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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Definitely not. They are frogs.
  2. Mine always come to my work, even though the car is registered at my home address and the work permit I supplied when I bought it is a digital work permit which doesn't include a company address. No idea either why or how that happens.
  3. Really? Which part of this is a question? "The gantries show speed limits, they don't show the speed of your vehicle as it passes!"
  4. No it doesn't. Look again at the picture. Barely a minor dent on the front of the car, absolutely the airbags should NOT be deploying at that type of impact. If they were they'd be exploding in to people's faces and chests left right and centre and probably be killing dozens of people each month.
  5. Several other people have also posted global "facts and figures". I am sure Excel will be along any moment now to thank them for their information and apologise for being wrong and offensive. Any moment now. He's just busy with his coffee, he'll be here soon.
  6. Would you come back to let us know how they are after you receive them? I'm also looking for super high quality hotel style towels but too wary of ordering online as I can't pick them up, feel them etc. Especially considering that company has not received a single review. Would be great to know if you're happy with them.
  7. So you know several people who have had accidents that weren't their fault and they were told that because the accident would not have happened had they not been in Thailand then it was therefore their fault? Really?? Sorry I do not believe you. Please post details and what was said. I have personal first hand experience of the police taking my side when a Thai tried to blame me for an accident that wasn't my fault. Thonglor police too!
  8. So are you saying nobody should be allowed to drive any kind of vehicle if they own a green energy company? Or just nobody should be able to drive any kind of vehicle full stop? I assume you walk everywhere. Must have taken you ages to get to Thailand.
  9. Front airbags won't go off for a rear collusion unless extremely severe. A number of years ago I was driving a brand new car (a beloved Subaru Impreza WRX), red plates, only had it a week. Sat in the right hand lane waiting to turn right in to my condo when I was absolutely smashed from behind at high speed by a pick up truck. Sent me several metres up the road, span me 180 degrees and completely crushed the back of my car. The CD in my CD player ended up on the back seat, the tins of tomatoes I had bought and put in a shopping bag behind the driver's seat were completely crushed. Luckily I wasn't hurt. It took six months to repair the car (can't believe they didn't write it off). My airbags did not deploy. I didn't hit the steering wheel so they clearly weren't needed and when I asked about this I was told they were designed not to go off if rear collision unless it is super severe and there's a good reason. Let's say they did go off but the collision had sent me into the oncoming traffic and I was then hit head on by another car - I'd be dead as there would be no airbags, so that is part of the logic when hit from the rear. So they are very intelligently designed. The guy who hit me was blind drunk by the way, tried to blame me saying I had no lights on and wasn't indicating (it was at night - I did have lights on and I always indicate). I also had red plates and you are not supposed to drive with red plates at night, but the police completely took my side.........just a little anecdote for the "they'll always take the side of the Thai" brigade.
  10. Worried about what? Have you seen the car? There is minimal damage meaning the impact was no way severe enough for airbags to deploy. Do you expect airbags popping off after every little impact anyone has??
  11. There was no need for the airbag to deploy. Look at the front of the car, minimal damage, and an impact like that absolutely should not deploy the airbags. Airbags can be extremely dangerous and they only go off when the sensors deem it absolutely necessary.
  12. When has that ever actually happened? It only happens in the imaginations of TVF posters.
  13. Where do you get your information from? Fox News I guess? So any Russian hit by these (hypocritical) sanctions is a luxury tourist with an umbrella in their drink??? Not sure what you have against umbrellas but Russian citizens are being affected all across the globe for something they have no part in.
  14. So all Russian tourists - normal people with families and jobs - are Russian mafia?? There are some disgusting and terrible human beings on this forum, people with absolutely zero compassion and humanity. The Russian families on Samui are not bombing Ukraine!
  15. Yep, complete lack of morals in that industry.........as you clearly demonstrate by your actions. Did you ban Americans for their illegal occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq?
  16. Hilarious, just hilarious. Let's laugh at the man who just died in horrible circumstances.
  17. It isn't. They are two very different things. Really not that hard to get your head around is it??
  18. You mean like the bilateral Treaty of Amity Thailand has with the US which gives Thais and US citizens equal rights to own and operate businesses in each other's countries? Maybe you need to figure out what things are before making anti Thai assumptions.
  19. One of the best things about the UK in my opinion - the variety of cultures and people that are part of our society. I haven't lived there for a long time but used to live in a Turkish area of London: Turkish supermarkets, restaurants, takeaways, coffee shops, barbers. All great people. Similarly in the Greek areas, Indian areas, Chinese areas, Caribbean areas etc. Sadly the UK is becoming less tolerant and more racist thanks to Boris and co, Farage, Brexit. But the diversity of the UK is what makes it so special.
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