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Posts posted by lumply

  1. Has there ever been a survey on whether living in Thailand adds or detracts from lifespan of Expats as compared to so called first world countries? What are your general views on this assuming a reasonably happy lifestyle and one that is not blighted by financial woes? My take is that the relatively stress free life in Thailand of those in this category adds to longevity.

  2. Whats the matter with you party poopers?

    For me, its so heartwarming to watch the nieghbors 5 year old granddaughter as she screams with laughter, running into the road to throw water at the drunken motorests as they speed by.

    Pretty irresponsible way for parents to allow such a thing. Allowing a 5 five year old to run into the road, which planet are they from?

    Ah now I see it, like your sarcasism......a bit late on the uptake.

  3. I can t wait! Have been coming to Thailand every Winter for past 15 years and a few in the 90's but have always had to leave by March for work. This year is it. Staying till April 16 and hitting up Silom first and then anywhere else fun. I have big gun already! Yippee!

    12TH - 19TH in Pattaya, 19TH the maddest and baddest, not much happening the 16TH, unless Bangkok is mad that date
    Everyone in BKK tells me THE 13th, 14th and 15th are the big days here. I hope they are right. Maybe I'll try out pat's before then.

    Kids with their guns, pathetic! Hop on board for the crucifixion

  4. They could go the whole hog and render only roadside first aid to victims who have broken the law, unless they are prepared to pay for a part of the treatment to get mended in hospital. Nah....that wouldn't work because most would view it as unacceptable and uncivilised. So the nanny state comes to the rescue and carts them off to hospital anyway. Crying foul and using nannystatism as an excuse to try improving the system is really not a coherent explanation, not that I have a solution either.

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  5. The OP underestimates his own kids and is a parent perceiving what his children will see and think....WRONG. Young children are far more resilient and capable than most people imagine and will probably not even notice prostitutes etc. I certainly would know what a drug pusher looks like as a well travelled adult. Don't wrap the children in cotton wool, they'll have a great time, unless you, the parent is over protective. Otherwise, leave the kids at home and go there by yourself. You know you would love to anyway!

    Correction. "...certainly NOT know what a drug pusher......

  6. The OP underestimates his own kids and is a parent perceiving what his children will see and think....WRONG. Young children are far more resilient and capable than most people imagine and will probably not even notice prostitutes etc. I certainly would know what a drug pusher looks like as a well travelled adult. Don't wrap the children in cotton wool, they'll have a great time, unless you, the parent is over protective. Otherwise, leave the kids at home and go there by yourself. You know you would love to anyway!

  7. Smog can be all pervasive. No place to go, except indoors. Fortunately, this is for only a few weeks of the year. So just man up and get used to it. Some years are worse than others. Hopefully, this year the rain comes early. Last year it started raining in April. This year? Who knows?

    Attached photo taken 2007 (April). It was a bad year. Worst I have seen so far.

    Getting used to it is not a solution because as sure as eggs is eggs, this level of pollution will cause I'll health in a pervasive manner and is life threatening. I would certainly not wish to inflict this cause of ill health on myself or family. Get out if possible whilst your lungs are relatively intact. Happy breathing!

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