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Posts posted by mstribling

  1. I usually will chat up a Thai will I'm getting my boarding pass. I'll ask them to take me through the Thai side with them. Has worked every time no problems.

    Look at my post again. There is no separation of Thais and Foreign passport holders this week. All together except for Premium Pass holders

    I looked again. Sorry.

    When they do have separate lines, the Thai side is always much shorter. I just tell them were traveling together, and most of the time we do wind up becoming friends. Never had anyone scrutinize anything.

    The Russian people I've met we're really nice. I spent the day on a day-cruise with several. Nice people, glad to see they are touring.

  2. Tramadol

    It is very addictive, even at low dosage.

    It also affects other parts of your body.

    A secondary use is as a cure for premature ejaculation.

    For normal people, the effect can be extreme, unable to have sex within 24hrs of taking.

    You can have sex. You just have to work like a Marine to finish.

  3. Well perhaps I was exaggerating the dreadful coming off. It wasn't like TV depicts of heroin withdrawals. I was just extremely restless, at night could not sleep, and felt as if I had a low grade fever.

    The second time I quit taking it. I was on a 10 day bender in BKK, so I felt like crap regardless.

    To the poster taking it for headache relief. I think tram needs to accumulate in your body. I don't think it works well as an instant relief.

    Nothing odd about buying anything here. It's widely known you can buy anything you want if your willing to pay. I for one am glad I don't require a prescription to buy medicine.

  4. Just a note on the paperwork and photo requirements. Be aware, they vary between immigration offices, and they may vary between employees at that office. The simplest way to find out what your immigration office requires is to go there with your wife and ask. Or, post the immigration office you report to on this forum and see if anyone has processed a marriage visa (extension) at the office. On your first trip to immigration to apply for the marriage extension, taking more paperwork than you need is usually a good idea. Plan ahead for the unexpected, and expect the unexpected. If someone recommends taking paperwork in duplicates, take it in triplicates. Cover all your bases. Be prepared and if things don't go your way -- smile and stay cool. Its just a game. If all your ducks are in a row, you'll eventually get your visa. Be tenacious.

    Second this advice.

    I simply go to immigration. Ask the lady what documents she would like. I go compile these documents. Give them to her, and she smiles and gives me an extension.

  5. OK, I'll try to be more practical than some above.

    There are two distinct possibilities (more if you include hypercondria or even just play acting - but I'm assuming not): 1-There is a physical problem, 2-there is a psychosomatic problem.

    As to Physical:

    The first could be illness (doctors misdiagnose and miss things all the time - maybe a full medical at a hospital rather than a clinic may help).

    Could be poison also.

    As to psychosomatic:

    Perhaps her belief in a curse is causing her to manifest those symptoms. This is actually well documented (from phantom pregnancies to African witch doctor curses actually causing victims to die or become very sick through pure fear and belief).

    If you can afford it, I would start with taking her to a hospital for the check up (with paid for tests if insurance doesn't cover). At the same time I would take her to a bigger temple (wat) to see the abbot to do a mini-ceremony. This will hopefully get rid of her fears and any psychosomatic issues.

    thank you, that was the sort of intelligent reply i was looking for.

    Take her to a local temple.

    Sorry I dont know the Thai lingo for it, but basically.

    The MIL lies on her back, she has white sheets put over the top of her, some mumbo jumbo is recited, she is then re-born, all her sins are cast aside, total less than 500 baht.

    Yes. The temple should get it sorted out. Not expensive unless it is Khmer black magic. Then it will probably require a bit more.

  6. Why do you want pepper spray?

    You use it to spray someone in the face to temporarily incapacitate them. I cannot think of any other use for it.

    You've never heard of pepper spray?

  7. whilst the general forum on here can be a bit harsh to some especially to those who ask very silly questions I find many of the other forums very useful personally...if you are easily offended by others opinions and are seeking people to agree with you rather than voice what they think then perhaps the internet and these forums are not really your bag

    You nailed it. The specific forums are very informative and worthwhile.

    Most everyone comes to the general forum to wind each other up. I do. I like being a smart-ass to people. I do it with my family and they shun me.

    Everyone comes to the GF to unwind, let it out, give some-take some, then back at it. Everyone here has a choice. We all choose to remain for our own reasons.

    I for one, like to argue on the forum as it keeps my brain engaged (sometimes) and keeps me using English.

  8. Yes, Good caviar is expensive but bloody Delicious. licklips.gif That is why i only buy 100 or 150 gram.

    So you spend up to 15000 baht on 150 grams of fish eggs, you must be a very wealthy

    person as other people claim to be on this forum with some of there posts

    No i'm not very wealthy but i also don't have to look to much at the price.

    And i like to treat myself and my wife every few moths to something really nice.


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