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Posts posted by dagling

  1. My first bike here in Thailand was a Yamaha Drag Star Classic 400 cc - 2006 model. In all ways a great bike that really opened my eyes again after many years dormant in cold Norway. A great two-colored black and white bike that gave me many great one thousand kilometers in Thailand.

    But as time passed and I began to become more accustomed to driving a bike again, I began the search for a new cruiser. On the recommendation of a friend , so it was that I began the search for a new Yamaha, just this would be 4 times more cc.

    But to find a Yamaha Road Star (Wild Star in Europe) here in Thailand is easier said than done. There are not many of them down here, but luck was on my side. Made contact with the seller in Bangkok and agreed view a few days later.

    Excited I showed up in Bangkok, me and the lady ran off with our car and got out at the agreed meeting point in the middle of downtown Bangkok, which has 12-15 million inhabitants. Well, I stand waiting and when I heard the lovely sound when I saw my new bike turn onto the petrol station. A "monster" of a bike, I thought. You could literally feel the vibration throughout the body from the bike.

    Well, our money was handed over to the seller and papers done. I would for the first time run this "monster bike" back home, Situated approx. 550 km north-east of Bangkok. The trip through the Bangkok without G.P.S was quite a challenge, but when we got safely out of Bangkok and found the main road (Road 2) which would take us the next all the way home.

    Must admit that I was a little intimidated by the size and weight of this bike compared to my Drag Star 400 cc. But the trip went just fine, I had become acquainted with my new "lady", and today I have no plans to replace her, in my eyes she is the ultimate cruiser.

  2. Consider the purchase of a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Custom Special Edition (year 2010).

    Some experiences you can share as a owner, or you have a friend who has one?

    For the moment I am driving a Yamaha Roadstar 1600cc, but I feel its a little bit heavy in the traffic (city), and its sure likes the gasoline stations :annoyed:

  3. Some of you who live in Kho Chang? Consider buying some land there and build house. Have you been many times, only a few days each time.

    But how is it like to live there permanently? What is there to take care of (except to sit in a bar all day).?

    Will it be long days, many residents foreigners? Do you have everything you need, or do you have to the mainland to shop?

    All advice is welcome.

  4. Always a "GROUP" of Thai blokes bashing one farang. Never hear of a one on one fight, they are like wild dogs once they drink a tiny amount of alcohol. The Russian would of probably snapped anyone of them in half one on one, <deleted>*king cowards!!!!

    OK, but if you went onto a building site anywhere in Europe at 4am as a stranger and joined in with a big group of mates who were already hammered, and then it got a bit out of hand, I am not so sure they wouldnt all gang up on you as well. From the experience I have seen of groups of mates, they do tend to stick together when one of their own is getting into a scrape with an outsider. Dont think the Thai's are any more animalistic than men from most other countries when it comes to fighting when drunk. No disrespect intended, but construction workers globally do tend to act in a more base manner, wolf whistling being another example. I saw a man get bottled in the UK one night by a group of lads in a nightclub. His crime? He asked the gang of lads to leave his extremely attractive girlfriend alone.

    Good posting, hear hear...

  5. Anybody can recommend a place in Khon Kaen, or around that aera who can perform printing on t-shirt `s?

    I am looking for top quality and durability, and can reproduce detail satisfactory.

    Add preferably with GPS kordinator and phone number and address, e-mail.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  6. Fantastic riding roads to the north and west of Khon Kaen. Head towards Lom Sak on Highway 12 or up to Loei on any number of roads. You won't be disappointed. Nam Nao National Park, Phu Hin Ron Kla National Park, Nan, the choices are quite endless. Recommend you sit down with your mates and look at the map. Decide how many km you want to ride per day and use that as a guide to get you started with your trip planning. If you want "western style" hotels then you should plan to stay in larger towns.

    Happy Trails!


    Thank`s Tony. We will do;-) Is it your youtube video? If it is, can I use it on my website?

  7. Planning a 5-7 day tour here in North Thailand. Would be very nice if some of you could help us to plan this trip, we expect to run (cruiser bikes) 5-6 hours each day.

    Good roads and fine hotels or resorts is a matter of course, need not be 5-star but clean and nice, maybe with a pool and possibility for a massage and a cold drink in the evening.

    Have marked the picture where we have set for us to run inside, so all hope that you will be able to help us with the choice of path.

    As you can see from the picture, so it's a big lake up in the nor-east part of the area we have set out, something good up there? Is this within the golden triangle?

    Well, we will gather in Khon Kaen for departure when everything is ready planned. Will keep you updated with pictures and such when we finish the tour ;-)


  8. If my wife dies after we get married and build our new house, who will then take the house and land? House and land have to stay in her name, we falang can not own land. I mean, what will happen if she die? What can I do legally  to help me in the future if something happens to her? Her family stays about 50 km. from where we planning to make our new home. 

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