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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 52 minutes ago, Cyclone88 said:

    Never heard such nonsense.

    Just walk in the bank and do a transfer.


    2 months ago i went to my SCB branch on Beach Road, Pattaya and transfered just over 4 mil to another bank.

    All done in less than 10 minutes.

    No need to be a smartarse about it.  As I said in my post it is several years since I have needed to do this and they never used to do it - instead giving you cash to carry to the other bank, ridiculous as it sounds.  And Bangkok Bank on their very own website are quite clear that there is a limit of 100,000 baht per interbank transaction.  


    Thanks for your help, not for your attitude.

  2. Hi all,


    I need to transfer about 1.2m baht from my Bangkok Bank to a KBank account.  I can't do it online as to change my transfer limit to be sufficiently high I need to apply in the bank and wait 3-5 working days for the adjustment to take effect.


    So can I do the transfer in the branch?  From their website it says the limit for interbank transfers is 100,000 baht.


    I remember years ago they always used to give you the entire sum in cash, then you would walk to the other bank and deposit it there.  I was rather hoping things had moved on in the few years since I needed to do this, but evidently not?


    Any advice?

  3. 5 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

    This site is the most negative site in the world. Most posters on here are sad old people who hate everything about the country they live in. This is why the number of users on this site is going down day by day. This website has been allowed to turn from what was once a very useful site into what it is now.. In a couple of more years you may as well have a Thaivisa meeting at a funeral as the last couple of users will be saying goodbye to one of their last friends.

    I agree with everything you wrote apart from the last sentence about them having friends.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Mate if you can't see the danger of having a 40kg stewardess who has to rescue a 100 kilo passenger than i have nothing to answer you...

    I couldn't put it any better than CGW above.    And again I'll ask you which airline is it that you select based on the weight and / or muscularity of their crew?  It's obviously a real concern for you.


    Then perhaps you can tell which airlines impose a minimum weight limit on their crew.  Minimum height / reach, yes, but weight nope - it is not important as  long they as they are a healthy weight for their height.


    I'll take my chances with the 40kg stewardesses thanks.  You can go with Air Pork if it makes you feel safer.

    • Haha 1
  5. 5 minutes ago, Thian said:

    In case of emergency i also can't how the skinny crew can help farang from around 100 kilo. Even the pilots have no muscles at all and look like bookkeepers.

    The pilot's job is to fly the plane.  I don't think being a bodybuilder is a requirement anywhere in the world.  What a ridiculous set of posts in this thread.


    So, out of interest, seeing as you obviously don't fly on Thai because of all these dangers, which airline do you choose that has beefy pilots and massive muscular stewardesses that can haul fat people around with ease?   I'm concerned about my safety too now so would appreciate you sharing your advice.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    Well, that report from some TV station at some time that some Thai person told to some farang..... where are the 'facts',  where is the link?


    Seems, if that was the case... it would be all guess work... because how do they know?  There were no witnesses?  For sludge to drag the car down so quickly is not really believable... as well as there is not any sludge there anyway.  


    Most people would have the instinct to get out the car ASAP..  before it started to sink in deep water.....or at lease break a window.  

    There is no way that the seatbelt jammed, all electrics failed, all the doors were stuck shut.. all at the same time, and the car was suddenly submerged totally underwater in seconds with no time to do anything.  


    Also, if the water pressure was keeping to door closed.. if she sat in it while it sank without trying to get out (perhaps while she was using her phone to call people),  then all she had to do was wait till the water level in the car was higher before she could open the door.


    The story is just too strange.  There must have been other factors at play... perhaps the woman was disabled or elderly so could not get out of the car?  


    Whatever the reason, I am sorry she died like that, but most people would not have driven down into a flooded underpass... or at least stopped when they realised the water level was getting too deep...……...



    Yeah, you're right, so simple.  None of that stuff happened because it was only a Thai that said it to a farang.  The poor woman probably just decided to stay in the car because she couldn't be bothered getting out - typical lazy Thai.  Probably doing her makeup or checking Facebook.


    Just wait until it filled up then open the door, simple as that.  I know that, you know that, a lot of people don't and go in to panic mode - probably the majority of people.  Of course if you were in a similar situation you'd handle it calmly and perfectly because you are a farang and far superior.  You'd just open the door, get out and paddle to safety.  Anyway, like you say, there is absolutely no way she tried to get out but the pressure meant she couldn't open the door, no way.  Something is afoot here.  Her phone call for help was probably a lie too.


    Please disregard my earlier post.  She clearly died because she couldn't be bothered saving herself and it was all a big conspiracy to suggest otherwise.


    You really should be a detective (not of the armchair variety) - you're a natural.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    This was on the Thai News a few days ago... 


    If I'm not mistaken the lady drove down the underpass not looking too far ahead and nosed into the water at which time it is suspected she realized it was going to be too deep. 


    Gravity and sludge on the road took care of the rest and the stopped car slid further into the water (which at the time was well over head height). 


    The poor lady in the car could not open the door (water pressure) the electrics had failed, she could not open the window. She had time to phone her family (or someone) for help before the interior of the pickup flooded with water and she drowned. 


    Unfortunately she may have died because she panicked and didn't know how to rescue herself. 


    How many people have something which could smash the window and also cut away a seatbelt?


    Actually, pretty much everyone has something which could smash a window - removing the headrest and using the metal bars on that is designed to smash a window. 


    Ultimately a tragic story, but a situation which for most people is difficult to get into in the first place and for most others easy enough to escape from. 

    Thank you.  Reading the posts from smug <deleted> above calling the woman stupid for not just getting out make me sick.  Then others expanding that same stupidity to the whole Thai race.  Disgraceful morons that should be ashamed.  A poor woman died a horrible (and yes, avoidable) death.

    • Like 1
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  8. 26 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Sensitively? You know that how? See? I, too, can play that game. 


    By sensitively, do you mean careful censoring of anything bad or that could "tarnish the image and reputation of Thailand"? 

    Because Tom Waller has expressed that in absolutely no way will he exploit anyone, rather he wants to show the volunteer spirit that was so incredible.  Having met him on several occasions and having worked with him in the past I am happy to take him at his word on that.  He is after all half Thai and was born here, so his film will not be sensationalist but will be treated with a sensitive hand.   I wouldn't have that same confidence  in an American production with their over bearing producers stomping around.


    Pretty simple really.  So there you go, I have answered why I "know" it will be a sensitive film, now why don't you tell me why you "know" the children and families involved will get next to nothing from this?  I'm all ears.

  9. 2 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Everything is about Money Here ,No matter what Drama or Disaster someone Has to make money out of it ,,,, Greedy greedy greedy.

    I'm sorry, did you not see the foreign production companies crawling all over this before the kids had even been rescued?  The greed is elsewhere my friend, look in the mirror (assuming you are Western).


    "Pure Flix films managing partner Michael Scott told AAP in Chiang Rai, “I see this as a major Hollywood film with A-list stars”.

    Mr Scott and co-producer Adam Smith have been conducting preliminary interviews around the Tham Luang cave site, where a final push is now underway to complete the rescue of the group of 13 who became trapped in the caves by rising flood waters more than two weeks ago.

    Mr Scott and Mr Smith also plan to bring in a screenwriter and interview key players from the team of foreign rescuers and Thai Navy SEALS, the victims and their families and seek exclusive rights to their stories.

    Asked if their actions might be seen as insensitive at such a delicate time, Mr Smith said: “There’s going to be other production companies coming in so we have to act pretty quickly.”

    What about the countless other Hollywood productions tastelessly creaming money out of disasters where thousands died.  

    World Trade Centre (9/11).  The Impossible (Asian Tsunami).  Remember Me (9/11).  Just three puke-worthy examples.  At least with being a Tom Waller film there's a very good chance it will be treated respectfully, without sensationalism, and I am sure some proceeds will go to help certain causes (I have no evidence for that).

    Seriously, why do you have to paint an entire country as being greedy based on one man making a respectful film?  Do you know where the proceeds are going?  

  10. Hi all,


    I am planning a launch party for our new company here in November.  I am look for a company to do catering and service - we need canapes, people wandering with trays, but also drinks (beer, wine) and cocktails - maybe a choice of 5 different cocktails to be mixed to order.  Catering company would need to supply all glassware etc.  Perhaps 100 guests.


    Does anyone have any experience with good companies they can recommend?  I can Google but always good to have first hand reviews if possible.  I did use one many years ago for a private party I threw but can't for the life of me remember what they were called.


    Thanks in advance for any help.



  11. 2 hours ago, Darcula said:


    So, is this underpass the only way in and out of the estate? If there's another way, how many minutes longer is that detour?


    Looks like it's Golden Nakara.  I believe there is a back entrance on Onnut 65 but it is a bit of a trek from the front entrance.

    • Like 1
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  12. 2 hours ago, Ossy said:

    10 rock-climbers, eh? I don't remember reading about those guys being involved but, when you've bragged about 61,000, then 6,000 and, now, 10,000 people coming from all over the world to attend this meaningless spectacle - apart from it meaning that Prayut will milk a cave rescue for every votes-worth of image-building that he can - you've got to big-up the numbers, somehow. Like the rest of his generally bad-at-maths Generals, they do have a problem with those 'nothings'.

    And it's all that Ex Gov Narongsak's fault, doubling the Week-1 support figure from 480 to 1,000 and, a fortnight later, sticking one of those troublesome noughts on the end, when he thanked the 10,000 helpers.
    The guy's a genuine fruitcake, but in my and an outdoor pursuits writer's view, he was just a clever component in a sham, possibly the sham of the century, as he reveals in his book, 'The Thailand Cave Rescue Conspiracy' (on Amazon) that tells what really went on behind the scenes of the 3-week rescue mission . . . the best 1-day read I've enjoyed for ages. And that was 1 day … not 10 days or 100 days … OK?


    "When a football team gets trapped down a cave and factor after factor point to it’s being a set-up, I dig deep and, with the help of an unlikely ally, eventually find the cause of thirteen lives being put through a fortnight of sheer hell … and it’s nothing short of astonishing. Talk about being at the right place at the right time, the chain of events that unfolds within these pages epitomises the phrase. But now the truth is out there and the world can see the inside workings of the ensuing, three-week-long, rescue mission … a cleverly orchestrated conspiracy, conceived at the very highest level."


    Seriously??  It was all a set up and conspiracy??  


    He got that book out quickly didn't he?  No doubt he felt compelled to get the truth out there as quickly as possible (for $2.99 on kindle) and not to cash in on the news, not in any way.  And you do realise it is listed in the fiction section on Amazon.  Have you been taken in?


    And I just read an excerpt of it.  Painful reading, not because of the subject matter but because the author writes like a thirteen year old.  And his suspicions were initially aroused because the bikes were in a neat row and seemed quite new and we all know Thai people are poor and can't have bikes like that.  How utterly pathetic.

    • Sad 1
  13. 21 minutes ago, MadMuhammad said:

    I agree regarding quality service and food. 67 flights with Thai and counting and not a single negative experience. 

    Wow, you count how many flights you've been on??


    I agree though - short to medium haul I prefer them over other carriers as they do have good service these days and generally the planes are decent, but long haul I never ever choose them as there are much better options in my opinion.  IFE on Thai is pretty woeful.

  14. 1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

    Reading should be a prerequisite to posting!


    Do you know the difference between tongue and cheek and paranoia?


    What does London Heathrow have to do with Thailand?



    I did read it, and you were up in arms about a 200 baht rise in a modest tax, attributing it to the fact that the Thais are out to rip off foreigners (or words to that effect).  If you weren't being serious and your post was tongue in cheek then I take it back, but it certainly didn't seem that way.


    And it was quite obvious what LHR had to do with it.  I was using it as a comparison to explain to you that it's is not just Thailand who is out to "rip off the foreigners" by charging more for international journeys.  LHR also has different fees based on length of journey, and the fees are several magnitudes higher then here.  If that didn't make sense to you and you couldn't see the comparison and why I was using it then I am sorry (for you).


    At the end of the day it is a 200 baht rise to a modest fee that hasn't changed in years and is in line with international practise.  Get over yourselves with all the talk of it being another nail in the coffin of the tourist industry, tourist numbers will fall, the sky will come crashing in, waa waaa waaaa.  It's quite a ridiculous thread really, even for here.

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