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Everything posted by Credo

  1. I suggest you read the book. He doesn't play the victim. He is straightforward and honest about his misdeeds. He served his queen and country with dignity and honor.
  2. The indigenous people can move and still retain their culture. The turbines can be moved and still produce electricity.
  3. It becomes a whole new crime when a girl is being sent to someone with the intent to have sex. Sorry, but Andrew was never going to get out of this, and that is why they settled and settled for such a huge amount.
  4. You seem to have a lot of false-insight into Andrew. That huge settlement was paid by the Queen, and it was only done to avoid a trial. So, was there evidence? Yes. Hopefully other posters will be along to set you straight on Andrew.
  5. I don't know what else the jury could have done. The man lied endlessly through the trial. He was caught lying and only came clean about a lie when he was caught -- like on videotape. Then, he would make up some new story. It only took 3 hours, and I suspect that's because they were waiting for coffee and donuts before returning to the courtroom.
  6. And I wonder what will happen when a few of the parents decide the class should go to Drag Queen Story Hour at the public library!
  7. The world would probably be better off if we stopped buying a lot of the junk from China.
  8. I wonder if Turkey is going to try and block this.
  9. Somebody needs to put a sock in her mouth. She is a very dangerous woman.
  10. I wonder if they will reimburse Harry for the cost of the renovations to Frogmore. He paid out of pocket.
  11. I am pretty much a Harry fan and to a lesser extent a Harry & Megan fan. Harry is a Prince and he is a member of the royal family. He now resides in the US, but given his connections to the UK, he will no doubt have reason to spend time in the UK. I fully understand that Frogmore is probably a much larger and more elaborate home than he needs. I am sure they can find some adequate, smaller place that would afford him and his family a place to stay when they visit. He still needs to be in a secure location, and that would probably be on the royal property. I do wonder why Edward, who is not married and has no minor children, needs such an elaborate place to live. I don't recall the exact reference in the book, but there was a place where he made a remark about a sex-offending member of the family ranked higher than a Spare.
  12. Here is a link to some of the highlights that are in the book: Prince Harry makes sensational claims in memoir Spare A stream of sensational claims and accusations from Prince Harry's autobiography, Spare, have been leaked. The book outlines grievances and bitterness in the Royal Family, such as a claim he and Prince William urged their father not to marry Camilla. But one of the most striking claims from Harry, first reported by the Guardian newspaper, was how he was physically attacked by his brother. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64179164
  13. As I said in the post you replied to, yes, I have read the book. Obviously you haven't. He did not make such a claim in the book. You might want to read it, if you are going to discuss it.
  14. What fake allegations? I read the book, I didn't see any fake allegations. It should be pretty easy to show they were fake.
  15. You made an unsubstantiated claim. Now you are making an assertion that the people from Somalia, Nigeria or Ethiopia are immigrants. Most are not immigrants, they are refugees. So, do you think refugees are a good for the US? But here's a little more about immigrants from Sub-Sahara Africa: Compared to the total U.S. immigrant population, sub-Saharan Africans are better educated, participate in the labor force at higher rates, and are more likely to speak English at home. Yet they also have lower average incomes and experience poverty at higher rates than the foreign-born population overall. https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/sub-saharan-african-immigrants-united-states?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjf6NnbC7_QIVxxPUAR3I_AD0EAAYASAAEgJqO_D_BwE
  16. I like Prince Harry and very much enjoyed his book. It provides some amazing insight into his personal struggles and how his family operates both as a family and as an institution. Nothing in the book made me dislike either Charles or William. Much of it are things that happen in most families. As far as Frogmore goes, I wonder if they are going to reimburse him for the million in renovations he put into it and paid for? I thought Andrew and Fergie were sharing the same place?
  17. A lot of the immigrant blacks haven't had a life-time of discrimination, oppression, lack of housing, lack of health care, etc., etc., etc.
  18. That's interesting. A lot of times diseases do affect the young and the old more seriously than others, but Covid didn't work that way with the young. The thing to remember, though, is that a lot of childhood illnesses that children get are more dangerous for adults, mumps is a good example.
  19. I wonder if Zelensky ever gets tired of these people popping by when he's trying to fight a war!
  20. I think Fox has decided to use the legal situation as an excuse. It's not hard to report the facts on a case without editorial comment. It's not hard, as many networks do, to mention that they are reporting on the parent company. I suspect this is further evidence of just how much Fox is not a credible news source.
  21. For some reason, I just don't trust the current crop of right-wing politicians to do that. I think their mission is to see women as a vessel to hold a fetus, sort of like a brood mare. I wonder when they'll start putting them in jail for using drugs, drinking or reckless behavior while pregnant.
  22. I've followed this case and I saw the documentary. It's very well done. It's amazing to see how powerful this family was and how they have fallen.
  23. Well, it's a discussion form. If you want a private conversation, they have a PM function for that, but I suspect you are now stuck from what appears to be a very trollish, racist remark, and you can't easily get out of it. I do think I understand what you were trying to get at, but it really didn't work well, so let me help you out a little. There is most certainly a racist component to it. I think it is wrong to simply blame one race. It's a lot more complicated than that. The racial component is evident, and it was mostly white, but it was also western -- many European slave traders -- they were listed on the London stock exchange. They were white, but they weren't American. America's struggle to end slavery was a little different. A difficult one, but we also didn't have a king to make a decree. It was a struggle and it took a war. From there, we didn't really do the best job of working toward equality or fairness. We could have done better. We are starting to do better. We need to do more. At it's core, slavery was an institution. It was an institution that dates back to the earliest historical times and probably before recorded history. A lot of variations, but they were covered by laws and regulations that go much further back than the US. Even Hammurabi's code, the earliest record of laws, had the punishments that could be meted out to slaves. The US is the lightening rod of the history of slavery, and it was based on race. I feel no responsibility for what my race has done in the past -- that's history. I do feel a level of responsibility to do what I can to right the wrongs in as much as possible. I feel a responsibility to learn and understand what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to right the wrongs. We all have the right to like whomever we wish. It's sad when that is based on color and not character. We don't have the right to mistreat others. We don't have a right to discriminate in employment or education, though.
  24. No, that would be you. This is what you said, "At what point do we stop blaming whites for slavery in the US?".
  25. Then why did you couch it in racial terms?
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