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Everything posted by greeneking

  1. Yes, for sure. Smoeone is trying to trick someone into doing something unwise. Who is it keeps bringing up this word? They should be told.
  2. What a horrible way to behave. I'd be surprised if any pupils would want to learn English if it meant having to associate more with people like him.
  3. And the system that is actually funded very well, but manages to supply inadequate teaching to the pupils. And a curriculum which seeks to indoctrinate rather than educate.
  4. Yes, why are they needed. One say they are setting up Middle East roadshows and the next they are focusing on domestic tourists. Anyone remember when they were targeting millionaire cyclists? The Ministry of Sports and Tourism could take over and save the county a lot of money.
  5. If it was legal he would be just a businessman not a gang leader. And there are now as many Ganga shops as coffee shops in some places.
  6. Another wasted opportunity. They did all the promotion but forgot to taste check what the consumers would think. Thailand does not need more average beer. Better quality ingredients and brewing and 10 baht more expensive could be a winner.
  7. What does the old duffer who writes them think? Can he write one for the People or only for the 'good people.'
  8. The words 'humanitarian' and 'Myanmar' should not appear in the same sentence.
  9. Isn't saying which beers you prefer and why endorsing such beers? Isn't talking about new products and saying where you can buy them promoting them? A ridiculous law.
  10. The main threat is demands for Democracy. And that's gone quiet.
  11. All the prices are too expensive and the place is effectively a monopoly. AOT and King Power.
  12. Not a scam, but it is a bit odd. I am surrounded by places today selling Marijuana which used to open you up for big trouble. And also surrounded by closed bars unable to sell a legal product.
  13. Especially if they had actually served time inside.
  14. Will she ever be held accountable for making irrational promises? Altogether now.......NOOO!
  15. Why not 90? Doesn't seem to harm Malaysia.
  16. The Highest Authority could take an interest.
  17. But was the Constitution lawful? Can you fix a Constitution and tell everyone to stop thinking?
  18. And the point of your post is............
  19. Practice. Lots of practice.
  20. Come on, he was. The backward forces have been tying themselves in knots to keep him away from the power the electorate gave him. The country wants radical change.
  21. I have just bought 3 boxes of Reserve because Chang 4.8 had become so disappointing. What a fool. I am drinking sugar water. I also drink Leo already, but want another alternative and don't like the Heineken price for an average beer, so next time what? Yes please Beer Laos, but it should not be 70B for a small bottle. ASEAN trade agreements anyone?
  22. And for the electorate, eager for rapid and radical change, to become apathetic and discouraged and less likely to do anything about it.
  23. Yes, but these numbers must climb and quickly. This was Jerusalem a few days ago.
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