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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. Hi all,


    Anyone know what was up with the BTS on Friday?  Around 7pm I took it from Thonglor to Phrom Phong and our train kept stopping between stations.  When I got off I could see it was because we were pretty close to the train in front, it was maybe 100m ahead and could see there was another not too far in front of that.  And looking back there was another train about 30m behind us, and one behind that just a little further.  The opposite platform (going towards Samrong) was absolutely rammed and I couldn't see any trains going in that direction, and they had stopped people going up to the platform.  Obviously some earlier disruption had caused a massive backup.  Anyone know what it was?


    Picture taken at Phrom Phong, going towards Asoke, note the second train waiting just behind.  Never seen them so close before.



  2. 11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Design may look awesome but does Thailand has the technicians and craftsmen to do wooden structure. Japan has a complete ecosystem for wood design and construction with good standards and compliance. Thailand does not.   

    Have you never seen the many amazing wooden structures in Thailand?  They have incredible skills, beautiful designs, and they have been building with wood for centuries.  Don't be ignorant.



  3. On 8/22/2018 at 6:48 PM, strikingsunset said:

    if you are applying for a chinese visa in bangkok better to use an agent - they don’t like independent applications ( brown envelopes need to be passed around) you can easily be rejected for no apparent reason.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    I disagree with that.  I have got several Chinese visas in Bangkok and always by doing the application myself.  Pretty quick and easy.  I have had one rejection as I was on a short term visa when moving between two jobs, but every time when I've been on a proper long term visa or extension there's never been a problem.

  4. 12 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

    Not sure what answer you are referring to - you have simply kept parroting the same inane question.  As I mentioned in an earlier reply to you, who's to say it didn't or won't prejudice this trial? 


    Now a question for you.  Let's say, in this instance, the verdicts stick and the trial isn't reheld, was is it still right for Yaxley Lennon to do what he did when it was illegal and put the whole legal process in jeopardy?

    For someone who was so adamant I answer their question even though I did, several times, I notice you have chosen not to answer mine.  Any response?

  5. 4 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

    So right wing racist Tommy gets "interviewed" by right wing Fox news and is allowed to repeat his lies unchallenged.  How is that POWERFUL (in caps)?


    He was not kept in solitary confinement for two months, that is an utter lie.  I sincerely doubt his other claims but have no proof.  However, comparing it to Guantanamo Bay is just sickening, repulsive and utterly ridiculous.  The man is not a victim, although he likes to portray himself as one to encourage donations and further his own notoriety.


    Nothing changes the fact he is a racist, violent, lying, wife beating, fraudulent criminal.  All proven facts.  Even if I held similarly racist views (I don't) I would be ashamed to be represented by him.  

    And here's a question; everyone is entitled to their opinion and their views.  Why is it that the far right don't have an eloquent well educated person to represent them?  Why do they need to be represented by a violent, tattooed, former football hooligan wife beater?  A lot of his followers fit the same profile.   Surely if you put your case forward more reasonably and made sensible and proper proposals then more people might listen or take you seriously.  


    But instead you put all your faith in a proven thug, wife beater and liar.  I really don't understand....



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  6. 25 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

    Exactly, we have enough in the UK already that's why don't need anymore ! or are you saying that because Catholic priests have been prevalent that it is ok for Muslims to do the same ?

    Yes, that is exactly what he was saying.  He was saying that because paedophile Catholic Priests have been prevalent then it is perfectly fine for Muslims to do the same.  Yes, that's exactly what he meant - you've really nailed him on this one, well done!


    P.S.  Go Tommy!!



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  7. 3 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

    did you even read the link?

    there are pictures. is a project that reportedly cost 700mill.


    you lot are so bent up in negativity against everything Thai you cannot even give credit when something has been done

    Yep.  And if they weren't spending "all that money" on trains and what is an impressive and much needed mass transit infrastructure project then the same people would be moaning about how Thailand doesn't invest in infrastructure, third world country, traffic problem but no-one cares as Thais only care about money, look at Singapore and their MRT, why why why, blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzz.

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