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Posts posted by bubblegum

  1. Actually when pronouncing Thai and using your Dutch accent you are closer to correct way of speaking Thai so I think of it as a big advantage.

    But I seem to forget most of the words again in the morning, it just does not stick, maybe I'm too old.

    Trying to learn would be my 7th language so it could be my head is full:angry:

  2. The one closing your port is TOT ! It is called throthing and it keeps you from downloading torrents at a normal speed. Why ? because they (TOT ) do not have enough bandwith to supply us with decent speed. You pay say for a 4 MB connection but you're lucky to get 3 MB.

  3. Just like it says a port is a port, an opening (like a door) from your computer to the rest of the world, thru internet, email and stuff like that.

    Your pc has more than 65000 of these door and they all have their own number (like in a hotel). Some of these doors are used just for 1 thing like incoming email goes thru door (port) number 80. Port forewarding only means that you open a specific port for a specific protocall. In your case torrents. Many programs use pre destend ports so if you would like to open one do so above the 11000 level.

    • Like 1
  4. Used to now I'm on vuze

    Tell you what I done in Bitcomet :

    Go to-------Tools ------ Options ------- Bit Torrent ------- Now, make sure Protocol Encryption ( Avoid BT protocol being blocked ) is set to Always, not Auto Detect, click Apply - OK.

    And that is how I done mine, it certainly worked for me. YMMV.

    My BitComet is 1.3 stable release.

    Give it a try and let us all know how you get on, good luck.

    I have just downloaded the 3 seasons of ' Breaking Bad ' quite quickly, that is a recommendation I'll happily give you, great series, it's up there with the best.

    Have encryption on in vuze but you can see I'm being choked. Yes Breaking Bad is very good, seen all of them !

  5. Tried Deluge, Bittorrent, UTorrent and now vuze, no difference in download speed. Max is about 20 Kb/s. Funny thing is that with only Vuze I can portforeward and NAT is working?? Dowloadspeed still crap.

    Might talk to the cable/internet comp. ask how the deal with torrents

    I use Bitcomet and my speed was total crap, I searched around on the net for a fix and I now get up to 400Kbps again just like I got before the throttling.

    So what is the fix?

    Do you use Bitcomet ?

    Used to now I'm on vuze

  6. I also have been looking for a fix but could not find one that would be free, nor one that would not get your ISP really, really pissed.

    I like the sound of that one.

    Can you point me in the right direction.

    I read somewhere that you can change the share rate on you modem but I can't find the same site anymore plus your ISP is bound to find out.

  7. Hello, I own the burger shop and appreciate you bringing these concerns to my attention. I went and had a close look this morning and I will agree with you that it looks a bit messy. I am personally going to clean the place today. The sunflower oil is changed every 2 days and I assumed the chef was also cleaning the outside surfaces of the fryer. The grill is serviced once a month by lucky kitchen and I turned it on and did not notice any anomalies.

    I am sorry you had a bad burger. If I can make it up to you, please pm me and I will arrange for you to get a free burger or sandwich. We changed chef's not too long ago and maybe he had a rough start.

    And to the poster hoping the door hits me in the ass, you may have to wait as I just signed a 3 year lease on bangla for a second locationbiggrin.gif

    Now this I can appreciate, not the free burger (I'm not out for free bees) but the fact that you went there and checked things out. Well done.

    To be honest I've had it with burgers for the moment but will come again in the future.

  8. Tried Deluge, Bittorrent, UTorrent and now vuze, no difference in download speed. Max is about 20 Kb/s. Funny thing is that with only Vuze I can portforeward and NAT is working?? Dowloadspeed still crap.

    Might talk to the cable/internet comp. ask how the deal with torrents

    I use Bitcomet and my speed was total crap, I searched around on the net for a fix and I now get up to 400Kbps again just like I got before the throttling.

    So what is the fix?

    Direct downloads rather than torrents. The problem with torrents is the seeding more than the downloading to be fair. With direct downloads you do not have to upload(seed) at the same time

    Sorry, I don't get this. Direct downloading like a seed box or rapidshare you mean or downloading from a webpage? I also have been looking for a fix but could not find one that would be free, nor one that would not get your ISP really, really pissed.

  9. To all the posters who said positive things about the burger place outside Cheers in Nai Harn....

    Have you been there recently????

    The place is a mess it has not been cleaned for at least 4 months. Just looking at the fries oven made me sick. I ordered a burger knowing it was a mistake but then again I was very hungry. Aaaaaaaaaaaachhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wat a dumb thing to do, creesy as hel_l. The burners of the grill don't even work because they have never ever been cleaned, you see huge flames that is just burning fat, the bun was inside out wet from oil.

    Brrrrrr, I still get sick thinking about it.

  10. Tried Deluge, Bittorrent, UTorrent and now vuze, no difference in download speed. Max is about 20 Kb/s. Funny thing is that with only Vuze I can portforeward and NAT is working?? Dowloadspeed still crap.

    Might talk to the cable/internet comp. ask how the deal with torrents

    I use Bitcomet and my speed was total crap, I searched around on the net for a fix and I now get up to 400Kbps again just like I got before the throttling.

    So what is the fix?

  11. I wonder how much attention is being given by the local law enforcement agencies to the original location of the first fist fight in this sorry tale. Anyone who has lived in the area for a while is fully aware of what is purveyed there and the characters who are involved, it seems this has been done with impunity for many years, Whilst there is no sugestion of any blame in this case, it does make you wonder how and why the toliet door was blocked on that occasion. Furthermore it was only a matter of time before one of the many incidents that occr there on a weekly basis spilled over onto the streets and became deadly. Why is a venue that has been so notorious for so long been able to continue without sanction. ( and, no I am not a rival bar owner)

    I do agree but thruthfully am afraid to vent my opinion because of the people involved.

  12. Most expats with children live in the Nai Harn, Rawai, Chalong trialgle. There is Villa market with very good products and there a 2 Tesco's, a big one near Chalong and a small one in Nai Harn that is open 24/7. Beaches near Nai Harn are nice bit have to beware of rip tides.

  13. I know that in my last post as Food Critic I was a bit negative on the local restaurants. Some of you disagreed and others pointed me in the right direction.

    As stated before I really did like Rum Jungle, very good.

    I think I have found another place mentioning... if you are a cheese lover it's a must...

    Chez Charly, next to M&M pizza in Nai Harn. Very good real Swiss chees fondue.

    Tonight ate the fondue and a glass of Rose wine. bill; 530-- bath. Now considering that there a 3 different cheeses in fondue along with white wine and Kirsch I think it is not expensive.

    Staff and Charly are very nice, good service but beware.... a lot of the custumers AND staff speak French :)

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