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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. When you see a headline like this you know it is to get the TVF populace in a froth and it never fails. I don't like Anutin at all, let's get that out of the way. But consider Thais are covered under the 30 baht health scheme and/or social security, tourists are not. They are obviously going to do this in steps, next step (within a month is my bet) is that this requirement is done away with entirely for everyone. Step by step. But really, think about it and don't just react to the headline, and explain to me......how is this xenophobic or racist? It is the first step in withdrawing these requirements and Thais are covered for medical by their government already. If you are a foreigner employed by a Thai (or foreign) company you are also covered under social security and don't need this insurance either. Where is the racism there? If, in a month or so, numbers still drop they will remove this for the rest I am sure. If a Thai wants to travel to the Schengen zone as part of their visa application they need to prove they have €30k medical insurance cover, EU citizens do not. Is this racist? Please answer me that. And is this an "insurance scam" as everyone on here likes to bleat that the Thai insurance requirement is? (even though you can buy from foreign insurance companies).
  2. Jeez. You do realise this is a land border crossing where most people going across the border are small time traders, people trying to earn a living, and usually coming back the same day. They are not jetting off from Bangkok and staying in 5-star hotels so of course they don't have 7,000 baht for an ATK test! Your lack of compassion is astounding, but not surprising given the rest of your post.
  3. Considering this article is about the number of people who arrived on the 1st May (Sunday) after restrictions were lifted then they were probably on a flight. And probably only around 2,000 of that 21,000 went to Phuket anyway, the rest landed in Bangkok then went wherever they wanted to.
  4. Ok, I'll entertain you as I am quite bored at the moment, I counted 134 international flights arriving at BKK today. Count them (that previous site only shows a time period, not the whole day): https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/bkk/arrivals And 26 international flights arrived in Phuket today. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/hkt/arrivals Happy? Anything you want to say about that? Seriously, what possible reason would there be for them to make up a (fairly low in the scheme of things) number of international flights arriving? Especially as the information is so easily verifiable. The level of paranoia on this site is comical, it's just an article about how many people arrived on the first day of the lifting of Test & Go. It's not even a big number. But oh no, there are people on this site who are too smart to be fooled by this. Laughable. And sad.
  5. Oh dear. Maths is obviously not your strong point......neither is logic. Each passenger does not take 15 minutes at the desk!! If you say there are 40 desks open between BKK and Phuket and flights land over a 14 hour period (I have no idea how many desks are currently open but that seems reasonable), then it means each desk is processing 37 passengers per hour which seems perfectly normal. Take it over an 18 hour period and it is 29 passengers per hour per desk, so two minutes per person. In reality the numbers are probably over a 24 hour period.
  6. They are not counting the domestic flights, it is 120 international flights. Spread between two airports it really isn't a lot so I have no idea why the other poster doesn't believe it.
  7. Wow you are so clever not to be fooled that 120 international flights arrived in Bangkok and Phuket yesterday. How many flights do you think arrived then? And what's your secret source of info? You can go and count today's if you like: https://www.bangkokairportonline.com/flight-status-arrivals-departures/ Of course no doubt this is a scam flight status website set up just to FOOL PEOPLE for the reason that, erm, I don't know, you tell me....
  8. Just as I thought I would get through the comments on a single post without anyone coming up with some desperately contrived way to bring submarines in to it..........and there you are. P.S. You forgot "dirty farangs" and "brown envelopes". You really must try harder if you want more likes from your fellow cliche posters..
  9. Erm, it is an announcement about doing away with restrictions...........but that's the government controlling us, righty ho.
  10. She hardly had a "very bad day". She is dead, probably through no fault of her own.
  11. No, because Thai horror movies are not filmed in Imax.
  12. It's about the risk of a Metaverse land price bubble and investors being warned about it.
  13. Next year???? Don't you think things might have changed by then?
  14. Which word made up in Thailand are you referring to?
  15. Way to see the negative in a positive thing, the perfect TVF response!! So you think they should not relax the restrictions just so those people who are arriving in the next 7-8 days don't feel bad?
  16. There's that good old TVF paranoia cropping up again. An article about Thais and foreign tourists breaking Covid rules and you see racism???? Some people on here have a terrible complex, it's really quite sad.
  17. Utter rubbish. Only serious cases (sever symptoms) go to hospital. Why do people keep posting this nonsense?
  18. That's been the rule for Thais and foreigners for ages - there has never been a difference in how Thais and foreigners are treated in this aspect. It's been months since they hospitalised positive cases...
  19. Because if you thought your child had been murdered in a horrible way you would just let it go wouldn't you. And where was her mother mentioned in this story??
  20. Excellent, thanks for introducing a totally irrelevant crypto brag into the post. I love the way crypto bores like to do this..... they can't just invest and keep it to themselves like most people, they always feel the need to tell the world how "clever" they are.
  21. So how did you hear about it then? The persecution complex of some posters on here is unbelievable. How do you go through life with such a massive chip on your shoulder?? I always wondered where there were never any news stories about Thais committing crimes, only foreigners, now I know.
  22. Pretty sure I recognise at least some of the posters decrying this as also saying Thailand's Covid regulations are stupid and we should go back to "normal" like our superior western countries. Welcome to TVF. Of course, let's just bash a major religious and cultural belief and ignore the hypocrisy, much better.
  23. I have no idea what percentage - I haven't done a survey. But I have seen many areas done: Long stretches of Sukhumvit, Silom, Petchaburi, Asoke, Ratchada, Phaholyothin, Phaya Thai, and other places. Lots of videos out there if you are genuinely interested (I guess you're not though as I detect a lot of negativity in your questions).
  24. Must have taken you ages to come up with that one, well done. So can you tell me what your issue is with the progress made in the last three years and why it shouldn't continue for the next three? Will all cables be underground in three years? No. But judging by progress in the last three years they will get a fair way. So why are they burying their heads??? Love to hear your insight.
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