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Posts posted by josephbloggs

  1. 55 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:


    The elephant sanctuary is 100% legal and he had permits for all the animals. Doesn't sound as if they are rented to me.


    Regardless, they still need to be paid for and kept. What will happen to them now? Who will pay to feed and take care of them?


    What will happen to his staff also? They will all be out of work and receiving no salary.


    All the people calling for his deportation won't stick a single Baht in to help. Doubt any of this even occurred to them in their faux outrage.

    Faux outrage over the poor elephants? And exaggerating the "what if" scenario much?

    To be fair, TripAdvisor and Google Reviews for his "sanctuary" are extremely positive and it seems the animals are well cared for. But do you think he cares for them himself? Does he get up every morning to feed them, clean them etc?  Does he go and wave at his guests? It doesn't seem to me he has a very kind or service mind. If the bully gets deported (unlikely) the "sanctuary" will still exist, tourists will still pile in as it is very highly ranked, he'll still make a ton of money from it.. The elephants are going to be just fine, don't you worry your socks about it. But thanks for your faux concern.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:



    They most likely heard him coming from meters away - unless they are deaf - but just figured they left enough space for him to squeeze by the sides of them.


    If they had heard someone coming,  they should have acknowledged they were blocking the steps and moved to let others by (as they were sitting right in the middle, not at the side)


    Ok, I don't want to get bogged down in silly details but come on, have you ever been to a beach?? There's the sound of the crashing waves (clearly very audible in the video) plus generally the wind is blowing in from the sea. I am sure they were also talking to each other. Yet considering all that you expect them to hear someone walking up behind them on grass? They obviously didn't hear him.

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  3. 28 minutes ago, BritScot said:

    Why! America is a country that its citizens have a right to own weapons and can freely buy ammunition so why would you try and smuggle a single shotgun cartridge! This scam pops up every so often at thai airports.  

    Please give me any example of this "scam" happening at a Thai airport. A single one would suffice. I rmember it happening to a couple of guys years ago but it was never proven to be a scam, they were released.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, FarangRimPing said:

    Quite a bit of time is being devoted to this story on the TV news, including a lot more background of this person.


    They have video of him driving a car, blocking an ambulance and giving the middle finger to the ambulance driver. Refused to let the ambulance pass.


    Also of him threatening someone with a sidearm on a different occasion. Also boasting of connections. Probably more unfavorable info will come out during the next few days.


    I don't think this incident is going to end up well for him.



    Sounds like he's even more of a lovely man than I thought.

    Such an idiot when a simple and genuine apology at the scene would have ended this, but it shows a lot about his character that he thought he could bully her into submission.  Well done to her for not backing down, can't wait to see where this goes.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, bankei said:

    I listened to a news report which suggest the elephant sanctuary was making 40million baht profit per year. they charge something like 2000b entry for foreigners and had plenty of people there throwing water over the elephants - which might have been an additional fee.

    The sanctuary also receives large amounts of donations to 'help' the elephants.

    It cost about 14mil baht to set up.


    It was all in Thai so not sure if this is correct to not.

    It's 2,500 baht per person for half a day (3-4 hours).

    To be fair it does get unanimously amazing reviews. The only reason I checked was because I was wondering if anyone had starting posting about the owner like they did with Sea View Resort.


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