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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    But that does not really answer why? Protection of the local car industry? Ignorance of how the economy works? (60% duty, x five times as many cars equals more revenue for the government, many more jobs, and a stronger economy) huge payoffs to the guys in charge, or just a staggering lack of vision? 



    An d 5 x more cars on the road would be a good thing, right?


    It's no different than Singapore.  I am sure you also think Singapore has a staggering lack of vision too?

    • Confused 1
  2. I reckon the fine was sent out by a police officer who reads TV.  Probbaly got a bet on with his mates.  "Watch this, I'm going to send this one out, let's see how long it takes before ********** and all the other Thailand hating, lonely old losers come out the woodwork with the same old speil.


    Probably have a sweepstake:


    • 10 points every time one of them calls it a third world country.
    • 15 points when kickbacks get mentioned.
    • 20 point for saying the police need top to bottom reform
    • 25 points for every inference that Thais are stupid
    • 30 points each time someone says it would never happen in the west (er, it does)
    • 40 points when Thaksin, Prayut or the Red Bull Kid get mentioned.
    • 50 points for someone to comment on the average penis size


    They'd being doing pretty well in this thread so far.  You know who you are. There's a big 90 points still up for grabs!



    • Haha 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Iem said:

    Australian consulate in Sydney is very good for multi-entry non O's based on marriage - IF you can show residence in Australia . I have a British passport but had to show electricity bills and rates notice . So not really suitable if you can't produce this kind of evidence .

    Thank you that's interesting as I am leaning towards a trip to Sydney, but not if that is the case.  Do you know if that is the same requirement for a single entry?


    On their website they don't mention that, only that non-Australian or non-resident applicants need to show an Australian e-visa.  https://thaiconsulatesydney.org/en/visas



    Screen Shot 2018-10-27 at 12.35.05 PM.png

  4. 51 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I don't think immigration would notice your date of birth is wrong or even care about it.

    It took a few year before immigration noticed my wife was wrong. But that didn't affect the application being processed. She went to the Amphoe and got it corrected later. They only did a note at the end of the Kor Ror 2 stating her correct birth date.

    It seems the Amphoe just did not want to do it. 

    You may find it much easier and less costly to do the extension based upon marriage than working. It takes a lot of company paperwork to get an extension based upon working.

    That's reassuring to hear.  I did think about trying anyway but was just imagining spending the whole day at CW, finally getting to see the officer only to have it refused on that basis, then being back to square one.


    Think I may give it a go then, thanks.

  5. 6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There is no reason to get and non-b visa and then an extension of stay based upon working. You can get a work permit with and work with a non-o visa or extension of stay based upon marriage. You can use the income from working to meet the 40k baht income requirement to apply for the extension.

    You can get a single entry non-o in Sydney with out a problem. Vientiane and Savanna will issue them as well.

    I would not bother trying in Manila.

    Yes it allows one 90 day entry. You could get a re-entry permit for the 90 day if you want to travel.

    Thanks, as always, for the sound advice, much appreciated.


    To get an extension here i meet all the criteria, however they asked for a Kor Ror 2 as well as the Kor Ror 3.  We didn't have this so went to the ofice where we originally got married to ask for one.  Very simple.  However in the car we realised my D.O.B. in Thai was wrong.  So we went back.  They say they can't change it.  I needed to get a letter from my embassy verifying my D.O.B. (my passport would not suffice), have it translatesd to Thai, then have the translation certified by the ministry of Foreign Affairs, then go somewhere else (can't remember) to have the database corrected, then back to the district office to have a new Kor Ror 2 printed.  Then off to CW to apply for the extension.  I couldn't bear the thought of that much hassle so flew to Singapore to get a new multi entry non O which was a piece of cake.


    That's why this time I'm thinking of going non B now I'm going to be back employed here.


    I know ultimately, one day, I'll have to go through that process to get my DOB corrected, but I'm not ready for that just yet.

    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, bubba said:

    I cannot comment on a non-imm O, but I did a new non-imm B visa following a job change in Manila several years ago. I can only say that back then, the local Filipino staff were probably the least friendly and least service-minded Thai consulate staff I have encountered. Same day service was not an option. They were meticulous and all my documents were in order, so at least I was successful in obtaining my visa there.

    Yeah, I had heard similar stories about Manila and people getting refused.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Do you want a single or multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage? Single entry non-o visas are fairly easy to get. A bit harder to get a multiple entry non-o visa since many embassies and consulate will not issue them.


    Hi Ubon Joe,


    A sinle entry should be good enough this time.  We have registered a company here and got BOI certification so I will be moving over to a non B based on employment.  However we are about three weeks away from completing all our registrations to be able to issue the documents for it.  Hence the need to go with another non O.


    If I were to do a single entry I assume that's 90 days?  And if I do need to travel in those 90 days I would still be able to apply for a re-entry permit here in Bangkok?  If that's the case that should easily cover me.

  8. Hi all,


    My non-O based on marriage expires next week and I'm going to have to leave to apply for a new one.  Last time I did it in Singapore and it was very easy (I am employed in Singapore although don't spend much time there).  This time I was thinking I could combine it with something else I need to do either in Sydney or Manila.  Does anyone have any experience in getting Non-O's there?


    From searching online I have seen some bad stories about Manila and seems they can be difficult.  Haven't seen much about Sydney.  Any thoughts or experiences (positive or neagtive) would be much appreciated.


    I'm am a Brit if it matters to anything.

  9. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


    But the all powerful and extremely competent army and navy will take care of that. Who would mess with the Thai army? Such prowess. Such amazing ability. They are envied worldwide for their stunning achievements, genius, vision and kind hearted attitude toward their people. Nothing but benevolence. 


    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    ......... shortcomings in the organisation, which have stacked up over the 58 years of the national carrier’s operations .........

    This is untreated bull..... and we all know it. Under the leadership of people like Chatchai Bunja-Ananda, Nils Lumholdt, Lennard Holmgren, Captain Yotin etc., i.e. until 25 years ago, Thai was a shining star which, indeed, operated "smooth as silk". 

    The last 25 years of its 58 years of existence the flagship carrier got completely misused by braindead politicians, air force clowns and was like a supermarket without cashiers on the way out. So many people stole, misused, cheated ....... which resulted in TG being among the worst airlines to still fly. 

    Thai does not need an union, it needs professional leadership and motivated, dedicated staff. Fire the entire lot including this clown of union chief, all the staff involved in TG971's stand-off. To give you an example how to deal with such arrogant pathetic pilots you might want to watch Lee Kuan Yew dealt with Singapore Airlines' pilots (see bottom). 

    But then again, Thailand and Thai Airways are centuries away from Singapore and its flagship carrier ......... which commenced 
    operation in 1972 only! )


    That was a great speech by a dictator against a striking union.  Not really relevant here though. 


    If Prayut dealt with Thai the same way people would be up in arms, rightly.



    If you expand his speech beyond your clip it sounds spretty racist:


    Towards the end of the 'meeting', Lee Kuan Yew exposed Captain Goh.

    The 43 year old pilot leading the 'pay strike' who is a Malaysian holding a Singapore PR (approved in 1981) and Australian PR (approved in 2002).

    The below are an excerpt of an article on the meeting:

    "Reading from a file, Mr Lee pulled out the following facts about Captain Goh.

    A Malaysian with permanent residence status here, he had accepted Australian PR in 2002, moved his wife and children to Perth, shipped his car and sold his flat.

    You told someone from IE Singapore that the grass had stopped growing in Singapore, did you not, [SM Lee Kuan Yew] asked.

    He turned to one of the pilots and asked if he knew the Malaysian had bought a house in Australia and had this option to bail out.

    No, the person answered.

    'No?' repeated Mr Lee.

    'That's deception, isn't it?' he asked Capt Goh.

    The pilot in the hot seat tried to defend himself but it was too late. The line in the sand between him and the Singaporeans had been drawn for him.

    'My daughter is still in school here,' he tried saying, adding this showed he still had roots in Singapore.

    But wasn't that because she did not like school in Australia and came back, Mr Lee shot back calmly.



    Yay, go natioanlist leaders, bring them in to sort out Thai Airways!

  11. 7 minutes ago, connda said:

    Nothing quite says that pilots and puuyai at this company breath rarefied air and are above all others than the sheer physical separation that this gent needs from mere mortals of the press. 
    Love the look on this guy's face too.  It says it all:
    "Customers are King!"  Sure.  Right.





    Did you ever consider that the press may prefer to be in front of him so they can take pictures??  What use would they be if they were pressed up against the side of him?  

    • Haha 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:


    Reports say the two who refused to go back to the seat they had paid for were a "high ranking official" and his wife.  So if you ask me a lot of blame should be directed at them for their entitled attitude.  However the whole situation was handled attrociously by Thai.



    In some ways it's quite refreshing to see that the pilot didn't bow to the big-haired Hi-So.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Ah...so they hadn’t paid for first class seats. 

    No.  Nobody had, as that flight is served by a 77 which only has economy and business.  When they had to switch it to a 747 they upgraded some of the business passengers to first, but the ground crew forgot to leave seats for the deadheads.


    Reports say the two who refused to go back to the seat they had paid for were a "high ranking official" and his wife.  So if you ask me a lot of blame should be directed at them for their entitled attitude.  However the whole situation was handled attrociously by Thai.


    Having said that, 1st class on an old 747 would probably be worse than business on a 777 so I can kind of understand it a little.

    • Like 2
  14. 38 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

    Perfect thread to come out and bash (again) something thai. I salute your courage to say things from another angle. I have been flying literally hundreds of times with a lot of companies, I am astonished by ridicule statements like "Thai is the worst in the world" or by those experts who flew a grand total of two times on Thai.

    Truth is that Thai is far from perfect, and I am certainly irritated by some of their attitudes when it comes to VIPs, monks, or pilots in this case. I do hope they will use the case of the Zurich flight to take some necessary changes in their policies. Thai is also expensive on some routes/classes, but cheaper on others. I have witnessed some improvements in the last year and I am continuing to fly with them (as well as with others) for the time being.

    Can some of those voodooing Thai Airlines come out with an airline which is invariably cheaper, friendlier, kinder, with better hubs and connections. I have probably flown with it and may have a story to tell too.

    I have to agree.  My bet is that most of the people coming out with "Worst Airline in the World" probably spend 364 days a year in their Isaan village and haven't been on a flight in years, but just love to bash, and love to see a story on their favourite forum where they have the chance to jump in and do so.

    I fly a lot and I did avoid Thai for many many years due to their old planes.  However they have been modernising their fleet over the past several years and they are now my carrier of choice for short to medium haul as they are massively improved.  The planes are fine - I enjoyed using the A350 to Singapore until they shifted it elsewhere, and the 787 too - on board service is good and definitely better than most.  Their A380 is pretty comfortable too and I flew them to Tokyo on that as they were cheaper than the competition.  They won Skytrax "Economy Class of the Year" in 2018 and you don't win that by being "the worst airline in the world".  In fact coming out with such a ridiculous comment when there are dozens and dozens of much worse airlines in Asia alone just means the rest of your post is not worthy of being taken seriously.


    I don't use them for long haul as there are much better options around, their IFE is pretty woeful, and they do still run some old 747's which I'd rather not be on.  But they are slowly replacing them too.


    It's the same thing with the same old faces saying "Suvaranbhumi is a dump - worst airport in the world" etc etc.  It isn't, it clearly isn't anywhere close.  It's not great, but it's not bad.  And they probably haven't been near it for years, they just saw a report of a four hour queue once. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. On 10/20/2018 at 9:36 PM, Aachen said:

    1. yes

    2. cannot be outside ???? If you are out - it is not reentry


    It was a separate booth at immigration. Better you make the reentry before.

    Actually if you are flying business class and can use the priority lane then you do indeed pass through immigration and get stamped out the country first.  Then you walk behind all the desks to get to cross back to the re-entry counter to apply.  After that you just walk into the teminal.

    Strange but true.

  16. 8 hours ago, NoMeAmes said:

    I thought the topic of this thread was that Indians are the majority? So I'm talking about them, as well as the runner up (Cambodians), etc. Individualistic retired westerners don't need to send money home. They bring money to Thailand to support their new teenage Thai wife, the kids, wife's "brother", wife's parents, wife's neighbors, and the family buffalo ???? This is the type of foreigners that Thailand wants to keep in. Not the overstaying Indians and Cambodians....

    They didn't just decide to round up Indians and Cambodians.  You do realise that don't you?  You think they did that because they don't spend enough money here and they didn't go after westerners because they do?


    Plenty of Westerners have also been caught and deported.

  17. 17 hours ago, Thian said:

    It's the same for real tourists...i was at a thai embassy this week and there were many farang standing outside discussing all the visa-rules, of course none of them understood it...Myself as a visa-user for over a decade also got surprised with new forms i had to fill in and deliver papers that were not noted on the website.


    For tourist visa's nobody understood it, some even left without applying for their visa. 


    So now we have chinese who get a free 2nd visa after visiting and we have farang who have no idea how to get a tourist visa and they even give up..probably they go to another country now....

    Seriously, if people are too dim to be able to apply for a tourist visa then they probably shouldn't be travelling anyway.  

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