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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 3 hours ago, LS24 said:

    Aye, they were good times. I often would never go to actual bars. I think around Soi 9 were some of my favs. I much prefer an early night and early rise these days but great memories.


    In those misspent times, I ended up 2 or 3 times at a club I think was in north BKK that never seemed to close. On the occasions I remember going there it was in a taxi late at night early morning with others. Left mid morning and straight into taxi often telling the driver where to take us before sleeping for the trip. I always thought it was up near Saphan Kwai but may not have been. The place was a haze of smoke and seriously loud music with no windows and up one level. Can't even remember the name.

    That reminds me, there used to be a place on soi 11, unmarked door, which led to stairs and once you got up to the second floor you opened a door to a small club. Always heaving, open all night, lots of freelancers, if I remember correctly there might have been two bars inside on two different floors. Does anyone remember it? I am going back maybe 18-20 years when I used to go there and I'd be there several nights a week until the early hours. @Liverpool Lou maybe? Not sure if it even had a name. Someone took me there the first time and then when I tried to go alone the next time I couldn't find the door. Great memories (even though I can't remember the name or exactly where it was).

  2. 9 minutes ago, transam said:

    I didn't think Boeing planes were constantly dropping out of the sky, we all know about the Max, but others..............🤔

    So far the Max has dropped out of the sky twice, but it is the general culture of the company that is suspect as it is run by bean counters not engineers, and safety concerns are generally ignored or swept under the carpet. I don't trust the company. Two 787s did catch fire but luckily they were on the ground. Watch the documentary I posted and let me know what you think.

    I believe the 777 was the last "properly" built Boeing plane. I hope I am wrong but I think eventually we will see a 787 fall out of the sky. If the company is proven to have a history or lying, of cutting corners on safety to increase profits, then why would you trust their products? If saying "well 787s aren't falling out the sky constantly" is all that you need to reassure yourself then good for you.

    Boeing was always allowed to certify their own aircraft as safe rather than it being done by the FAA. That didn't end well.  They took the opportunity of self certification to cut corners and compromise safety and that culture permeates the entire company.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    I assume you book flight tickets by non-Boeing aircraft.........?  :cowboy:

    I don't know about him but I absolutely do. I will never ever set foot on a 737 (Max or otherwise), and I avoid 787s as best I can although I have had no choice on a couple of routes. Short flights I will only go Airbus (A319, 320, 321). Long haul preference is A380 or A350.

    The only Boeing I am truly comfortable with is a 777 - it's a good plane.

    So yes, it is a crucial factor for me at least and I am sure I am not alone.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. 12 hours ago, liddelljohn said:

    The Boeing 737Max scandal is only the tip of the iceberg ,, Boeing has many more  issues  they are hiding , Problems with Dream Liners quality ,, more cover ups on Legacy 737s  ,  


    The industry insiders know ...

    This is nine years old but considering what has happened since (737 Max crashes, safety cover ups etc) it is very relevant and also quite shocking.  Undercover reporting from inside the factory, Boeing staff saying they would never fly on one! Whistleblowers saying safety concerns were ignored. Worth a watch.

    (Yeah yeah, Al Jazeera blah blah before the Boeing fanboys jump in).


  5. 22 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    They don't have any type of locking mechanism. Their bone structure is the same as any other dog and their bite not even as strong as a bog standard Mastiff or German Shephard.


    Yet they still manage to kill dozens of people each year and rip faces off babies. So it doesn't really matter if their jaws "lock" when doing it to me, it's a pointless argument, it's the inherent aggression in the breed along with their power.

  6. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    My dog is not stupid enough, to go near builders working with power tools.

    Mine neither.

    We all know it is locked in aa cage because it is dangerous and would probably be aggressive towards them but it's fun to watch the poster try to justify it with nonsensical reasons. Also I am sure the cage wasn't suddenly constructed just for this building project....

    • Agree 1
  7. 59 minutes ago, CaptainPeacock said:

    UPDATE & Review:


    Thai Lion Air = Absolute GARBAGE of the highest order! 💩


    WHY, cos they CANCELLED only 2 days prior to departure, & NO flights for several days!...now I have to go to chaengwattana immigration at the last minute to sort out an extension!


    WARNING: ....NEVER Ever book with this unreliable piece of sh!te Thai Lion Air!:bah:



    Seriously, you book the cheapest budget airline you can find and what do you expect? You could have paid a bit more to go TG but you chose not to. Caveat emptor. 

    Thai fly daily, Thai Lion Air maybe three times a week? So no flights for several days and undoubtedly it was cancelled because it was pretty empty. Thai would have flown regardless. Really, I don't see how you can come back and whinge, you get what you pay for. 

    I never fly budget airlines other than internal flights or maybe somewhere with frequent and short flights like Vietnam. It is not worth the small saving in my opinion, definitely not for anywhere over two hours or with infrequent flights. Really, I don't see how you can come back and whinge, especially as it seems the flight timing was important to you but you went with the cheapest budget airline.

  8. On 2/16/2024 at 10:45 AM, ikke1959 said:

    Typical Thai... the man sends money but the wife spend it on....?????? Besides that keep the rubbish, don't take care of the children and help seems to be impossible.. She can work,clean her house and than probably she will have enough money. But I think debts from gambling are the main issue. Illegal gambling cost a lot of people serious a lot of money as they are addicted. In my neighbourhood there is a same situation and helping is impossible even with a total monthly income for her of almost 30k a month..Sadly for the boys to have a life like this and surely a issue for the Government, but they are too busy with what we have to wear and horns

    What an absolutely pathetic response. "Typical Thai". What about the Scottish father who abandoned his family? Anything to say about that?

    • Agree 2
  9. 58 minutes ago, Captor said:

    They have a rainmaking department?! Jesus Christ! Is it that bad?


    The rainmaking department has existed since the mid 50's but its purpose is to alleviate drought to help farmers, not pollution. 


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Rainmaking_Project#:~:text=Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agricultural Aviation,-The Department of&text=DRRAA employs 71 pilots who,%2C Rayong%2C and Surat Thani.

  10. 4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Burning from Myanmar the cause of smog in Bangkok?

    Yes, and Cambodia. Look at any of the live fire / hotspot maps (the NASA one is best) and it is clear where it is coming from. Most of the pollution in Bangkok isn't being generated in Bangkok otherwise it would be like this all year round.

    Some fires are in Thailand too, obviously, but mostly our neighbours. 

    • Confused 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

    Not necessary at all. Same as it was not necessary for you to get hung on it and post a reply. It´s probably just that some of us knows what knee jerk reactions are made in different situations here. The guy definitely did a good thing. Not many person would dare to jump into that river with all the hidden streams that can take you down. 

    Regarding if I am bored or a grumpy grandpa. At the age of 53 (soon 54) years of age, I have yet not got to the stage of grandpa. With that taken out of the equation, we will only have the bored factor left. I will ask you like this. If your life was full of all the points shown below, would you be bored?

    • A perfect loving wife, that actually understands real life and can engage in an interesting and fruitful discussion as well as solve problems on her own.
    • 2 daughters that do their best to excel in school as well as in real life.
    • A house in the country side, with modern furniture and a pool.
    • 1 condo in Bangkok and 1 in Pattaya.
    • A monthly salary between 280k - 480k baht.
    • Free working hours as long as I meet the goals always working from home. (I always meet the goals :thumbsup:)
    • I lot of free time and always the possibility for a holiday, with only a laptop with me.

    As you surely understand know, Pesche, neither am I. :cheesy:

    Wrong! Please look above for the insight. :cheesy:

    And you doubled down by boasting about your salary, family, house. So I double down on my sad life, sad outlook comment. Anyone that feels the need to boast on an anonymous forum is a loser in my opinion. 

    I prefer to keep my private life and any successes private. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, proton said:

    Moved abroad, worked all hours for years training, multi millionaire, speaks 5 languages, singer, dancer, actress. The sort of young Thai you would think deserves praise as a role model, rather than the cynicism and ignorance displayed on here by grumpy old men.



    Couldn't agree more. More intelligence and talent than all the bitter and grumpy old AN posters combined and timesed by 100.

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