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Posts posted by cornishcarlos

  1. 20 squid is not a lot...

    But I had a fatty lump removed from my back/neck 2 years ago in Surat Thani. Cost 70 baht for what took them about 30 mins work. Awesome job, very professional. Only pain was queuing in the 1st place.

    Went to get the dressing changed at a local clinic 2 days later, which cost 100 baht :) Go figure..

    I reckon government hospitals can be just as good as private, in fact lots of the top doctors work in government hospitals and consult at the private places, so you probably get the same doc !!

    BTW, the 70 baht included biopsy...

  2. I'm a bit confused by all this !!

    Where in the other thread does it say he is young, where does it say he will be travelling with a backpack (maybe he has a case with wheels).

    It does state that he will be learning Thai, so a study visa is good, right ?

    He does also say that he lives a pretty frugal life in the U.K already, so obviously has no great need for all the western trimmings :) So the question about reasonably priced rooms is valid, no ?

    I sometimes reply to emails concerning my work abroad, does that make me illegal for working online ??

    Positive encouragement is good karma for those giving it :)

  3. To the OP,

    It took the police nearly 3 years to catch a guy who had allegedly murdered his girlfriend (married to a policeman) and kept her remains in his bathroom..

    Reckon your little web site business might be a touch off their radars !!

    Wouldn't want to encourage you to break any laws but 3000 baht will get you a nice enough room in most areas if you look around..

    Some people on here are so anal...

    Good luck fella

  4. Can you give more details as to why you are buying in the U.K ??

    I too am interested in a rowing machine, so would like to know your reasons before I start my own research into what is available in Thailand.

    Will be interesting to see what/if there are import duties !!

  5. Not sure what happened there !! My post turned out blank....

    If anyone is thinking about upgrading from a CBR150 to something a little bigger, I would be interested in buying your CBR..

    Looking for a 2010/2011 model in very good condition with no mods except maybe an aftermarket exhaust.

    Can pay cash for reliable and legal bike.


  6. If anyone out there is thinking about upgrading from a Cbr150 to something a little bigger, I would be interested in buying the Cbr150.

    Looking for a 2010/2011 model in good condition with no mods, except maybe exhaust..

    Cash paid for a reliable/legal bike..


  7. Just got told by my wife that UPS is trying to charge her 608 baht for a package I sent from Europe !! Customs tax apparently..

    When she asked how they calculate the charge, they couldn't tell her smile.png But not to contact customs, only talk with UPS about it... Mmmmmmm.

    Value stated on package, 5 euro.. Weight 500g..

    They told her it was because it was 5kg, when she pointed out that it was 0.5kg they told her it would be 230 baht..

    Now I'm pretty sure customs doesn't tax by weight !!!!

    Is this a blatant rip off ??? I did pay 52 euro for the privilege of going with UPS, would this cost figure anywhere into the 'taxing' of the package...

    I'm not convinced but as it is our wedding albumn, I think she should pay it if they can produce a valid tax invoice from customs.. Does anyone have an example of a customs invoice they could maybe mail to me, would be interested to know what they look like smile.png


  8. Just got told by my wife that UPS is trying to charge her 608 baht for a package I sent from Europe !! Customs tax apparently..

    When she asked how they calculate the charge, they couldn't tell her :) But not to contact customs, only talk with UPS about it... Mmmmmmm.

    Value stated on package, 5 euro.. Weight 500g..

    They told her it was because it was 5kg, when she pointed out that it was 0.5kg they told her it would be 230 baht..

    Now I'm pretty sure customs doesn't tax by weight !!!!

    Is this a blatant rip off ??? I did pay 52 euro for the privilege of going with UPS, would this cost figure anywhere into the 'taxing' of the package...

    I'm not convinced but as it is our wedding albumn, I think she should pay it if they can produce a valid tax invoice from customs.. Does anyone have an example of a customs invoice they could maybe mail to me, would be interested to know what they look like :)


  9. KDC, why does it sound like a money pit ?? You can deduce that from the info I have given !! You must have some hidden talent :) We are doing everything ourselves and it's not costing too much surprisingly..

    I'm not looking for the most cost effective building solution, rather build something a little different and eye catching.

    Thanks for the helpful replies

  10. Hi,

    Does anyone know the website address of the auction house that was in operation up towards the airport.

    I'm out the country at the moment so can't go and look myself and can't find anything online about it.

    I think it was South west Auctions or something like that ???????

    Help please

  11. Hi all,

    Not sure which forum this should be in but I'll try it here..

    I'm in the process of a coffee shop project in Surat Thani.. Land preparation is complete, landscaping is currently in progress around the perimeter.

    But I still haven't decided on a final design for the actual coffee shop or toilets but have seen a few shipping container conversions that look good.

    Just wondering if anyone knows, where it would be possible to buy used units, how much they would be and also any experience of converting them to other uses.

    Many thanks,

  12. I got my Ranger last August, 25% deposit and 4 years 0% finance.. Included free insurance and other add ons (not Ford but look ok).

    The Phuket dealer told me 18km/L, I laughed at him... We get 13km/L cruising at 120km/h..

    18K baht extra for the full service package, so only paying average of 1800 baht per service..

    IMO, and I've only driven a few different pick ups, this Ford has great torque off the line, likes to have the RPM kept up a little bit and will stay with most cars out of the traffic lights..

    So far I'm happy, couldn't be bothered to wait for the new model and resale value not an issue as I don't intend to sell it. 675K for 2.5 XLT Open Cab..

    Happy hunting and don't believe a word they say in Ford Phuket, go to BKK :)

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