And you are one of those people who is so fanatical that you equate disliking Tony with liking Prayut. How and why do you draw that conclusion when I never mentioned Prayut? It's a very childish argument to make. I am no fan of his either by the way.
I merely stated that Tony is one of the most self-serving despicable "leaders" that this country has ever had, and when he spouts lies to promote himself or stir the pot - as he is doing here - then his nonsense should not be given mainstream media space. Ignore him, don't give him a platform to lie, and he remains irrelevant.
Should he have something valid to say that truly has the people at heart then go for it. But equating marijuana (non addictive) to heroin is a ridiculous stretch, saying he saw a man jump off a building because he smoked a spliff is beyond belief. But his fanboys will support him no matter what. I am sure you supported his blatant corruption, his moral failings, his murderous "war on drugs".......or maybe your blinkers help you overlook it because he won elections. Up to you, but don't tell me I am an "unenlightened coup supporting neophyte" when I have never discussed the coup or anything to do with it.