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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I am sure Lady Hussey has a new-found respect for Harry and Meghan after she saw how fast the Royals would throw her under the bus.
  2. It's becoming clear that the US has a policing problem. Many of these cities are plagued by police departments with an extremely toxic work environment. I suspect the toxicity is exacerbated by the huge number of guns circulating in the public. I certainly wouldn't want to face the danger that many officers face.
  3. The Capitol building is a restricted-access building. Tours are conducted only by authorized personnel. People with appointments are granted access, but restrictions apply. All guests to the building must go through screening. The Capitol building was closed to most visitors and to tour groups in the spring of 2020 and remained closed until March 2022. Tours are not conducted by the Capitol Police. None of the January 6 people were tourists or visitors. None of them were authorized to be on the Capitol Grounds or in the building. The physical damage done to the building was in the neighborhood of $2.73 million. I'll leave others to try and determine the amount of damage done to democracy.
  4. And I suspect you might know a lot about the poorly educated.
  5. And yet it is the right-wing who are most titillated by transgenders: Data Finds Republicans are Obsessed with Searching for Transgender Porn https://lawsuit.org/general-law/republicans-have-an-obsession-with-transgender-pornography/ And here: https://therooster.com/articles/study-finds-republicans-constantly-search-for-trans-pornography
  6. As I understand it, the payments would be made to those who are descendants of slaves. So, if you are a black immigrant or somehow were descendant from a black free person who had no roots in slavery, you're not eligible. I think another problem is going to happen if the federal gov't ever decides to grant reparations. Will people who received state reparations be eligible for a 2nd payment? I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other on reparations, but it should be noted that reparations were paid to slave owners who lost their slaves after the Civil War.
  7. Of course, you fail to mention that the moment they crossed the barriers, they had broken the law. They broke the law. Funny how you thought those rioters and looters from the BLM and George Floyd protests were criminals, but these insurrectionists aren't. You also chose to believe Tucker Carlson, although he's a proven, admitted liar. Remember his remarks about election fraud? You probably believe that as well.
  8. Yes, we do need people with an education in media studies. We also need people with an education in journalism and all the other components that most people believe are important to a well-informed democracy.
  9. They have not trashed the monarchy, and they certainly don't have a rival court. Much of what Harry has written about is well-within the type of conflict that many families have. Two brothers who don't always get along and who come to physical blows -- which they apparently did in their younger days as well. They had a stepmother whom they didn't exactly like. They had a father who was emotionally distant and showed little to no physical affection. These are all signs of a dysfunctional family, but not out of the bounds of what many have experienced. Harry's big problem is with the paparazzi and the press, who have seriously mischaracterized some of his actions. He acknowledges many of his antics. The press has been relentless in pursuing him and when they went after his wife, it was too close to the situation that took the life of his mother. His big beef with the palace was their inability or unwillingness to provide the support and protection he felt he needed for his family. Charles and Camilla may have been either involved in or complicit in leaking stories that reflected bad on Harry and Meghan. Keeping the spotlight on them kept it off Camilla. Much of what happened was not so much what the palace did, but what it did not do to get the relentless paparazzi and press coverage off of them. In some cases, a simple official statement would have been sufficient, but was never forthcoming.
  10. Please show us where he has indicated that he is trying to bring down the Monarchy.
  11. Well, it is a training sit, and it looks like this could be a good training exercise.
  12. Finally, someone who gets and understands the situation that faced Harry and his mother. In his book, he lays out well some examples. Whether the Palace actively leaked stories or not is debatable, but at a minimum, they used Harry's follies to deflect from the bad press of other Royals, such as the anger and distasteful relationship between Camilla and Charles.
  13. Perhaps a new category for trans athletes should be an option.
  14. Of course, the Republicans have to deny voting rights to as many as possible. They haven't won the popular vote in a Presidential election for almost 20 years. Bush, back in 2004 was the last one.
  15. Boy, oh boy, oh boy, I do think Trump will be in court on a constant basis!
  16. I don't often agree with you, but on this I can't disagree with you.
  17. One can only hope their weapons are as bad as most of the <deleted> they make.
  18. You're a swing voter, but you only swing to the right?
  19. I have nothing against student loan forgiveness. I do think it is emblematic of a systemic problem with how the US does things. It is doing with education what it did with health care, and that is to try and fit a solution around a problem rather than to solve the problem. Education is important, and university level education is extremely important to a society. Our economic security depends on a well-educated citizenry. Certainly, our national security requires well-educated people. The basic problem is the prohibitive cost of education. If the overall cost of university level education is brought down to a reasonable cost, the problem is solved and things like debt forgiveness won't be necessary.
  20. To put it into a context you can understand, just because they IDENTIFY as whistleblowers doesn't mean they are whistleblowers.
  21. Charles is a bit of a nerd. Camilla looks like she needs a bag of oats and a bale of hay. They simply lack the charisma that the Queen had. She had such a positive, long history with her people. She was enigmatic, charismatic and slightly mysterious. I think Charles will make a good King, but he's far from having the strong allegiance and loyalty that his mother garnered. I am actually surprised he hasn't had better luck finding talent. He seems like the kind of person who has better planning ability than to let this go for so long.
  22. Obviously another poster who didn't read the book. I'd hardly say he 'attacked or colluded in attacks' on his family.
  23. SOP for Trump. Delay, delay, counter sue, appeal, delay some more, change lawyers. Anything to pervert the course of justice. Gaming the system.
  24. And there are enough right wing judges to impose it and enough governors to carry it out.
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