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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Actually it is not forbidden. You are permitted to pass on the left if the road has two or more lanes in the same direction. From the land traffic act: No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left side unless:1. The vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that it is going to make a right turn. 2. The roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lines in the same direction. (Fine of 400 to 1,000 baht)
  2. Of course it does. Construction workers for one. There would also be infrastructure development. Tens of thousands of people needed to actually create the Expo. Then the Expo itself would bring in millions of visitors meaning everyone benefits from hotel staff, restaurant owners, food sellers, beach vendors, drivers. Why do you imagine that building and servicing an entire Expo of that scale would not benefit ordinary people?
  3. Good for you. Expo 2020 was estimated to create 275,000 jobs. I am sure this would not be nearly as big as what was built in Dubai, so 117,000 doesn't seem far fetched at all. It is not only the construction but all the support industries to support it. https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/uae-expo-2020-creating-thousands-of-jobs-in-dubai-industry-experts
  4. They are in Malaysia. And much as I despise the pair of them what she is doing is not rude - it looks like she is just pointing to what she is ordering. "Two of those please, and can you throw in an amnesty for the hair dye guy? No? Oh."
  5. He'd be fine - he'd just have them all shot. And their families too.
  6. She has CCTV footage of a foreigner in a green shirt getting out of the driver's seat. Then an entirely different Thai men presented himself to the police to say it was him (he is the foreigner's "security guard"). So not sure why you think she would be mistaken, it seems pretty clear. Or is this just a game of "it can't be the foreigner's fault, the Thai must be mistaken"?
  7. It depends on whether it is left or right hand drive. They make both.
  8. Link please to where they admitted to cloud seeding two weeks ago in the middle of monsoon season when the country is flooded.
  9. Yep, just changed providers, they came and took pictures.
  10. More typical AN paranoid nonsense. I have been treated extremely fairly whenever I have had police involved in traffic accidents (once my fault, once not my fault although the other driver tried to blame me). Both were with Thonglor police who are notoriously bent. Very fair, very respectful. Use your brain and many reasons come to mind and they are nothing to do with dual treatment. As others have mentioned perhaps he had been drinking and the Thai hadn't, perhaps he has no license and his Thai mate let him have a go at 5am, perhaps he has no insurance. Perhaps he is fearful for his job as a serious offence can strip you of your WP so he asked the Thai to take the rap. Please remove the chip from your shoulder, I don't know how you people carry them around with you.
  11. I know about Royal Rain Making. They do this during the height of the drought season (around Jan-March), usually in northern Thailand to help bring rain and / or extinguish forest fires. Sometimes they do it to prevent big hail storms (it hastens the precipitation before ice crystals have chance to form). But your assertion that they are still doing this to make rain in monsoon season and that they should just stop and make it nice and sunny for tourists is one of the most ludicrous things I have read on here - and that is saying something. So, come on, I am waiting to be educated. Show me where they are cloud seeding in the middle of rainy season and localised flooding. I can't wait for this education!
  12. 10 million baht was a compromise agreed by all parties for doing this.
  13. Maybe they are not very good?
  14. Here the government advice in July 2021 about how to self isolate at home if you have Covid. And (anecdotal I know) my friend tested positive for Covid in the Phuket sandbox in November 2021 and they were allowed to isolate in their room until they tested negative. No hospital, no hospitel. Honestly, they dropped that thing long ago.
  15. Do you get that nervous / anxious over every single thing you read??
  16. Considering that hospitalisation / hospitelisation hasn't been a requirement for well over a year, no, obviously.
  17. No it isn't. It is written on the side of a rickety old red and white bus that has probably never seen a tourist in its 50 years of service. And honestly I had no problem understanding it, I'm not sure what the big deal is here.
  18. Really? How many people in this thread have ripped someone's face off?
  19. Not as attractive as my wife. I see better on the Skytrain Doesn't look Thai. There are more attractive farmers. Think she's a ladyboy. There we go. That will save a lot of people the bother, we can close this thread now.
  20. Feel free to stand by it. I stand by my assertion that is a company (large or small) is caught cheating taxes and breaking laws they should expect to be punished and should not just be let off in order to not give out a "bad look". If you do that then everyone knows they can act with impunity and Thailand will be too scared to take them to court less it be seen badly. You are aware that there are also two corruption investigations ongoing; one in Thailand and a federal US enquiry that are looking into allegations that Toyota paid several million dollars in an attempt to bribe Supreme Court judges to overturn their tax dodging conviction. https://www.law360.com/articles/1495998?scroll=1&related=1 But yeah, this is bad form by Thailand, Toyota should be let off the hook because, erm, just because.
  21. Mercedes too. Car assembly factory and also a battery plant.
  22. What are you talking about?? Just more racist anti Thai rubbish with no basis in truth. Yawn.
  23. Because Covid is always going to be with us and we will always need a vaccine for it. If Thailand can produce their own it will save the country million and millions in the long run.
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