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Posts posted by mstribling

  1. I am replying direct regarding the accusation my father is a bad man for taking to me with a leather belt. If your father hit you with a belt he is an abuser and a failure. Children are born with a innate desire to please their parents. When you physacally abuse a child your admiting a failure to recognize this fact and use it mold your child. The law says he's an abuser. This could not be further from the truth. He was and still is, at 73yrs a model father. I would not have changed a moment on this earth with him. I do not have to ask my children what it is like for me to punish them. I have my own methods, and a leather belt ain't used. It begs the question; if it was so effective for you why don't you use it on your kids? But that is the point. I still grew up normal. People who are dysfunctional as a result of abuse don't generally know it. It is manifested as I indicated. I passed nothing on as you obviously are challenged with. Entirely false statement on your part, actually utter BS. I still know that I deserved the punishment I got. I was a rat-bag. I was naughty and copped the consequences. I did however choose my own path as to how to punish my daughters. Now, if I had a son, there is a good chance a leather belt might have been used. Then again, maybe not. The point is. I am normal Says you. Have you ever been tested? How would you know? and can deal with my own lot, where for some reason you can't. I don't use pharmacuiticals and I knew enough to know that I was going to be a lousy parent if I didn't change myself. I guess you've just got a couple of screws loose. I suggest tighten them up without pharmaceuticals, therapy or groups. This is a path exercising your own brain training it to become a decision maker with the doubts you live with. I love my dad, you hate yours. I feel sorry for you.. You shouldn't feel sorry for me. I've had an extradinary life and continue to enjoy the benefits of the balance I've achieved. I don't hate my father. I see him for who he was. He couldn't cope with the responsability that he chose to take on. He used to tell us that he was too easy on us because his father used a horse whip on him.

    As for suicide, it's for wimps. That's a bold statement from a grown man who uses a cartoon charactor as an avitar and who only distinction is as a NRA member. IT speaks volumes. My best friend did so, and he is an utter f8king asshol_e for doing so. It proves my point better than all my statistics could that your best friend killed himself. Was he able to talk to you or was he afraid that you would think that was gay? It was real fun dealing with his father, wife, brother, 25 staff and 7 year old daughter. I am happy for as many to go and do this as they want. If they are so stupid to leave responsibility to other that have to sweep up the mess them good riddance. Enough of your statistical crap and I feel sorry I live in a society on the brink. So we agree that society is on the brink just not on the underlying cause Go jump!

    Thank you for being such a good example of my point.

    Your confused. I never said that. I know it gets hectic...thinking about how to talk down to people, but like many of your claims, your wrong. Your mis-qouting someone.

    Your right, the entire use of a Avatar is ridiculous. Thanks for setting the Internet straight.

    Clever retort about the NRA, you felt that didn't you :)

    Strange, I never thought it a distinction, but i'm not in the habit imagining stuff either.

    I did encounter what appears to be a biker gang outside 7-11. I could tell they were a gang because they all had orange vests on.

    I suppressed my primal fear, and then paid one of the gang members 20 baht to give me a ride.

    It was crazy.

  2. Your really something.

    You ask us what we think, and then attack us then we tell you we think this is a bunch of BS.

    You simply make up statistics as if we are numbskulls, and attempt to talk down to everyone who doesn't subscribe to your way of thought.

    You drag all of your American baggage with you, and spread it out, and expect us to agree with you.

    You talk about being strong. You blamed all of your problems on your father being a drunk. Thats a cop out.

    A lot of mens fathers were/are drunks. You know what that means? It means they like getting drunk.

    This is why I left America. Everyone wants an excuse. No responsibility.

    Honor. Really? "bro's before ho's"

    One thing I'm still trying to figure out still, is you always refer to your Thai grandmother. Which one of your parents are Thai?

  3. The roots of all religion are in animism and mythology. Mythology is like great art which gets appreciated in the soul.

    Many scientist believe that we are born with far greator brain capacity than what most of us are accustomed to using. I think that we in the west are trained to discount that subconscious part of our brain and we're probably missing out on some pretty cool stuff by doing so. Jung was interested in the collective unconscious and dreams and one can see that it has power.

    One of the things that I like about my Thai grandmother is that she has a direct line to the ancesters and everyone in the village knows it.

    Years ago I became interested in my genealogy and I've always been courious about Native American sprituality. I had a friend who was a Native American and had a shop that sold Native crafts. He had set up a tee pee in front to advertise the shop and had a tee pee blessing cerimony at sun rise. As I entered the Shaman did this smoke thing with sage smoke to clense us. As I entered the door I felt these spider webs on my face and even while I was sitting listening to his incantations I couldn't seem to wipe these webs off. At the end of the Shaman's ceromony he looked right at me and told me that my sprit was spider. I looked it up and the spider is a weaver who seeks balance and who's medicine is illusion. The more I learned about it the more it fit.

    I wouldn't rule anything out. The vast majority of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy and we don't begin to know what that is.

    Like great art it's interesting and makes us think. (I realize that's a stretch for many TVer's)

    That was the pot kicking in.

  4. My favorite part of this thread is where the OP related his personality to a movie character.

    Our fathers survived world wars, depressions, polio and several other mankind threatening events.

    They saved the world, came home, rebuilt and carried on.

    My father spent his youth burning Japanese infantry out of caves with a flamethrower.

    He came home, shut his mouth, and went to work.

    He did NOT sit around at the VFW and talk about working his dick.

    Trisailer- I got to hand it to you. You are focused. There have been few topics where you haven't interjected your experiences with your man-group on us.

    Primal fear, warrior ethics, and being an former executive...

    Got it.

  5. Ok. I got to immigration at 4am. Maybe 10 people in line. Same with the security check. Everything went ok.

    The security screen in Narita wasn't bad either.

    Only problem during the entire trip is I mistakenly took 2 cialis instead of 2 Xanax. Stupid mistake. Nor great for 18 hours of flying.

  6. The lines in BKK were nothing compared to the lines at Narita. Unreal. Maybe 200-250 people trying to get through that interim baggage check before moving on to connecting flights. Took us at least 30 minutes to get through... :annoyed:

    Ughh. I'm connecting in Narita. :(

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