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Everything posted by Conno

  1. luckyblock token - Expecting something similar for my account with them too and have also been with them for years. Meanwhile :- I have just today started the process of verification Lv l2 with UpBit. I think my first attempt may be rejected as I also don't have some of the limited options docs they are requesting. I'm also on a Thai Elite visa so have submitted all the ID, visa and stamps info I do have. Will let you know how it goes.
  2. Thx racket for letting us all know.
  3. racket - Do you know this from personal experience or are you assuming? The reason I ask this is because if you trawl through Binance TH official T&Cs you will find the info below [In BOLD] which clearly states non-Thais can register without a Thai ID card. See Section 3 - Sub Section 10. While I agree with your assessment on the reasons why Bitkub may be giving non-Thai customers a headache. I can't understand why UpBit and Binance TH can do what Bitkub allegedly can't?? They are all recognized and approved Thailand SEC exchanges. So using logic [Yea I know don't need to say it 5555] the same rules should apply across the board. Plus given the info below I still get the impression Bitkub are just playing funny games. Binance TH T&Cs *In case of a non-Thai national, from step 7 onwards, you must attend and complete these steps at the Company's office. You must also bring the following documents for verification: your original passport, work permit, visa, or national ID card. Once the verification process has been completed, we will notify you of the results via email. I haven't tried registering yet so can't say 100% advancedbooking started the registration process on Jan 10th so he probably knows if what you are saying is correct or if they are adhering to their own T&Cs which states non-Thais can register.
  4. Another one.....what are they playing at? Anyway, are you sure you are going to the correct URL? https://www.binance.th/en or try clearing your cookies / cache if you are still redirected to your existing account. I haven't tried registering yet but when I click on the above web address it takes me to Binance Thailand. If I then click on the register button it takes me here [Screenshot]
  5. Note on the BTC Spot ETFs. I celebrate their approval but wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. It's a bit like wanting to drink orange juice and paying a fee for someone else to squeeze the oranges for you with all the 3rd party associated risks. If you want to drink orange juice just buy the oranges and squeeze them yourself FFS. Coiners will like this link. No-coiners don't bother wasting your time. Plato’s Allegory of The Bitcoin ETFs – Mark E. Jeftovic is The Bombthrower Have you left the cave? If you hold your Bitcoin in self custody you get it.
  6. All stored on Trezors with seed phrases stored on paper and on cryptosteels in safe locations. I have a target for selling but it is multiples of what it is today. Don't need to sell as I never invest anything that I wasn't prepared to lose or with funds needed for day to day living. My biggest challenge isn't if it will increase in price or not, my biggest challenge is living long enough to hit my price target 55555.
  7. It is the best performing asset in the world, over the last decade at least. Volatile of course, but buy and hold then nothing beats it to date. Plus it has only been going since 2009 so not bad 55555.........if you disagree, argue with Blackrock [Largest asset manager in the world] and not me. Investing in Bitcoin is a long term play, years if not decades. Arbitrary date points is an irrelevance from my investing perspective. It's actually very reassuring to hear the detractors. Signifies I'm still on the right path and ahead of the curve. You don't make wife changing money by listening to the herd. High Risk = High Reward. Glory or Death Ps. All 11 US Spot ETFs approved. To the Moooon, HODL, Whoohoo
  8. ETF VICTORY - ALL APPROVED Mainstream reporting still doesn't get it. Financial advisor interviewed by the BBC 'Not everyone can afford a $46,000 investment'. Clueless and a shockingly bad way to market the asset. Gives the impression that if you don't have a spare $46,000 hiding down the back of the sofa then BTC isn't for you. They seem to be unaware [or purposely misrepresenting the facts?] you can buy just $100 worth of Satoshi's or even less if you so please. Big congrats to all crypto people, we are now a [reluctantly] accepted member of traditional finance. Buckle up as the institutional money starts moving in over the next few years. Message to the no-coiners - Don't wait too long before changing your minds and accepting defeat lol.
  9. I have a feeling the invite codes are unique to each individual and not simply a referral code that anyone can use. The reason being is that announcements that came from Gulf Binance in the latter months of 2023 stated that application requests would initially be by invite only. I may be wrong, advancedbooking will no doubt advise.
  10. AdvancedBooking - Thx once again for keeping us updated. ukrules - Yip BIG DAY. Did you see the US SEC X hack news lol [Fake Spot ETF Approval announcement on Twitter] They tried to blame Musky's platform for the breach but in fact it was a private SEC phone that had been compromised not the linked X account. They failed to even use 2Fa security on the targeted phone ha ha ha. These are the people we are supposed to look to for financial security guidance. Clown world. I'm still 50/50 on if we are going to see approval later today, there is a fear the SEC may now delay the announcement and blame it on this hack. Fingers crossed they still approve but we all know how Mr Gensler feels about crypto. Good luck.
  11. Thx for letting us know, we will all sleep a lot sounder tonight knowing that 55555. Jeeeze what is the compulsion with these no-coiners having to make these posts? This is a thread about the ins and outs of signing up with the new Thai exchange Gulf Binance. I don't see any requests from AdvanceBooking asking for no-coiners opinions on the pros and cons of crypto. Anyway moving on. 300sd - Yes mate you missed the memo. There are a couple of threads discussing the problems some non-Thai account holders are experiencing with Bitkub pertaining to their KYC system or should I say lack of. Plus their customer support attitude towards foreigners leaves a lot to be desired too. The threads are easy to find if you dig a little. I still have an active account with them but I'm anticipating that may change in the near future. This is the reason we are exploring alternative Thailand approved exchanges who accept crypto/Baht transactions.
  12. I do when I can hear the inflection in the voice and the expressions on a face. Unfortunately sarcasm is often lost in text format. Giving me a clue next time by including a /Sarc at the end might help.
  13. You mean that is well 'before' most people on AN bought them [April 2013 Vid] otherwise they bought them circa 2009 - 2012. That may be the case but not really the point I was trying to make. My post was related to the no-coiners who get off on slagging off crypto people. I don't have a crystal ball, so BTC may go to $1m eventually or it may go to zero. My point is it is best to ignore and not reply to the detractors as you can and will never win in their eyes regardless of what happens to the price.
  14. Fellas. Good luck ref the Bitcoin Spot ETF approvals. Announcement should be known by this Wednesday 10th. All the pundits reckon it is looking like a done deal, hope so but I'm not so sure. Mr Gensler isn't our friend but after saying that Mr Fink has a bigger stick so who knows? I'm still 50/50 on if we will see approval or not but naturally hoping we do. I'm a hodler not a trader, so if not it just means I'll have to keep hodling that little bit more. $600 for SOl is possible for 2025 especially so if we get ETF approval this week and BTC goes on a rip. We are inches away from institutional acceptance and adoption.
  15. Neeranam - Let the no-coiners just stay no-coiners it's pointless even answering them. As you say why do they even bother commenting on a crypto thread? They will just keep saying the same thing as they always have from when Bitcoin was $10 - $100 - $1000 - $10,000 - $69,000 and they'll be saying the exact same thing when it hits $100,000 - $250,000 and maybe eventually one day $1m. Even if it never hits those numbers and goes to zero it is beyond me why they get off on lecturing crypto people on how smart they are and how dumb we are. Point is, if and when we do hit new all time highs they still won't admit they were wrong and will either A. Never be heard from again B. Tell us it is in a bubble and just one big ponzi scheme. If it does go to zero what is it to them? It's our money our lives and our choice. Maybe they are all related to Peter Schiff or maybe they have some form of born again Christian syndrome and are just trying to save their fellow man from ruin 55555. April 2013 BTC April2013.mp4
  16. It's a subsidiary of Binance. Suppose a little like how Binance US was a subsidiary to the parent company Binance [Global] Gulf Binance is a partnership between Binance and Thailands alleged 2nd richest man. Must be nice huh 5555. The difference is that this company has been created to meet and satisfy the requirement specific to the rules and regulations of Thailand. Therefore allowing direct on and off ramping of Thai Baht. https://www.forbes.com/profile/sarath-ratanavadi/?sh=6e04cc3d49d7
  17. Aha right, thx for updating us on that.....so the by invite only statements in the press releases were correct. The same press releases also said they would be open to general applications early in the New Year.
  18. OK first hoop to jump through, found this in the T&Cs. If it is a one off then not such a problem but not very convenient. *In case of a non-Thai national, from step 7 onwards, you must attend and complete these steps at the Company's office. You must also bring the following documents for verification: your original passport, work permit, visa, or national ID card. Once the verification process has been completed, we will notify you of the results via email. https://www.binance.th/en/terms/terms/4aefcc734230446e99bb8f47cf04851c
  19. Mine works just fine too and I'm not married either....but clearly this isn't the case for many recently which is the whole point of this thread. Lets see what happens on your next KYC update. You may be fine or.......
  20. Appears that Binance have overcome the issues they were having recently with the Thai SEC Haven't registered yet but will do in the New Year. Hopefully this is the exchange we have all been longing for. PS. The competition are probably shaking in their boots, about time considering how we have been treated. PSS. Also not sure at this stage how registration will go for non Thai's. If you discover anything pertaining to this please post below. Thx fingers crossed. Good luck in 2024 https://www.binance.th/en
  21. AdvancedBooking - Gulf Binance not the standard Binance and it appears it has already launched which is absolutely fantastic news. Initially the reports that were coming out were casting a bit of a shadow over the venture - https://klse.i3investor.com/web/blog/detail/ceomorningbrief/2023-11-30-story-h-213415622-Binance_8217_s_Reboot_Faces_Test_in_Thailand_After_US_4_3b_US_Fine The first reports were also stating it would be initially invite only until 2024 but check this out.....I think we have not just an alternative but a fantastic alternative to solve liquidity issues. I haven't attempted registering yet but will be very soon in the NY, so have no idea how easy it will be. I think we can all safely say it will be an easier company to have a relationship with than YOU KNOW WHO lol. https://www.binance.th/en
  22. Yip they have lost the plot it seems. I can see consequences for operating such a business model. Getting a bad rap on forums such as this is not a good way forward.
  23. That's good to hear. So they accepted a Euro driving license even though you have registered with them using a Thai address right? Interesting.
  24. Last communication I had with them was on my last KYC re-verification [early 2023] and as you say it was an absolute infuriating exercise in stress, frustration and seemingly incompetence too. I sent them a feedback review afterwards advising them that they were the worst financial organisation I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. At that point in time the non-Thai KYC system was still operational, so I can't begin to imagine what they are like to deal with today. I noticed that yet again they have updated their notice related to this, now dated 1st Dec 2023. It is still stating that their non-Thai KYC verification system is 'temporarily' unavailable due to the system being upgraded. How long is this now? I believe it was originally announced 'Temporarily' unavailable in June/July time frame. Clearly this isn't the truth as it doesn't take 6 months to upgrade something like this. It appears to me they have decided to implement some form of covert policy to gradually remove non-Thai account holders through attrition. I'm wondering how that court case is progressing that another user on here mentioned. I believe it was in some way related to them discriminating against foreign account holders. Ironic isn't it. Crypto was originally created to free the individual from this kind of middle man counter-party control. In Bitkub's case they have managed to even surpass traditional finance in this regard.
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