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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. And you are one of those people who is so fanatical that you equate disliking Tony with liking Prayut. How and why do you draw that conclusion when I never mentioned Prayut? It's a very childish argument to make. I am no fan of his either by the way. I merely stated that Tony is one of the most self-serving despicable "leaders" that this country has ever had, and when he spouts lies to promote himself or stir the pot - as he is doing here - then his nonsense should not be given mainstream media space. Ignore him, don't give him a platform to lie, and he remains irrelevant. Should he have something valid to say that truly has the people at heart then go for it. But equating marijuana (non addictive) to heroin is a ridiculous stretch, saying he saw a man jump off a building because he smoked a spliff is beyond belief. But his fanboys will support him no matter what. I am sure you supported his blatant corruption, his moral failings, his murderous "war on drugs".......or maybe your blinkers help you overlook it because he won elections. Up to you, but don't tell me I am an "unenlightened coup supporting neophyte" when I have never discussed the coup or anything to do with it.
  2. Yawn. Another TVF myth. Any evidence that this still happens? 20 years ago, maybe, but not for the last 10-15 at least. Link? (Let me guess, you'll reply "do your own research" as usual)
  3. The most despicable self serving t**t that has ever held power in Thailand - and that is saying a lot. It's equal to opium? No it isn't!! Saw someone overdose and want to jump off a building who'd smoked a spliff? Must be a world's first. But he witnessed it with his own eyes so must be true. How many did he kill for marijuana during his war on drugs? Asean Now should be absolutely condemned for publishing this nonsense and giving this convicted criminal media exposure. Shame on them. If anyone is too dumb to see what his agenda is then shame on them too. And....Tony Woodsome????
  4. If it is too expensive for you then don't bother. Why post if you can't afford it? It is an extremely new market with legalisation announced very suddenly and very recently. You do understand supply and demand? And it is 100% NOT a buyer's market!! There is not enough supply. Don't you understand this? You obviously do not. The OP already explained this and said when the supply chain stabilises then prices will come down. If you can't afford 600-700 then wait until it comes down to 300-400 and stop moaning. This site is the absolute worst place to advertise anything for sale, Too many complainers who can't afford it anyway or have no intention of buying, just want a moan. I tried to sell a car on here once and just had people saying the price was crazy and doesn't compare to America even though they have no idea about Thai import duties and couldn't afford the car anyway,. People live to moan here. So sad. Kudos to PrikPot for actually replying to so many people. I wouldn't bother, and seems they are doing pretty well without you.
  5. They do. I have had a Bangkok Bank one for years. I know for sure SCB, K Bank and KTB also do. Pretty sure all the banks do actually. It's nothing new.
  6. Some people on here are extremely unlucky! They always seem to have people in front of them who don't know how to use their phone (never happened to me), their 7-Eleven staff are always either asleep or playing on their phone (even though Thai people apparently don't know how to use them), whereas 7-Eleven has really well trained staff in all the stores I visit. I dunno, I must just be really lucky.
  7. Why would they actually care? And why would they not be happy? Because they spent 3-4 minutes applying for Thai Pass and spent $18 on some insurance (if they needed to)? That was the requirement when they booked and that is also the requirement when they arrive. Why should they even give it two thoughts??
  8. I just came back from Singapore where you can't buy a beer in a shop after 10.30pm. This 2pm to 5pm ban has been one of the most pointless laws ever but this is a good sign of more liberal attitudes coming in which is only a good thing. For the people asking "why not drop it immediately everywhere" we know that is not the way Thailand works. Were they to do that the puritanical lobby would be out in force and it would be blocked, it needs to be step by step to make it happen, this is just the way it is. First start with hotels (to "help tourism" even though everyone knows hotels all serve anyway) then I would bet money in another couple of months it will be dropped everywhere. Similar to marijuana: the plan was obviously always to fully legalise it for recreational use but they couldn't make that giant leap in one go - but they got there in the end by going in baby steps. Medical marijuana, then you could use it for drinks and cooking providing it was less than 0.2% THC, then boom, do what you like. And look at all the people who magically had high grade marijuana ready to sell as soon as it was announced; those in the know knew. Same deal here.
  9. You are correct that unvaccinated travellers needed a negative test, I had forgotten about that. However vaccinated travellers haven't needed one for a long time: neither pre-flight nor on arrival. The only changes - other than when Omicron first ripped through the country - has been a slow and steady reduction in restrictions until, finally, there will be none at all. There is no turning back now, the country needs to open.
  10. Eh?? You haven't needed to take a COVID-19 before travel for months now. And you don't need to show a booster certificate on arrival at all, where do you get that idea from? Thai Pass takes three minutes, it is all done online, and the check on arrival takes 10 seconds - you only need to show your TP approval which you receive within 30 minutes of applying online. I came in today for the second time in a couple of weeks and it is extremely painless. From 1st July you won't even need to spend three minutes doing TP, just turn up. So not really sure what your problem is, I think you listen to the TVF scare mongers too much perhaps (the same scare mongers who have never actually done TP, obviously). It is way more complex to enter Singapore or many other Asian countries in APAC.
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