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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Compared to Japan, Thailand is a cesspit to be avoided.

    Japan is by nature. clean, tidy, and almost un-polluted with clean, safe attractions and amenities, where people are welcoming and helpful.

    In contrast Thailand is filthy dirty, polluted, noisy, people are only interested in fleecing you while offering poor service and value for money is hard to find, especially the double pricing at national parks.

    Not to mention who would want to go from a nice clean modern toilet with hot water cleaning in Japan to an Asian squat toilet with a bucket and bowl with cold water??


    Wow, the Thailand you live in sounds disgusting. It bears no resemblance to the one I live in.

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  2. 16 minutes ago, Melpomene said:

    EVME have an app - if you download you can check their prices.  If you rent for a year you'll get a better deal, although doubt you'll get something as cheap as you're paying now.


    I've just had a look and they're quoting the following for 12 month rentals :


    BYD Dolphin Standard Range - 23,799 per month

    MG EP - 26,099 per month

    MG ES - 32,099 per month

    MG4 - 33,699 per month

    BYD Atto 3 - 37,799 per month

    Tesla M3 Standard - 43,599 per month

    I wonder what their business model is. You can buy one for those kind of monthly prices.

  3. On 1/21/2024 at 5:39 PM, BritManToo said:

    When I went to China for a couple of weeks absolutely nothing was as the western media portrayed it.

    Nobody followed or watched me, I could go where I pleased. Small business flourished. Immigration and visa was easier, and the staff more pleasant and helpful. No police apparent on the streets.


    They had more personal freedom than the UK or the USA as far as I could tell.


    Your opinions are all formed by western anti Chinese propaganda!

    It's not often I get to to say this, but I agree 100% with you. I have cumulatively spent several months there for work visits and it is an incredible place. Admittedly most of that time has been spent in Shanghai but it is just such an incredible place. And yes, lots of thriving small businesses and happy people. A good friend of mine lived there for 15 years.

    All these cliched and boring anti China comments are 100% the result of anti-Chinese propaganda. These people have no idea how they are being played by their "leaders". Go and see for yourselves and you would be very surprised.


  4. 11 hours ago, mistral53 said:

    The BYD Seal and the  Xiaomi SU7 are not even on the same planet, technology wise - that presumably will be reflected in the price. I would not be surprised if it is 50% higher than the Seal top model. The top performance version was modeled on the Tesla Plaid, so expect prices to be similar, albeit lower.


    Xiaomi is not entering the vehicle manufacturing field tip-toeing - they plan a full frontal assault...... watch out Tesla and BYD.





    It sounds amazing.


  5. 4 hours ago, Bandersnatch said:

    I would definitely recommend taking it for a test drive before writing it off. This was MGs top end car designed to compete with the Honda CRV. It is a luxury car packed with features and a 0-100kph of 6.9 seconds.


    I’ve owned one for over 2 years. It’s 70km EV only range is enough for most of our local trips. 

    We own a Seal Performance as well, but we have no plans to sell the HS as we have 5 dogs and a baby.



    Well there you go, consider me educated. For some reason I always had it down as a low end vehicle, seems I was wrong - that looks nice inside. I also didn't know it was that speedy and had such a good electric capacity.

    Thanks for the info.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    I think the MG-HS will be at the April motor show on the new gen-two platform, so they need to blow the gen-ones out. 



    I would agree that makes sense. In its current guise it is not an attractive car (for me), even with the discount. But also agree it is great for the consumer - long may it continue as we have never seen this price competition before in Thailand.

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  7. 6 hours ago, VBF said:

    The uncharitable might suggest that you look to see who really owns Mellow, and do they have a "tea pot"? 🙄

    It is very close to a certain police station. but it is just outside of the Penny's Balcony complex that contains She Bar and HOBs. Maybe that block only has a restaurant license and Mellow has a bar license. I have no idea, although what you are implying could also well be true - I have no idea who owns it in reality.

    The previous independent owner of HOBs was in business with a senior man in uniform and was, let's say, "bought out" by them, so it seems weird why they don't have the same leeway that Mellow does, unless it has since changed hands again (quite possible).

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, JemJem said:

    Yes, I am confused to some degree as well. But, I am 99 percent sure it wasn't even in effect in the nineties because I was living in Bangkok in most of that decade, including the late 90's,and I had no trouble buying beer anytime anywhere during daytime. I remember it going in effect sometime in the early 00's.


    One thing for sure is all places like 7-11's definitely obey this rule, while for restaurants and restaurant/pubs, the situation is confusing. 

    Yeah, I have been here since 1995 and it definitely wasn't in effect then. It started getting enforced under Thaksin and Purachai in the early 2000's along with other genius ideas like not being able to buy alcohol at service stations. Even today there are 7-11's on the frontage road off the Rama 9 motorway that don't sell booze (even though they are not connected to the motorway) whereas one around the corner from them can as it is deemed off the main road. Ludicrous. 

    The mighty Thaksin also closed petrol stations nationwide at midnight to "save energy". Brilliant!

    The 2pm to 5pm thing is the most illogical of all though - at least there is some logic about not selling at service stations. Every single pub in Bangkok can sell all day, some restaurants can, some can't. No shops or supermarkets can, although Villa used to ignore it but eventually they stopped too. On Thonglor you have three places in a row: HOBs no alcohol 2pm to 5pm, She Bar no alcohol 2pm to 5pm, but Mellow sells all day. Who knows how it works.....

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  9. 6 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

    He seemed to have pi##ed someone off along the way.


    I agree with FritsSikkink, seems the company is following labour laws. How long had he worked for them?


    “An employee terminated without a valid cause as stipulated by law is entitled to receive the following severance pay:


    30 days’ wages where the employment period is at least 120 days but is less than one year.

    90 days’ wages where the employment period is at least one year but is less than three years.

    180 days’ wages where the employment period is at least three years but is less than six years.

    240 days’ wages where the employment period is at least six years but is less than ten years.

    300 days’ wages where the employment period is at least ten years but is less than twenty years.

    400 days’ wages where the employment period is twenty years or more.”

    Thanks, and no he didn't P##s anyone off, they just got rid of the highest paid people regionally and it is unwarranted (but nothing can be done).

    They are following labour laws to the letter but he has been advised this can be challenged and can be negotiated (potentially, but also maybe not).

    Personally I think he should take the 240 days and he doesn't have a chance of getting more, but seems there might be a possibility of negotiating. Will see.

    Will post back here for everyone's information.

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