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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. Go try the Rum Jungle. Down past Don's cafe on the same side, opposite the bright yellow bank that houses western union. Post back your thoughts on Tony's food. I think it's one of the best.

    Thank you for directing me this way. Tonight I had the most beautifull meal since I've been here.

    Fish fresh, rabbit cooked very tender, pork absolute tender!

    A few foot notes: Calimari was very tender but the crispy ring were a little soppy. Maybe put up the heat on the oil just a little bit. Tuna Carpaccio very good but ( and this is my own taste... I like it with a little heat, same as salmon, just to counter balance the soft, butter like taste of the fish).

    All in all thank you Tony !! And thank you, whoever you are to tipping me!

    Food Critic,

    PS The Bill was very reasonable !!!

  2. You are in Thailand not the EU. I have been in many michelin rated restaurants across the EU and UK and found most to be run by chefs / managers so far up their own bottoms the food is CRAP. A minuscule piece of undercooked meat with half a small potato, 3 pieces of mange tou to decorate the plate and a drizzle of cranberry or some other irrelevant JUZ leaves one not only a lot lighter in the wallet but still hungry. I am more than happy here with good well cooked food at a very reasonable price. Maybe the fact that there is a dearth of michelin class restaurants here is they are not wanted ? :)

    Sorry but if I want to eat crap I go back to the UK. I for one quite like the different varieties on offer here

    Different varieties ???

    Pizza, burgers, bad steak and the same menue in every thai eatery?

  3. Have some knowledge myself, seems you never went to the right restaurants.

    Some restaurants in Thailand are on the same level as 1-2 michelin star restaurants in Holland , Belgium and France

    And if you cant find the right one , just keep cooking for yourself.

    Good Luck

    So how about pointing me in the good direction? But please do not mention M&M, Da Vinci, Amalfi, Ellis !

  4. TIT

    Try a restaurant of your own in Thailand and maybe you will understand it is not as easy as in the west!

    I think you should try some of the leading hotels in Bangkok,i have enjoyed the Marriots restaurants top notch!

    I understand it is not as in the west but then again standards are standers, thanks for the tip I try the Marriots next time I'm in Bangkok.

  5. I’m absolutely amazed and a bit disgusted by the standard of Western cooking in Thailand. I cannot understand how some of you give very good reviews on restaurants that would be out of business in no time in your home country.

    Let me tell you where I’m coming from; I used to own a restaurant in The Netherlands and after 4 years of hard word we finally got ourselves a Michelin star. So I do know a bit about the business.

    So far I have not eaten a decent meal in any of the Western kind of restaurants. Ok, sure, not all of Phuket has been visited, mainly Rawai and Nai Harn.

    The most appalling about eating out are the sauces, could this be a old fashioned British influence? Sauce (a good one) is not made out of thick gravy added with whatever you want to call the sauce.

    To name a few of the mishaps I have encountered (without names);

    Lasanga is not a blub of pasta

    Lamb cooked medium will not work if 1 piece is twice thicker than the other

    T-bone cannot be ½ cm thick

    Béarnaise sauce is first of all a reduction of white vinegar and tarragon, not mayonnaise. You make that with you egg yolks later in the process.

    If you make fresh fish with the skin on, do NOT boil it in butter, fry please

    Steak does not do well if you cook it in the microwave

    Same goes for pasta, it will only burn your costumers mouth

    Pasta a dente means just cooked, not mashed

    Thick gravy barfff……………excuse me

    Steak need high, direct temperature, turn only once

    Aux Bain Marie is very good to keep a sauce warm, better than microwave

    Risotto is patience !!! Undercooked is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Garlic sauce in NOT oil with garlic clove’s inside

    Pepper sauce is NOT gravy (here I go again)

    Burgers may be seasoned

    Please use good cheese

    Rant over !

  6. OK, just been to Ellis. One big blump off overcooked pasta with hardly any sause. Tried M&M before, tastless.

    So up to Kata I think.

  7. Last night it was almost impossible to fall asleep because of this sudden craving for a good Lasagna. But where can I find it ? Hopefully in the Chalong, Rawai, Nai Harn area.

  8. Send me a PM, I may be able to help (no, I'm not a seller, only a user of an alternative service).

    If I recall correctly from one of your posts a long time ago you had a satellite receiver installed. This is well & good but the current issue with this type of installation is that apparently DSTV is moving to a different type of satellite which uses KU band from the current C band. KU only has a small footprint & will be directed at African countries only which means whoever is supplying the DSTV channels in Thailand will no longer be able to do so. This has already been discussed in the internet forum. The change is supposed to happen around the start of the World Cup.

    If you have another way of getting all those great sports channels, BBC E, & associated entertainment I will be happy to know how.

    Same here ! Have !!!! to see the Worldcup.


    refer to Scubabuddha post #2. I agree

    We like it here; after almost a year here we're off for six months to Chanthaburi next month, and will happily return in October, hopefully to the same area as we've got some good friends here now.

    So often people judge Phuket based on a a week in Patong, then extend those judgments to all of Thailand.

    Living here, admittedly for a relatively short time of 10mths so far, we like it here. We don't go near Patong, ever, it's simply not the kind of place we'd go, we have never been 'robbed by a tuk tuk etc' we just live a nice quiet lifestyle and get on with our lives.

    I won't compare with other places/countries we've lived, every country has its pros and cons - celebrate the difference!

    Here, here, Mister I applaud you

  9. Yesterday there were two big automobiel crashes in Rawaii, both of them in a similar kind. And, from what I heard both involved Toyota's.

    On Viset about 400 m from the Rawai pier someone lost control of their car, scidded across the road and bang right into the new flower shop. At the time the shop was filled with mothers and children. On Rawai beach road something simular happend about 1 or 2 hours later.

    Mind you I have not seen any of it but friends of mine have and I have no reason to doubt their stories. So I was wondering why is there nothing in the press about this?

  10. Ladies, you are being TROLLed for someones perverted delight. :D

    He needs to get off thai visa and back onto the porn pages :)

    I've been following your posting and to me it seems you have a very strong position on anything, anyone and everything. I'm wondering "are you a minister or a priest?" What the heck is pervert about pleasuring a woman? What the <deleted> has this to do with porn? And who are you to comment on a subject like this when you feel it is perverted/porn. My quess is you don't please your woman with the act of cunnelincus. Feel sorry for the girl if their is one,.

  11. I'm not sure if the word "Table"size is actually correct but that's how we call them in Holland. Basicly is is a double door fridge/freezer combination with the height of aprox. 60 cm. Where you can use the top as a kitchen working space.

    So far I have not seen them being sold ? Anyone ?

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