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Everything posted by Conno

  1. You sure about this? Are Investment tokens really 'any kind of crypto'? This announcement appears to me to be related to a very specific type of local digital asset i.e. investment tokens. So who is the 'issuer' of Bitcoin and ETH for example? Satoshi and Vitalik ;-) If what you are saying is correct then why would anyone sell crypto and pay up to 35% under PIT rather than just decide on the 15% CGT route? That's a huge saving in tax if true? Can't see it somehow? I have never sold anything and am a 100% HODLer so can't say from personal experience. As I said I believe this policy change is related to a very specific type of Thai digital token, something used to encourage fund raising within Thailand as the linked report mentions. I really don't believe this has anything to do with regular crypto coins. Willing to be corrected if you can enlighten me more. I suppose what needs clarifying here is the definition of an investment token from a Thailand perspective. Apart from individuals, the Thai government also introduced tax breaks for investment token issuers. On March 7, the government announced that corporate income tax and value-added tax (VAT) for investment token issuers had been waived. https://cointelegraph.com/news/thailand-tax-exemption-token-earnings According to this link there is no option of choosing between up to 35% PIT and 15% CGT. Everything sold in Thailand is subject to the tiered PIT calculations. Again willing to be corrected if you can provide the info. Cheers https://support.bitkub.com/en/support/solutions/articles/151000033321-cryptocurrency-tax-and-frequently-asked-questions
  2. Oh brother nothing has changed with them it seems. In fact they sound worse. I don't even have the app on my phone as not a fan of phone apps with any financial product. Just seems like a breach or hack or scam waiting to happen. Keep us updated. Sign up with UpBit once you get your funds out of the loonies grasp. They really are the most incompetent crypto related org I have ever encountered.
  3. Well you have it all sorted then, congrats you can jump back on ya sofa now all contented like. Did I say they were built by Aliens? Nope.
  4. Take a look at this picture. How far out would those sand/earth ramps have needed to be to facilitate a reasonable incline angle where manual labor slaves would have had even a chance of hauling tonnage weight blocks up them? If made of earth or sand the weight would have been as great if not greater then the pyramids they were constructing. Would a sand/ earth ramp of such scale even be possible without collapsing in on itself? Therefore it would need to be built from a material that was very similar to the pyramids themselves. Then you have to ask, what happened to all the material that was used to build these ramps after they were finished? I'm familiar with the stepped ramp theory also and the internal one, they all seem to be clutching at straws in my book. Easy to just say ramps and slaves then sit back on the sofa feeling it's all solved. Bit more of a tricky issue to answer than that I feel. Bottom line is nobody has a clue how they were built and for what purpose. The mystery is more than half of what makes them so spectacular in the first place.
  5. See didn't take long. I rest my case.
  6. Would be interested in watching the documentary related to your friends research as I'm very unlikely to actually buy the book. If you can find it again of course.
  7. Hope the moderators don't feel talking about Giza is too far off topic? The title of the thread is 'Where we might find aliens in the next decade' after all. My answer to that is most likely in our own back yard, however difficult to contemplate that may seems to normies lol.
  8. Interesting but still doesn't answer the biggest question. Why bother? Plus the 10,000 illiterate slaves theory is just a belief too. That just doesn't gel for me.
  9. Clearly there is more than one way to waste your time on planet earth then! I'm not the only one. Can I edit your sentence a little so that it makes more sense. Why on earth build the most complicated resource demanding building for a purpose that isn't obvious. They had a purpose for sure but what that was isn't obvious to us today but speculation. Have you visited them? I went in the early 2000s and they are incredible. I for one am not saying they were built by aliens but they were built with a tech and for a purpose that's alien to us today. The thing that struck me was that modern Cairo's building were falling apart left right and center and most of them probably hadn't been up for much more than 50 years. Whoever built the Giza complex were not using modern day building methods and the methods they were using weren't local ones in my opinion. Didn't broadcast that much at the time as it tends to upset the locals.
  10. Interesting. Not a single comment asking if they are already here? I've studied the subject of Ufology for over 30 years and without a shadow of a doubt Earth has in the past and still is being visited by many different forms of advanced non human intelligence. Granted I can't prove this claim with a physical ship or entity but the disclosure of the biggest conspiracy in human history is getting closer with each passing year. The evidence is multi faceted and with a high strangeness factor way beyond physical nuts and bolts craft with physical pilots from a distant solar system or even a different galaxy entirely. How about the possibility of interdimensional visitors, using tech that appears as magic to us and so far from our frame of reference maybe it's not even possible for us to fathom it out. Something akin to a human trying to explain an iPhone to a Dolphin for example. Both are 'allegedly' intelligent creatures but a virtually impossible task in practical terms. I should add that I've heard all the banal leg pulling comments before and I'm surely going to hear them all over again after posting this. There has been a few above already, haven't heard the one about Klingons being spotted around Uranus yet, but give it time the thread is still new. Personally speaking the fact that the hundreds of thousands of UFO or now known as UAP reports are dismissed out of hand by the vast majority tells me more about human belief systems and perceptions than if the evidence actually points to a non-human interaction with Earth or not. There's a bit of a paradox involved with the UFO/UAP phenomena. If you want your mind blown you need to look deeply into the overwhelming volumes of reports and sightings, after which it then becomes clear something very strange is going on. Yet to look into these reports you have to have a deep interested in the first place, otherwise all of your information and therefore your perceptions will be from the conspiracy theory main stream narratives and we all know how that works in human society. Money power and control. Personally speaking I don't believe the fact that non human intelligences have and are interacting with Earth has anything to do with the shock this would have on society that we are not alone. I think after getting over the initial OMG moment it would all become pretty mundane stuff. No, the reason it has been and continues to be the biggest secret in human history is the tech. Think about it. Free energy would turn the capitalist's everything has a price system on it's head in a virtual instant, the parasite class Elite want to remain the Elite and they will do everything in their power to keep it so. Can't have the ants running around free, they must be kept on the control treadmill or where will we all end up. Conclusion. Non human visitors, no big deal, their tech is the problem.
  11. Typical clear as mud statement. What's an investment token first off? I'm sure it isn't Bitcoin and the main Alts so don't get too excited. You will still be taxed as personal income on all crypto sales regardless what the implications of this policy announcement really means. From the link to the main story from the publication that can not be relinked here. The exclusion is limited to 100,000 baht per tax year and is valid until Dec 31st 2026 555555 that's going to attract millions of crypto millionaires then. Digital Hub my backside, clueless as usual. The powers that be hate crypto it's obvious. It's a threat to the old legacy traditional system which is crumbling before our very eyes. They can't stop crypto so they will carry on kicking and screaming to the very end. Then they will have no choice. Who was it that said 'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win' Gandi maybe?
  12. Rutnin 100%. Lady Ophthalmologist there saved the vision in one of my eyes with a detached retina. Thought it was a gonner but no. B150K if I remember right but it was a few years ago.
  13. Exactly fellas the same con game every single time. No I don't mean Bitcoin is a scam. I mean the only institutional investors and high net worth permitted scam. Keep the plebs in their place they are too dumb and lowly to have access to life changing wealth. Slickening isn't it. Ps. It's all for our own protection naturally 55555. Luckily we don't need anyone's permission. Buy your own BTC directly, that's why it was invented. Permissionless and decentralized.
  14. Don't worry about it dude. You are into crypto, so you will soon be making wife changing money.
  15. No further comment required.
  16. You are correct and I never do anything otherwise. ALWAYS immediately withdraw any buys to a self custody hardware wallet and can never understand why anyone would do anything differently. Unless they were actively trading of course, but even then only trading tokens should be left on exchange. The bulk of your crypto should be in your own control or what's the point? Never used crypto.com so can't help ypu there.
  17. People fall into three categories regarding Bitcoin. The haters, the believers and the not a clue / don't care crowd. I'm not going to argue the points that have been argued a million times since Bitcoins creation as it's a never ending argument. Believers can never win, as the next crash on the horizon is always going to be the one that kills it stone cold dead according to the no-coiners. Also you can never win, at least not until the day arrives when and if it does crash to zero. So far the no-coiners haven't done a very good job at predicting this fall to zero, but there's always next year right! Plus they would all be multi-millionaires by now if they had chosen to buy early rather than slagging it off. Bitcoin has been declared dead every single cycle without fail since it was invented. Talk about a broken record. Given the above, I will state some additional thoughts. Bitcoin was never intended to be an investment vehicle at inception, it has just turned out that way. I agree that many but not all, are now looking at it as a store of value like traditional Gold rather than a means of exchange. Greshams Law is why people are HODLing it and spending their paper garbage instead [Just ask people in inflation ravaged countries their thoughts on Bitcoin.] Satoshi Nakamoto whoever he/she or they were, designed it as decentralised electronic money and a permissionless means of exchange where no 3rd party is involved. That in and of itself has intrinsic value already [it does to me at least] compared to the fiat garbage everyone thinks of as money. Fiat isn't money by the way, it's currency and a debt based inflationary one at that and a one that you increasingly have less and less control over as the centralised control freaks increasingly do their thing.. Satoshi also managed to solve the unsolvable up until that point in time, the Byzantine General problem. That in my opinion also has a intrinsic value compared with the printed out of thin air, fractional reserve, debt based fiat scam. Further points, prime real estate isn't limited in supply, they are creating new prime real estate every single day of the week. Additional copper is dug out of the ground and added to the supply also every single day. Just like the tradition store of wealth Gold, whos above ground supply has through history generally kept up in % terms with population growth. As the price rises it becomes more profitable to make an even greater effort to mine even more. Just not possible with Bitcoin, 21 million and that's your lot after the year 2140. Never, and I mean NEVER in the history of human civilization has there been anything comparable to deflationary Bitcoin with its deentralised ledger technology. Believe in it or don't, it's a free world and I'm spending, or risking in your opinion, my own currency not yours, so what's the problem? There has only ever been 2 forms of real money throughout history and that has been Gold and Silver. I'd argue you are witnessing a 3rd being born. Can I ask you one question? What price does a Bitcoin need to hit before a no-coiner will start accepting defeat? $500k? $1m? $5m? $10m? The same arguments have been made since it went over $1. I suppose the no-coiner mindset will never admit defeat at any number. So be it, either it's going to zero eventually or it's here to stay with an ever increasing value when measured in fiat paper. I know which side of the fence I prefer to be on.
  18. You telling us this isn't true? Dated this week. https://support.bitkub.com/en/support/solutions/articles/151000178947-reactivation-of-verification-kyc-system-for-non-thai-nationals-on-22-02-2024-from-07-00-pm-gmt-7-
  19. Possible but I don't think likely. The momentum is just too great at the moment so the FOMO is still very strong. No sign yet the ETFs are slowing their accumulation. Halving event still another 6 weeks away and still $10k from a new all time high. My guestimate is it will continue powering up to and go just over the ATH, then we will see another pause. Next leg after that will be up to the $100k lvl. Big psychological main stream media news headline number that one. That's when we could see the mass of retail jumping in. I think we are far too early in the cycle atm for any crash back down just yet. Wait for all the people who were afraid to buy at $16k start buying after it pops above $100k then the fireworks could start. You know how these cycles always go :- Nobody is comfortable buying when it's at $16k because they fear it may fall further. Exactly the time to be buying / adding. Everybody is comfortable when it starts hitting new ATHs and the REAL FOMO kicks in. Exactly the time to pause your accumulation or take profits if that's your thing. Good luck crew.
  20. I do hope you are kidding lol.
  21. Thanks Mike. Totally agree. Inflame is a good choice of words.
  22. I understood what you were getting at no worries :-)
  23. It's all one big guess and nobody knows for sure. Given that, for me I think it is possible we could see $150k for 2024 and it may top out towards $300k sometime in 2025. Blackrock iBIT ETF alone now holds over 200,000 BTC and all the ETFs combined well over 300,000. That's more than 1% of circulating supply in just 6 weeks. I think what we have to understand here is the scarcity factor. This is a quantum shift in mindset compared to traditional assets and especially fiat garbage. I think this is what most of the no-coiners still haven't grasped and processed yet. They are oh so happy to slag off Bitcoin ad nauseum, while they sit on an inflationary time bomb of paper trash. Go figure. I think the bigger question is what do you see the price come 2030? I'd guess north of $1m per coin or zero if it's all a load of Monkeys [Monkey/Bitcoin comparison Meme on another thread which has now been moderated ]. I can accept zero by the way, as I have never invested anything I can't afford to lose. But you have to be in it to win it.
  24. I'll explain it for you arithai12....because they are no-coiners and they love to stick their self righteous knives in. Don't worry my friend, the same type have been saying the exact same thing since Laszlo Hanyecz had 2 pizzas delivered in Florida from Papa Johns for 10,000 BTC on May 22nd 2010. Today valued at $570,619,300.00 They just can't help themselves, so just let them do their thing enjoying their 'they know what's best for you' advice 55555. EVERYTHING is going to be tokenized but they just can't see it yet. Your money, your life, your risk. Enjoy being wealthy my friend.
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