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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. It was taken in Thailand. In a National Park. But leave foreigners alone, I get it, we're better.
  2. And how is this different from anywhere else? The US spends over $700 billion in the military each year yet 14.5% of the population live in poverty. Not sure what polluting buses have to do with a military budget. So the US should solve poverty, their awful schooling, fix their crumbling infrastructure before they can spend on the military? I agree, that would be a wonderful thing.
  3. That's because it doesn't go there. There are lots of other places it doesn't go to either. You can't use it to go to Suvarabhumi, Ayuthaya, Rama 9, Ramkhamhaeng. What a weird post.
  4. I was kind of with you in the beginning of this thread but you have lost me now. I think you don't spend much time in Thailand. I am a dog owner / dog lover, but you can't deny that soi dogs - when they get in to the pack mentality - can be extremely aggressive, especially at night. Unprovoked attacks as they guard their territory. How you don't know this I am not sure (other than suspecting you have little experience here).
  5. I've travelled internationally four times in the past 4-5 weeks since restrictions lifted, and each and every time the immigration staff have been genuinely nice and friendly. Just left now for Singapore and I got a wai, a smile and a chat. It's been noticeable on each trip how much friendlier they are. I've never found them rude or anything, but just businesslike. I wonder if this is a new policy, or if it is just a result of them not being so stressed out with long queues of people? Anyone else noticed the same? Anyway, it's nice.
  6. We have a Trump supporter / knuckle dragger.
  7. Why would you expect any different? The article says 3.3 million this year which is a tiny number. You haven't uncovered anything there, the airport is much much quieter than it used to be,
  8. I have absolutely no idea, just the same as everyone here, but I am not stating anything as fact. The poster stated they count transit passengers so I am asking how they know. Do we really think the TAT get passenger manifests from the airlines and count the names? How else would they know how many people are transiting and not entering the country? They obviously get their number from immigration. It's just a tired old TVF cliche and it gets trotted out all the time and no one can ever back it up.
  9. Ah, here we go again. Please show me some evidence that they count people who are transiting and don't pass immigration. There is none.
  10. No, not available in Thailand - they won't even deliver here. Europe or USA only. No ketchup - that would be a step too far.
  11. Yeah, it is awesome. You can buy online and get it delivered to them or they are in department stores here and there too. Online is easy, then no hassle for your parents. The yellow stuff was for an 11 year old so I cut him some slack (but told him not to do it again) The package was not massive, easy to handle. You need to check it in at the oversized luggage counter though but that took an extra three minutes so no biggie (check in normally, they sticker it up and point to the counter, just walk there and drop it). Boxed up it is just under 15kg. But I also bought 40kg of oak chips. ???? Here it is.
  12. Ah, right. So where are they then? On a mural? Cave drawing? Please do tell.
  13. Calm your pants and read it again, jeez. I was replying to someone who said he comes and goes as he pleases and I said that is a TVF myth as there is not a single picture of him in Thailand and that would be impossible if he was here. You got that one very wrong in your flurry to reply to every single poster.
  14. He hasn't been here. The mainstream media have nothing to do with it. Somebody, somewhere, during one of these visits would have snapped a picture of him and leaked it. He would be seen in a club, a bar, somewhere. They wouldn't send it to the Bangkok Post. It's impossible he could be here and absolutely not one image has surfaced. Plus if his statute of limitations only has five years left why would he take the risk of trying to enter? I am not saying he isn't living with impunity - he is. He just isn't doing it in Thailand.
  15. TVF myth, I don't believe it. Not one single photo of him in Thailand, not one.
  16. Jeez. It is nothing to do with toxicity. THC leaves your bloodstream in no more than 12 hours (so people saying you are still high days later have no idea what they are talking about). However THC is fat soluble so some of it binds to fat molecules and is therefore metabolised more slowly as your body does not metabolise fat that quickly. This doesn't mean you are still high, it doesn't mean it is toxic, it's just the way the body works.
  17. In a thread about Thais being arrested in Malaysia for testing positive, yes. By your very measure. Certainly not stalking you, just when I saw your reply telling the other guy he was off topic and this thread is about Thais being arrested in Malaysia for testing positive for cannabis and anything else should be a new topic, somehow my mind was triggered that it was YOU who posted that off-topic thing in the first place! Amazing.
  18. You do like to put words in people's mouths don't you. And you like to make things up (they were "flaunting it", or perhaps "smoking right next to the border crossing", neither of which seems to be the case - they are checking every one). Our course your rights don't follow you around the world and I am not saying they should, although in an ideal world if would be nice if there were some basic human rights that transferred everywhere (not to be lashed and thrown in jail for 20 years for homosexuality, not to have women have fewer rights then men for example). Malaysia can impose whatever punishments it likes for crimes committed in Malaysia. I see random public urine tests as an infringement of basic rights, an assault on decency and highly demeaning, especially for arriving tourists! Knock someone off their motorbike and yes, no problem with an alcohol test or drug test - that should be mandatory, but these people might have shared on legal spliff between them three weeks in Thailand where it is perfectly legal. I'm done. Your head is hard, you just keep locking it out and saying their country their laws. And each time I make an argument you just come out with some other concoction like I must therefore believe I can do what I what in any country without consequence. Over and out. Enjoy your time in Malaysia, that bastion of law and order.
  19. From what I have read they are now heavily inspecting cars and urine testing people as standard procedure. "Malaysian police and military officers at all border checkpoints are now on their toes checking passports, carrying out urine tests and scanning travellers and their vehicles to prevent infiltration of any form of this plant into their country." (From thainewsroom.com) So seems no-one was smoking right across from the border and they need not have done anything to have aroused suspicion. You think it is Malaysia's right, and technically it is, but I consider it degrading and inhumane to urine test tourist arrivals. It's also Malaysia's right to allow men to have several wives, it is also their right to throw the main opposition leader (Anwar Ibrahim) in jail for several years on made up sodomy charges, it is their right to imprison people for up to 20 years for consensual gay sex (with capital punishment too). Oh wait, sorry, parallels and analogies aren't allowed. Oh you're stretching it again. Who was flaunting what??
  20. It's an extremely grey area. Had they been caught carrying marijuana in to Malaysia, or smoking it in Malaysia then yes, they would have broken Malaysian law quite clearly and could have no arguments with their punishment. But they smoked in Thailand where it is legal. And who knows how long ago? It could have been 2-3 weeks ago. But urine testing arrivals in the hope of detecting residue of something that is entirely legal where that person lives but traces can stay in the body for maybe 30 days is insane and inhumane. How can you honestly say someone enjoying a spliff here then maybe going to Malaysia 2-3 weeks later was breaking Malaysian law? Search for drugs on arrival, no problem with that. I am still astounded people are so hard headed on this
  21. Clever and knowledgeable comments? I must have missed them. All I saw were a load of predictable, racist and very boring comments about Somchais, picking their noses, break failure, som tam.......in a thread that has nothing to do with Thailand. Yeah, very clever and knowledgable.....if that's your idea of fun you live a very different life to me (I am glad to say).
  22. Here we go. Yeah, it's all made up, she was actually born with a silver spoon in her mouth. You're such a super sleuth! What's wrong with some people?? If you bother to read the full story before making such a comment you will see she has entered and won several beauty competitions over the years so presumably there was prize money. Also, perhaps - shock horror - she worked to pay for her education!?? In the article there is also a picture of her with her grandmother who adopted her and there is clearly no wealth there, but well done you. (The same picture also has Anna at her graduation where IMO she is infinitely more beautiful pre-cosmetic surgery, but who am I to judge). Well done to her, smart lady. And shame on you for trying to dig dirt for absolutely no reason.
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