirement visa (over 50 and income is enough)

    So what do I do from here? I only know the fist step for sure the rest ???

    1 Buy a ticket to... whatever KL or some nice place

    2 Pay a 20.000-- bath fine at the airport.


  6. OK I have finished my experiment and the results were dissapointing. I tried to extract the moisture Heston Blumentall's way, did't work and tried to hydrate them leaving them over night (after been cooked) in uncooked rice. Sure a lot of moisture came ot but in the end the still came up soggy on the inside.

  7. The "Pura Organic Food" ( ph: 076 313 363) claims, that his organic potatoes are good to make Fen Flei.

    Haven't tried them yet. But his white asparagus were good.

    Interesting store, well worth a visit.


    Can you PM me where it is, or just write it here, I am not sure if you are allowed to though.

    Yeah I think you can tell on the open forum, mod ????

    Anyway I'm going to try the following;

    put the fries in brine for a couple of hours and rinse very good, in the fridge for a night, cook till they are done and almost fall apart, fry in 130 C till they get a bit of color.

    dry and in the fridge again for min. 1 hour, deep fry at about 180 C for about 8-10 min.

    Its Heston Blumentall"s recipe and its is supposed to get rid of starts and water.

  8. Its not even a locally owned dive shop there, its owned by Dutch I think.

    The resort I think is owned by Thais, Im not sure what rights they have to charge people to dive there with their own tanks, thats <deleted>. As for a wedding, how do they justify charging 3000 baht? A sand tax?

    Its like that Nui Beach on the road to Kata look out, they tried to charge me after I drove down on my road/trail bike, I told them I wasnt going to pay as I didnt use their car. They seemed happy enough when I bought a beer in their little bar there. It seems that any person that puts up a bamboo hut on the beach then owns it. I should go out to Koh Bon and establish my own little bamboo massage/dive shop/suit shop/restaurant out there so when it becomes popular I can charge people just because I feel like it.

    Sounds to me they're charging for parking there, or maybe even crossing the parking lot. If I'm not mistaken parking and restaurant are on private land so yes, they can charge for the use of that. They obviously can't charge for use of public land, whether or not they are is not clear from this, at least not to me.

    And no, not Dutch but German owned.

    Dutch and German are so similar it barely matters. Im curious as to how the dive shop can charge to dive there? There is parking up the top too, so you could park there and walk down with your dive gear. Im sure they didnt build that and the road that goes in there.

    Why do you keep posting stuff you know nothing about ?

  9. Supposedly this has gone on for three years ... right or wrong sometimes it is better to just suck it up and pay then worrying about being right. How much can the furniture have cost compared to lawyer fees and what has been reported he has had to deal with including appeals to the Supreme Court.

    And why would somebody need an exit visa if the case had been cleared? If he thought the matter was cleared up. I'd think he would just head to the airport. I am not experienced in such matters but thought you only need an exit visa if you were a citizen of a nation that has travel restrictions or there were legal issues such as an ongoing case which seems to be the circumstances here.


    So you are saying he should just suck it up and take what the THAI is throwing at him regardless, bow down and kiss the feet of this Thai landlord who apparently is trying to extort money out of him. Let me guess Nisa, you are a Thai woman right?

    Regardless if he is Thai or the person pursing the charges is Thai ... most rational people will settle something if it is in their best interest to do so even if it means sucking it up and paying something you don't owe. The other alternative it to suffer greatly for years by not being able to work, not being able to travel and of course spending a hell of a lot more fighting. If what has been reported is true then this surely could have been settled long ago without criminal charges and there have been numerous opportunities to settle since then without any blot on his record while not only cutting his loses but preventing further loses.

    But if you would rather make your life miserable because you need to prove some false sense of superiority to Thais (not the OP but you) then I guess you shouldn't complain when your life is miserable. And if you even have further issues if it is a women Thai then I can only hope you find yourself in this position a lot.

    And if the Thai FACE matter would not cloud any actions by the landlord this would have been resolved a long time ago. I applaud Chestnutt for fighting back again's all odds. It is about time !

  10. irish ivan seems you know everything ..how long have u lived n the island? just for interest and to prove to you that yes u can get very good money on rentals...i rented out a 5 bed 4 bath house for three years , had a 14 metre pool all the mod cons , with no seaview ..in Rawai ..for 110,000 per month it was empty for two months in three years ....and every contract was min 6 months ... good properties get good money ....

    Yes he knows everything, 229 posts since dec. 21 2012 (end of the world/new age date) so 9.16 avg. per day. The rest of the time he's traveling around the world to find out what we need to know ?? 555 "He's Mr. Know it all" Stevie Wonder

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