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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. The other day this lady I know came back from Bangkok and gave me a CD by Kenny G called "I'm in the mood for love". At first I just thought how nice but then I started thinking........ is she ???

  2. Phuket has been in need of a reality check for a long time.....

    Poor infrastructure, crippling traffic, tuk tuk mafia, crime, rip off prices..... European beaches are much cheaper due to the current exchange rates. As business gets worse, the Thais in their own imaginative wisdom put all the prices up further....

    The other problem with Phuket is that there are few genuine Phuket residents, most of the people are workers from other provinces who come to Phuket thinking that the streets are paved with gold (due to gullible Farang).....

    I lived in Phuket for 12 years before moving up to Chiang Mai 8 years ago. Phuket was great in the late 80's early 90's but I don't much care for the place now. I haven't been back for 3 years.

    You haven't been here for 3 years yet you comment ?

  3. :)

    Every cloud has a silver lining, they say. I live here in Greece. My rent for a small apartment is 350 Euro a month. About a month ago it cost me $1.40 for each Euro. Now it is down to $1.33 for a Euro....that 7 cents difference per Euro times the 350 Euro I have to pay my landlord is a nice savings on my monthly rent for me.


    Thanks to the Greece the euro went down about 20 %. From TBH 70.000-- to 58.000-- per month.

    That is a lot of drinking money down the drain..

    Better stop drinking :D

  4. How else can Thailand produce a government that is held by all Thais to be legitimate without an election? And how to carryout that election without an amnesty? Elections held with opposition leaders in jail do not generally enjoy a history of having their outcomes respected by all participants.

    With a general amnesty for all, Thailand could move on to a successful election the results of which would be widely considered legitimate. Once that is accomplished, then both sides must either accept the outcome, or be exposed as undemocratic with the resultant diminution of legitimacy in the eyes of their supporters and the world.

    To date, the Prime Minister and the Generals have managed this revolt well. Let's hope they continue to find the right solutions.

    I hope you mean fair elections, give everybody the chance to "go on the road" without sabotage .......... and with polititians to choose no terrorists ?

  5. I agree with Chuan Leek Pai... Abhisit compromised "rule of law."

    His five conditions are ambiguous and nonsense. Of course most would agree to these "motherhood and apple pie" statements... that is like saying "education needs to be available for everyone." Most would agree with this comment. But how you go about achieving it, who get the benefits, and who pays for it is the problem.

    Also, no way the leaders will agree to NOT have amnesty... NO WAY. They will parlay the "hey the yellow shirts did it and got off scot free!" card.

    Forget it... a guy like Nattawut go to jail without a fight... NO F'ing WAY!!!!!!

    Deal the way it is written is a NO GO.

    His conditions are nonsense ? What are the REDS conditions? Ohh let me think. House disselusion and then what? WHAT ?

  6. And grow up, he said the 14th and said it to the entire world based on a measurable road map. Do the reds need to know the time of day or are they just hel_l bent on trying to hurt Abhisit because of the popularity he has gained while in power by demanding the EC decide on the date?

    What do you not understand? Seriously. The Prime Minister can not set the date for the new election. He can only set the date for House dissolution. It's the Election Commission (EC) that then decides the date for the next election. So Abhisit saying that elections will be held on November 14th is meaningless, because he's not the one that will decide it.

    Understand it now?

    Could somebody tell me how to IGNORE deadsnoopy ? I'm tired of HIS misonderstanding of the whole situation!



  7. And grow up, he said the 14th and said it to the entire world based on a measurable road map. Do the reds need to know the time of day or are they just hel_l bent on trying to hurt Abhisit because of the popularity he has gained while in power by demanding the EC decide on the date?

    What do you not understand? Seriously. The Prime Minister can not set the date for the new election. He can only set the date for House dissolution. It's the Election Commission (EC) that then decides the date for the next election. So Abhisit saying that elections will be held on November 14th is meaningless, because he's not the one that will decide it.

    Understand it now?

    Could somebody tell me how to IGNORE deadsnoopy ? I'm tired of HIS misonderstanding of the whole situation!

  8. During my studies I worked parttime at McDonalds in Scheveningen in the Netherlands at the beach.

    Prices at that outlet were higher than other McD's in the Netherlands in the summer (high season, this was the 90's) in the winter prices were lowered to below the average prices. This was because in the summer Scheveningen is swamped by tourists enjoying the beach. In the Netherlands franchisees were allowed to set their own prices within a certain bandwidth in the 90's I do not know the current situation.

    I do not know the policy in Thailand of Macthai co. ltd. but it is certainly not unheard of!

    I lived all my live in Scheveningen and never !!!!!!!!!!!!! paid a different price at any MacDonald in The Netherlands. Also I have a friend who ownes two francises and he does NOT have the right to price his products.

  9. No handouts? I find it difficult to have sympathy for people who travel without money or other resources such as a credit card or someone at home who can wire them money. I flew in from Singapore on Thursday and most of the "tourists" I saw sleeping in the airport or walking aimlessly around looked like low class trashy types who spent all their money while on the other side of the World, the same type of alcoholic sex tourists who ruin Songkran in Pattaya with their drunken low life behavior. Running out of money far from home is not a very intelligent thing to do. The "danger" in Bangkok is also greatly exaggerated since the confrontation is happening in a very small part of a large city. When the EU comes up with silly laws requiring airlines to reimburse passengers for incidents which are not the airlines fault, such at this, it only drives up the cost of travel. Also the sad reality of business is that there is little reason for the airlines to show "loyalty" to these economy class passengers since most will fly any carrier that happens to have the cheapest price on the day they want to go.

    You must e Mr. G. W. Bush, with your crap thinking. Hail hail to the haves ! asshol_e

  10. Oh well, thank you to the Reds and Thaksin for destroying Thailand.

    Tom, I think you'll find that The Army will attack the redshirt camp, on the orders of the Government after a compromise deal was turned down.

    I can't for the life of me understand why the PM would turn down any possible peaceful end to the problems.

    Violence seems inevitable, the PM knows this, yet refuses point blank any compromise deal.

    I don't think it's him that makes the decisions though, he's just the pretty face doing what hes told to do.

    This could have catastrophic results, I hope that there is still time left for peace talks.

    I have stayed out of this debate up until now, but I am quite amazed at some of the posters here who appear to be risking heart failure by getting so worked up.

    This is not our ( Farangs ) problem, to spout such hatred towards either group could have severe repercussions.

    Certain posters have been calling for a bloodbath, I pity you, and I know that none of you have ever been in such a situation yourselves, else you would keep your thoughts to yourself.

    Calling the Redshirts Terrorists is a dangerous game.

    How can the Redshirts cause maximum disruption to this government ? By acts of real terrorism, bombs in Tourist areas for example, kill a few hundred Farangs, destroy the tourist industry stone dead.

    For all the Farangs here that are so brainwashed by either side in this conflict, I actually pity you, but I also pity any innocent Farangs who may be caught up in any backlash against the haters on this and other forums.

    If I was a Redshirt and I read some of the hate posts by certain individuals here, I'd think very lowly of Farangs in Thailand.

    So please stop the hate posts and think of possible repercussions in the future.

    Yes, I know you're anonymous here, thank god, but the hate posts are way over the top and do nothing but antagonize.


    Hate post read your own posting, you hate us it seems to me.

  11. Let me guess, Brits, Aussie and US. Nobody from Western Europe.... :D

    I'm from The Netherlands myself and had only one encounter so far with expat trying to cheat me. I think he is still shitting his pants.

    But to be honest, most of you cannot be trusted, likewise, I can't.

    Same all over the wold. We are naughty :)

  12. <<<from 2 months ago.<BR>---------------------<BR>

    Oh Wikipedia is not perfect, but it is a better source than the red and yellow farang wannabe Thais who post in here! [What drives farangs to take sides in this, anyway?]

    Most Thais don't take sides, if you want to be Thai like, be neutral. [They have instinctive generational knowledge that the answers do NOT lie in a Red or a Yellow victory.] Most of you are caught up in the last 8 weeks, some in the last 8 months. The Thais have loved and livedf with gang warfare politics for 80 years. 70% of Thais see the red AND yellow leaders are the corruption dons; why are 90% of farangs blind to that. [if you guess right, and you are ONLY guessing if you have taken a side, are you going to get a Cabinet Post, or anything? nah duh]

    On the other hand, if you guess wrong, and have been highly visible and vocal, there are Forces you don't want to be standing on the other side of History from. [You will NOT gain anything if you guess right, but could be covering your tracks if you guess wrong.]; There are lots of good and great Thais but their System creates only crocodiles which end up at the Top. {except for Khun Chuan Leekpai}

    It's NOT going to change, just keep your head low and get out of the way. It's NOT going to change! [Do you want the news for the next 100 years? Look at past 80!]

    Be like the smart Thais and get NEUTRAL!

    So now you're telling me what to do and think ?

  13. I don't know about the whole of Phuket but Rawai/ Nai Harn is for me my final destination. Love the scenery, love the (most of them) people, love my wife and love the life !

    And to Jay, I'm one of the lucky one's who live on retirement income BUT I do support the local business by eating out almost daily :-)

  14. people on this forum have to stop comparing the red shirts to hitler. yes, their oratorical style is meant to whip up fury but that's the point. you couldn't foment a mass movement with hello kitty and scooby doo at the microphone.

    the fact that so many farangs deny that that fury isn't truly there and was something manufactured by thaksin is nonsense. the red shirts who rallied in bangkok knew that they were risking their lives for the sake of their cause. whether you agree with that cause or not is your prerogative. but to dictate whether a people should engage in risky protest is not.

    human life is sacred, but so is the choice to risk it for what one considers a higher cause. it's presumptuous that anyone, farang or thai, should be able to determine whether something is worth dying for or not. everyone, including the red shirts, expected casualties. this is nothing that thaksin hid from them. they aren't lambs to the slaughter. if they succeed in their endeavour, then they'll be considered martyrs and heroes. if they fail, they'll still be considered martyrs and heroes when history looks back on them, just as it does in regards to those killed in the 76 and 92 massacres. that isn't to say that this conflagration is the same - those were far worse. the government is behaving admirably this time, as are the officers. it's only to say that what's at stake is seen by some as the same.

    it's terribly tragic that people are dying of course. it's terribly tragic that people are dying everywhere in the world when virtually all conflicts could be solved without the loss of life. so it goes. all sympathy is welcome but i feel that smug moralizing of this stripe is out of place.

    Sounds like the Arab suicide bombers, martyrs ans heroes and 60 virgins in the afterlive. Don't give me this BS

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