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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 2 hours ago, digbeth said:


    I believe the free tolls days are a way for them to get out of paying the toll workers overtime on the holidays, the big ones like songkran and new years see Bangkok deserted anyway so people use the tolls less, might be cheaper to let the staff take the holiday rather than pay them to come in and man the booths


    Jesus, great conspiracy theory, but maths is obviously not your strong point. How much do you think a toll booth worker makes?

  2. 8 minutes ago, snowgard said:

    Let's wait for the reality video!!! We all don't know what really happening and only listen one side. Lets wait for the other side and a video which shows what was really happen. 

    Eh, what? There is a video, and it does show what happened. And it was posted by the Swiss guy. Do you expect another video to appear that shows him politely explaining the situation and kindly asking them to move?

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  3. 5 minutes ago, KhaoNiaw said:


    It reads like a comedy script. Only behaved like that because I thought they were Chinese. I wouldn't have done it if I'd known they were Thai. At least I didn't threaten to shoot them. I only said I know high-ranking police officers because I was angry. I couldn't apologize because I'm a farang and didn't know what to say in Thai.
    (To be fair the Chinese thing might have worked if they'd actually been Chinese and he said he was afraid they were going to take a dump on his grass, Thai Internet would probably have been on his side).

    Ha ha, yes, comedy indeed. I didn't know how to apologise in Thai but I was happy to shout "<deleted> off" in English - I am sure as many Thai people understand "sorry" as "<deleted> off".

    And the Chinese card, pathetic.

    My favourite was that he was worried that they would harm his wife in the house.

    Pathetic human, he had many opportunities to make it go away and do the right thing yet he chose not to. Happy to see him fall for that reason.

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  4. 2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Trump is another dinosaur, and out of touch with some realities, as are many ignorant people.


    Paraphrased from link, Trump's misconceptions:

    "Electric vehicles

    "Nobody wants to buy" electric vehicles. False. 


    "They (Electric vehicles) don't go far" before needing to be charged. Half true. Most EVs on the road today travel 200 to 300 miles, with some going well over 300, before needing a charge. Many EVs now can go nearly as far as ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles before needing to refuel.


    "They (Electric vehicles) are very expensive." Mostly false, depending on the vehicle. 


    "They require far fewer jobs to make. Michigan you're going to get so screwed." Mostly true. The claim of fewer jobs to build electric vehicles is believed to be true, but has not been proven yet.


    "They ordered a hit job on Michigan manufacturing with this insane electric vehicle mandate." Mostly false. In fact, the global auto market is moving to electric vehicles and will be a majority of vehicles sold in the next 20 years or so.


    The Detroit Three could be out of business. In addition, automakers have invested billions in Michigan and other parts of the U.S. to lay the groundwork for local electric vehicle production.


    "If we build all the charging booths that are necessary, the country would go bankrupt. It costs, like, $3 trillion." False."



    You missed: "Electric vehicles need to be charged every 15 minutes".

    The giant pumpkin-headed buffoon.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, charleskerins said:

    Sure , there is evidence.       "dangerous"   I don't go around kicking women and telling them to get the <deleted> off  steps that aren't mine repeatedly and then be a complete bitch on TV saying I tripped -what a coward.      I don't need a Rx to see a punk and that's what the Fat Swiss Fellow is.

    Imagine if a Thai had done it and then said they tripped. People like alien365 would be up in arms saying Thais don't take responsibility, "fragile egos" etc etc blah blah. Pathetic hypocrites of the highest order.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    I never said it was not his fault. I meant we needed to hear more than one side of the story before making judgements. I hate the 'guilty until proven innocent mob'. Whether it's a westerner, Thai, man, woman or even people I don't like, it doesn't matter. 

    So, what's your take now? I notice you didn't answer.

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  7. 1 hour ago, KhaoNiaw said:


    His whole manner was extremely abusive. He doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt IMO:


    @alien365 would love to know your spin on this and how it was the Thai lady's fault. After all a farang could not behave in such a manner.

    His defence was he "slipped". Did he?

    @alien365 how exactly did she provoke this?

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  8. 2 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Exactly. It's amazing how all the white knights here immediately assume her side of the story is true. From the satellite photo (google maps) it's clear this is not a beach and the women were knowingly walking through back yards. There are clearly two No Tresspassing signs on both sides of the stairs - they just didn't care. So she already lied about not knowing she was tresspassing - the "poor me didn't know" act is after-the-fact to gather sympathy for her "cause" (what cause is that? legally speaking she's the one who broke the law). As far as the assault goes, it was probably just a push, which is uncalled for - but hardly "assault". If he actually hit or kicked her she would've definitely included that in her version of events. Also a nice touch implying he was fat/obese - as if that bears any relevance other than trying to portray him as the villian. As for what he or his wife said - she probably is making a lot of it up.


    I've met a lot of female Thai doctors, lawyers, judges, and others in such professions - while sure a lot of them can be sweethearts, many are also incredibly entitled - especially when drunk. I've seen such women be incredibly pushy, sexually harass me and others, stubbornly continue to hit on me despite having clearly indicated I am not interested, etc. This type of woman assumes she is above the rest and does not take no for an answer. And that's what likely happened here - they were told to move, and instead of moving they stubbornly stayed there which escalated the situation.


    Just the other night ran into such a beast - she was at the table next to mine very drunk and very provocative, at some point she comes over and introduces herself while spilling half her drink on my leg. I reached out to get some paper towels and when she realized what happened she lowered her face towards my leg/groin, overtly licked her lips, and asked "can I help you?". I refused politely and dried it off, but she kept doing it over and over again and licking her lips throughout and get more and more touchy. Eventually I told her "my girlfriend works in this club" hoping she'd take the hint - no such luck - she kept going. I had to tell her 5 times I have a girlfriend and eventually physically move away and move tables to get her to stop.

    You've got it all worked out then. Well done Sherlock.

    And tying this in to a drunk woman who thought you were hansum.......just weird, but good to imply all Thai girls - even doctors (and your lawyers and judges) - are nutters and must be wrong.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Crossy said:

    I recall using a bar in HK called "Wall Street" where the prices varied dynamically according to demand for particular beverages.


    It was all controlled by a Sinclair ZX-Spectrum! (did I say it was a while ago??) :whistling:


    EDIT Looks like it still exists (or at least the one I recall was in Tsim-Sha-Tsui too), but no mention of dynamic pricing.



    There was a similar bar in Singapore called The Beer Market with prices listed on stock exchange like monitors and they would fluctuate based on demand.

    However, being Singapore, they went from being really expensive to horrendously expensive.

    • Haha 1
  10. 6 hours ago, transam said:

    Oh, not interested in a bird that shacks up with murderers then, one after the other..............Riiiiight...:whistling:

    Where are you getting this "one after the other" fantasy? She was married off to one Dutch member early on, they had three kids together (which all died from malnutrition and pneumonia as they literally had no food or care) and she only left him when she managed to escape and the caliphate fell. He was abusive and controlling - do you think she was just a party girl there sleeping around for fun? Watch the documentary (I know you won't).

    For the record, if an adult decides to go off and join ISIS and fight then strip them of their citizenship. But she was a vulnerable 15 year old child who was recruited by a school friend, groomed, and went on the journey. Do I believe everything she says? No. Do I believe a child can be groomed, manipulated, and cajoled in to doing something they later regret? Absolutely!

    Do I have basic human standards of decency towards children who were manipulated, who have lived in poverty, have had three children die, who have been living in a refugee camp for several years in atrocious conditions and are now rendered stateless? Yes. Do I believe a knee jerk populist decision by a right wing politician sparked by the mainstream gutter press is the right thing? Absolutely not. And people like you are the problem. No independent research, not interested in learning what happened, just keep repeating your fantasy of this 15 year old girl getting gladly "rogered".

    A child made a mistake (albeit a big one). The government should have no arbitrary right to strip her of her citizenship. Let her come back to the UK and face trial in a court of law, and if guilty be punished appropriately. What is your problem with that? Leave out the childish rogering thing and perhaps try answering as an adult. Why can't a child who was groomed be given a trial in the UK? Why should a decision made as a child lead to being made stateless? Just use normal adult words, give it a go, I'm all ears.


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