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Everything posted by greeneking

  1. I think they offered no support for Thaksin before. They wanted the real change you seem to want too. But real life, coalitions (with who would be best?), and media pushing them to take positions they would rather not take yet lead you to a black/white opinion. They remain the decent alternative to Thaksin and Prayuth. With enough of our support.
  2. The songtheaws are driving around every day now asking for votes. I look at the picture on the side and if it is an older bloke wearing a uniform with lots of medals I know this is not the one.
  3. More on the ball than most of the comments here. He is no angel. but he knows a lot of bad guys who should be brought down and is willing to name some of them. During a period of elections in a 'democratic' country the courts have no place in telling a citizen he is not permitted to air his beliefs about the Bhumjaithai Party's support of Cannabis.
  4. What do you suggest for the people who so obviously allowed him to escape Thailand and avoid the trials that were coming?
  5. If Xi ever thinks that what is good for Putin is OK for China too and turns against him and invades to regain the Greater China that has been lost to a history of Russian aggression it could get interesting; Wikipedia "What Chinese territory was lost to Russia? Starting with the Treaty of Aigun in 1858 and the Treaty of Peking in 1860, the Sino–Russian border was realigned in Russia's favour along the Amur and Ussuri rivers. As a result, China lost the region now known as Outer Manchuria (an area of more than 1 million km2) and access to the Sea of Japan." There is an exhausting amount of material to try to understand. but China's game of cards leaves them many options.
  6. 'AI coding tools are becoming standard practice for many developers.' codesubmit.io/blog/ai-code-tools/ Sorry CodeCombat. Good luck getting the budget before anyone notices the way the world has gone.
  7. We all believe they are up to no good and they are very visible. The question for me is why are they not visible to the authorities? A blind eye is being turned for whose benefit? if Chuwit has a spare couple of hours......
  8. The present one claimed to be reluctant.
  9. Haha. Haha.Haha. I'm bored. Can't write any more. The girls should be loved for their efforts to improve Thailand. Suthep......my God!
  10. World's largest parliament building planned costing 23 billion baht (Wikipedia) for members who can hardly fill an office party. If there is no intention to provide democracy don't make the already mostly poor demos pay for you to pretend it matters.
  11. Morons involved certainly, of whatever kind.
  12. A surname like 'Na Ayutya' has often been seen as meaning an untouchable. Who has he upset? Tell me if I am wrong. Some progress?
  13. If abiding by the rules becomes required large numbers of the administration will also be saying bye bye.
  14. Many would be preparing the fireworks rather than the black clothing.
  15. stable condition......yes, the same since Wednesday. No celebrations anytime soon.
  16. They should be upset. Should be confronted. Should disappear. Should appear only in history books as the people whose selfishness imoverished Thai lives for generations.
  17. and why is her face blurred out. Why is aseannow protecting her facial privacy, but giving her name?
  18. I believe you are correct. There is little in his background to suggest intelligence and application. Who are his advisors I wonder?
  19. OMG. Everytime I think justice has been done and the country is moving forward, something like this happens.
  20. Before going to this expense send police out for the day to use these crossings and punish the drivers who have nearly killed them.
  21. I think he is also not really permitted there since his house is only for army personnel. Somehow a judgement went against this, and let him stay. A period of following the law would be very welcome.
  22. They need the money for the next promotion from somewhere, don't they?
  23. It must not be forgotten he failed to include a sentence swearing allegiance to the constitution when he took the oath of office which raised questions about the legitimacy of his government. He was very keen not to be questioned about his omission. The Constitution says 8 years, he says 'but I did not say I agreed to follow it.' Maybe.
  24. Bangkok Post used to run a Wine column. From what I remember it was hobbled by demands it should no longer include copy which might encourage readers to drink the stuff or know where they could buy it. And then it ended.
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