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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 50 minutes ago, Georgealbert said:

    This maybe a starting point ,for your friend.


    Sounds more like the other 2 directors staged a take other, are they Thai? Seen that happen to a few people.


    If the friend has no large investment to lose, can’t see them getting a better offer, without encountering large legal fees, and then no guarantee.




    Hard to believe a MD who could not find their own lawyer without asking a friend to seek help on an open forum.

    Thank you. The other two directors are foreign. It is a foreign owned company and part of a global organisation and he was dipatched by the regional CEO.

    He can easily find his own lawyer but was I was looking at anyone with first hand experience or recommendations to help out. So thank you.

  2. Hi all.

    A good friend of mine was just made redundant. He was the MD of the company and also one of three directors. He was put on three months' garden leave and then will be terminated with 240 days' severance which appears to be according to the law. The company have already announced they will seek a replacement therefore the position isn't redundant, they just want somebody else who is cheaper.

    Can anyone recommend a good labour lawyer in Bangkok? He would simply like to find out what his rights are (if any) and if he has to accept the settlement or can appeal or negotiate. I know in the UK you can refuse the offer and negotiate a better payout but not sure about here.

    Any help or recommendations much appreciated.

  3. REad this today from the AA. Interesting. They say next year they expect the same amount of callouts for dead EV batteries as for (idiots) who run out of fuel. Range anxiety becoming a thing of the past? 

    Yes, this is the UK and nothing to do with Thailand, but many posters have used the UK's charging infrastructure to bash EVs generally. Seems it is less and less of an issue.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Some Thais have  weird taste when it come to their cars.

    How about those  trucks with dozens of mirrors. I don't get it. They must cost a lot of money. and I am sure they don't make so much money that they don't know how to spend it.

    And how about the trucks with all the Plastic dolls . I think they are Michelin men dolls, What's up with that?  

    I don't know, I like those trucks with the mirrors, the ones covered in Michelin men, the outrageous and impressive paint jobs, the oaches with the front lined with speakers, they all add to the distinct flavour of Thailand.  But I draw the line at fake exhausts, especially on an EV.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    Why put fake dual exhausts in any car? even an ICE vehicle . It looks ridiculous. 

    But I have to agree not as ridiculous as on an EV. 

    Perhaps the owner has a good sense of humor. :smile:

    Agree, any fake exhaust on any car is horrible. I was thinking maybe to give him/her the benefit of the doubt as it might be someone with a sense of humour........but then I saw the front with a God ugly bodykit on. Definitely not trying to be self deprecating or funny, just someone with no taste that has ruined what is a perfectly lovely looking car.

    • Agree 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, gargamon said:

    Wonderful. Does the bank app allow you to scan a pic on the same device or did you need an additional device to display the code on so you could scan it? Easily done if necessary.


    I had to use a secondary device - I have Line on my laptop so opened the QR code on there and scanned it with my phone.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. 2 hours ago, gargamon said:

    Interesting. So you were going to get her to go to a BKK bank ATM, initiate a cardless withdrawal from your account, then send you the qr code which you would then use to ok the withdrawal. Then the money would magically appear at the ATM.


    Have you successfully done this in the past? 


    Yes, I have successfully done it in the past when I needed to get money to her. Direct her to a Bangkok Bank ATM, I open my app to start a cardless withdrawal, the ATM displays a QR, she takes a pic and sends it to me, I scan it to approve the transaction and then money magically comes out. Easy.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    Yeah, but the ATMs are everywhere anymore. 

    Yeah, you are always near an ATM in Thailand (Bangkok anyway) but it can be a bit of a pain when you need cash and there isn't one of yours around.  My daughter called me in a pickle recently as she didn't have cash and the ARL wouldn't take True Money (and she had left her ARL card at home). I was going to get her to do cardless cash and send me the QR code but there were no Bangkok ATMs within a km or more.

    Anyway I rarely use ATMs at all as prefer to do most things on my phone. But I think I would always prefer to have a physical ATM card unless one day you can do cardless in any machine. There's no downside to having one, they are quick and easy to replace. Plus you need them if travelling overseas.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 1 minute ago, kwak250 said:

    Eh ! 

    Come on you missed BMW 

    Oh yes because you already looked like a <deleted> about that.

    Do yourself a favour and quit.


    Er, what??

    "320d, 220d, BYD Dolphin, Atto Seal, any MG..."

    What do you think the first two are?

    Never mind. Closed mind, anti EV, anti China, makes up nonsense to support his prejudice, then tries desperately to dig himself out of the hole he's dug........and fails. Move along, nothing to discuss here. 

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  10. 53 minutes ago, kwak250 said:

    Who said I was anti-china?

    Nothing wrong with China I have visited many times.

    Also some of the lower BMW vehicles are priced the same as Ev cars.

    Now who's being silly?


    Eh? For one, no they are not, they are more expensive. And anyway a bottom of the line 320d is not going to achieve classic car status either is it?  You tried to dig yourself out but made it worse.

    320d, 220d, BYD Dolphin, Atto Seal, any MG, none of them are going to become classics so I have no idea what you were trying to achieve with your ridiculous comparison between BYD/MG and Ferrari/Aston Martin other than to bash the Chinese brands.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Lee65 said:


    This might be the most important assertion in the entire thread.  :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


    (By "it" is meant EVs I believe.)  

    Yes, and no one has made any secret of that - EV owners and non EV owners - it is an obvious fact.

    • Agree 2
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