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Posts posted by lumply

  1. Make it compulsory for potential holiday makers to have signed up to TV for at least 6 weeks prior to their arriving in LOS. Those who are brave enough to go through with their visit will surely not go anywhere near a jet ski. Now the only problem remaining is implementation. Better stick to plan B and visit The Antarctic.

  2. Anyone who calls Thailand a third world country probably hasn't been to a third world country before. Go to Sudan, South Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh , Myanmar etc, these can be regarded as 3rd world countries. Bangkok has a public transport infrastructure which rivals that of the first world. Skytrain is amazing, the highways road system is above average etc.

    Thailand is an emerging country, def not 3rd world.

    A third world classification cannot be judged purely on its' infrastructure. However that's what most people actually see! So the judgement is easily made on that basis alone. One should perhaps consider also the mentality of the inhabitants and social fabric of the population. For example I do not consider some Middle East Gulf countries as first world...yet. Lots of fantastically modern buildings, yes, but there is very little that points to really hard work and innovation by the indigenous population. Throw enough money at a problem and get foreigners to carry out the hard graft hardly counts to a truly first world country.

  3. So the Russians are not apparently the best liked in Phuket. I don't get it. Whilst they are not the most attractive race (apart from some of the younger women) and are lacking in manners and social skills, they've never bothered me to any great extent. Their descent on Dubai in the 90's took a bit of getting used to but generally they were not outwardly troublesome. The same can be said of their presence in Pattaya, just avoid the cheap hotels. The misbehaviour of Europeans in Thailand has been far worse; what is it about vest tops, no tops and flip flops that seem to bring out the worst in them?

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  4. I'm in the Greens RT555 and was evacuated by a balcony fire last March on floor below. Pretty scary, although it was under control within one hour. A fag started it and soon afterwards each tenant had to sign a form disclosing any smokers in the apartments. Next thing will be hi-rises becoming no smoking zones. Actually not such a bad thing.

    Saw a couple of BBC interviews re the Torch. a) lady quoted as saying that she grabbed her phones before leaving the building!! B) an Asian couple heard the fire alarm at 3am and paid no attention thinking it was a false alarm, until somebody hammered on their door and told them to get out <deleted>! How utterly weird and misplaced are people's priorities.

  5. It's a tough call but it is responsibility of the traveller to make sure that he is at the gate on time. It is not the responsibility of the airline to chase down pax that decide to implicitly believe the departure board and wonder up to the gate in their own sweet time, assuming that they will be allowed to board at the eleventh hour, or past it. Very surprised that an experienced traveller such as the OP claims would apparently take such a casual approach. Some advice OP, check out the board when done with immigration, go to the gate to confirm when it opens, then go and buy your cigs etc. Be at the gate at the time it opens. I do not wish to teach you how to shell peas but the process is pretty straight forward...oh, and lay off the booze. You've been lucky previously. Bon Voyage.

  6. Emirates, Etihad, Qatar all usually way cheaper than Eva.

    I don't usually find them to be way cheaper - cheaper yes usually by around £100 or so. Guess it depends whether you would rather spend anywhere between 3 - 5 hours stopover one way and often a longer period on the return stuck in some Middle Eastern airport. Personally I think it's worth paying that bit extra to get there in 12 hours with no hassle along the way.

    True about the stopover element, but the inference here that being 'stuck in some Middle Eastern' airport is some kind of hardship is way off track. Most Gulf airports (Kuwait and Dammam are the exceptions perhaps) have brand new concourses with facilities that put to shame many others worldwide.

  7. Slightly off core topic but I'm intrigued to know how one 'celebrates' Songkran. I can understand how one can 'tolerate' or 'suffer', or indeed 'dread' the unruly Farang aspects of the festival but to travel (even by EVA) and celebrate, requires a great deal of comprehension, unless of course the purpose is to spend time with Thai relies to experience the true meaning of Songkran(?).

  8. Well, I like to be comfortable whilst relaxing on a beach. If that means hiring a sunbed for a pittance and contributing towards someone's income, no problem for me. I draw the line at jet skis, I go with the Australian training requirement, but otherwise their beaches do seem to be ridiculously over regulated.

  9. I am committed to 12 days on Phuket, hotel paid for for the first 6, now I find that Songkran clashes. No apologies about my dislike of the festival and associated silliness, my fault for getting the dates wrong. Don't really want to hole up for the entirety in 5* comfort, nor do I find getting drenched involunterily in the least bit appealing. Keeping the snide remarks to a minimum from those who do, on a scale of 1-10, what is the Patong and Kata areas like during Songkran and what is the actual duration of the event?

  10. I plan to spend about 3-4 months pa in Thailand during the colder months of N. Europe once I decide to retire from my full time job, by which time I'll be pushing 67. Good all round health currently but that could change so insurance is a must for those periods I am in Thailand. Can anyone recommend a reputable Thai company, or even Brit company? Maybe it would be better to get an annual one for wider travel, including in Europe(?). Not looking for the cheapest necessarily. Would appreciate advice.

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