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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 12 minutes ago, overherebc said:

    I suggest you first note the difference between the 'over 70's, pregnant women and women with very young children line' and the business class and fast track line.

    Really, it's not often you are right, but in this case you're wrong again.

    Isn't that the same line?  I use the airport a lot and I've never seen a separate line just for over 70s, pregnant women and children line - only the same "Priority Lane" that also entitles business class, first class, BOI company employees, diplomats, aircrew etc.  It's all in one.

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  2. 3 hours ago, tomta said:

    How can you guarantee this? Who are you? Do you have a special relationship to power in Thaiand?


    In the best of circumstances, in the most liberal, open society in the world things get covered up and the emergence of truth cannot be guaranteed. Why do you think that if things had gone wrong that the impulse - or reflex action - to hide the truth for fear of embarrassment would not have kicked into action in Thailand which is not an open society? Witness Prayuth's lying as a reflex mechanism about the tranquiliser issue.

    Blimey, calm down.  I am Joseph Bloggs.  I have no special relationship to power in Thailand.


    But consider the number of people involved in this rescue.  And consider how many of them were foreigners who don't live in Thailand and have no reason to keep a secret to protect a country's "face".  The truth would absolutely have come out, no matter what.

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  3. 1 hour ago, irlguy1 said:

    Exactly, and it explains the media blackout,
    They were doing something that could have gone terribly wrong and they didn't want the world to see them <deleted> up.
    Yes it all worked out but I guarantee u that if it hadn't, we would never have known the truth

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Or how about they didn't want a media scrum during an unbelievably stressful, risky, and dangerous four day operation?  If the press saw boys coming out unconscious there would have been so many questions, so much publicity, so much turmoil at a time when every one needed to keep their focus and get the job done - answer questions later.


    And I guarantee you the truth would have come out anyway, no questions.  

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  4. 20 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:



    Ever since the kids have been found there has been a huge, well coordinated effort, planning, training, practising for the rescue we are seeing now.  They've been planning it for days which is why it appears to have gone so smoothly with the first kids coming out in good health.


    Do you really think they've been sitting around on their <deleted> and have just decided to do this now because it's started raining?  This is not a reactive effort but undoubtedly the most well coordinated proactive effort Thailand has ever seen, and probably that most of the world has ever seen.  


    And all the things you listed were done.  They found them.  They got water, food and medicine to them, they got air lines in to them, they got doctors in to them, and they immediately started prepping them for an extraction.


    What the Hell is wrong with people in this forum??

    Once this is over can we volunteer to send some of the TV heroes who know better in to the cave?  I'll start a crowd funding page and will contribute $1,000 to kick it off.


    I'd like to see them organise their own rescue with no help from Thais because we all know Thais are incompetent and would try to steal the crowd funding money because Thais are also money grabbers.  Maybe one or two of them could try out Elon Musk's inflatable floaty things because Elon is a westerner.  They would be crying for their mums in seconds, unlike these boys, the coach, and the amazing people who are in those caves working to bring them out.


    It seems Thai and international heroes are on the cusp of executing one of the world's most incredible rescues.  Fingers crossed all the kids come out just like the first few reportedly have.

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  5. Any of the experts on here wish to share their thoughts on this thread?  Please come over as we really need your expert input.  Ex SAS, Ex Navy Seals, Ex Military, Cave experts, diving experts, drilling experts - you are all welcome.   We are especially looking for belitting, so any belittling experts please come along.


    Roll up, roll up:  




  6. 1 minute ago, josephbloggs said:

    I didn't need your life story, but if I misjudged you I apologise.


    However, you have consistently been the most negative person in this thread and nobody needs that - it seems like you know better and let's face it, nobody knows better than the people who are there now, giving their all, not people sniping from the sidelines (I would say sniping from their barstools but maybe I can say sniping from their wonderful family dining room table).  Let's keep things positive here and respect the people who are putting their life on the line  - sniping from the side lines only reflects badly on the sniper.

    Have you seen this thread?  You might want to offer your advice there as it seems most of the experts on this thread don't want to.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Just1Voice said:

    I never belittled the Thai at all.  I have a great deal of respect for the Thai SEALS.  As for where I'm "based", you couldn't pay me to go to Pattaya or Pukett.  Been to both in my younger days, but that was over 30 years ago.  So, I'm no "barstool commando", SAS or SpecOps.  I'm in Chiang Mai, where I've been happily married to a wonderful Thai woman for over 10 years now.  I adopted her 24 year old Thai son, who then legally changed his last name to mine to "honor the man who is my father".  Making assumptions about people you know knowing about only shows YOUR ignorance.  


    I didn't need your life story, but if I misjudged you I apologise.


    However, you have consistently been the most negative person in this thread and nobody needs that - it seems like you know better and let's face it, nobody knows better than the people who are there now, giving their all, not people sniping from the sidelines (I would say sniping from their barstools but maybe I can say sniping from their wonderful family dining room table).  Let's keep things positive here and respect the people who are putting their life on the line  - sniping from the side lines only reflects badly on the sniper.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    Trust me, I am hardly "negative".  But I am a realist.  Blame it on being a U.S. Marine for 20 years of you want.  Personally I don't care.  I can look at a situation and see both the positive and negative aspects of it.  


    Ah, ok, then in that case we all respect you and you can belittle the Thais all you like.  A US Marine no less.  Based in Pattaya now perhaps?



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