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Posts posted by lumply

  1. 1 hour ago, Brigante7 said:

    The problem is, most Brits under 30 are thick as shit and have no concept of what is going on around them, to busy with their heads stuck in their phones. Every country in the world has danger spots and unless you are paying attention then before you know it you are up the creek without a paddle. 








    Regrettably one might be forgiven for thinking this.Many seem to leave whatever brains they have at home.

  2. Having flown extensively on business and pleasure during the smart phone era I have never felt the need to have it on during a flight. It goes off before boarding and stays off. Get some discipline into your lives people. The only exception to this rule was when I was piloting small aircraft myself over the desert or sea for safety reasons.

  3. As a regular business visitor to Bangkok spanning 20 odd years I took advantage of the excellent services the various Commercial Secretaries provided. That also applied to British Embassies in many other countries. However my experiences of going running to them with personnel issues was 'never' over a lot longer although I do understand that most negative comments about the services fall into this category. One might conclude that their primary function is to assist in the promotion of trade with the UK and this they manage to achieve very well. 

  4. The terminology 'second class' went out with the arc. It's called Economy. Moving on don't knock low cost, one of the best biz flights I ever had was on FlyDubai now part of Emirates based at Dubai. So Business Class on FD BKK DXB good value, then onward on Emirates in one of their fantastic A380's, a very rewarding experience. Go on treat yourselves. Safe journey.

  5. I am sorry that this has happened to Ross and sorry about the extra burden he has placed upon his parents after 22 years of upbringing and cost of education etc. However having employed many supposedly well educated youngsters with degrees over the years at home and overseas I am bound to say that only a handful have ever demonstrated basic common sense in their attitude towards life in general. Perhaps a subject at school called 'common sense' would be sensible(?).  Accidents do happen, yes, but some fore planning before undertaking a trip is pretty effortless and fun,  and  plainly a sensible thing to do; it can eliminate the worst risks at least. There's plenty advice out there warning against hiring motorbikes and scooters in Thailand. 


    Turning to Crowdfunding is a desperate measure, it's heartening to know that there are so many people out there presumably not connected with the family that are so keen to help, personally I would be reluctant to do so apart from friends and family, but good luck to Ross and his family. Their lives surely will be uphill from here on.  

  6. Well....the first time I visited Thailand was in 1985 when my UK company sent me to Pattaya for a business meeting which happened to be on a beach. Subsequent many visits were on biz to Bangkok because I focused on my work and always returned with orders. Since those days I return to LOS for pleasure but have never considered it as a retirement option, more of a bolt hole...but there's time yet for a change of heart.

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