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Posts posted by jpolten

  1. When i meet or see someone for the first time i don't prejudge,but i'm cautious,because the very nicest person you meet could be up to no good and

    i'm very cautious of people who are too nice!!

    I agree with Ianforbes about some thing in the eye's and there's the body language too that give's a few signals,but sometimes we can be wrong

    about these thing's(someone with a menacing look could be a good person.)

    Then you have the people who you think are your friend's (these are the one's you have to watch out for) who lie and deceive you for little or no reason,sometimes it's jealousy or just simply because you won't go with their flow!

    Then there's what you hear about people from others with an agenda(again just someone with a grudge)who for reason's have a dislike for that person

    and will say anything to make that persons life difficult! I tend to stay clear of people who have all the gossip because tomorrow it could be me

    they are talking about!

    I'd never judge someone on their appearance or first meeting,but always cautious!

  2. Re: Running shoes: The matter is more complicated than you perhaps realize, first of all you must establish your own running status, i.e. are you a walker or a runner, if you are a runner, then what type of runner, long distance or short distance, and where do you do your running, in streets, trails, or fells, all those matters are important when selecting running shoes.

    Then you need to establish your physical running style footwise, is it ... overpronation, or supination, (and to what extent) or neutral, and then whether you are a heel striker or forefoot striker important matters in order to avoid serious injuries not just for your feet, but for the whole of your body due to spine damage resulting from running in the wrong shoes.

    When you have established the above, then you know which shoes to go for i.e. motion control shoes, stabilzing shoes, or neutral shoes, you can then go for the appropriate shoes from the following names... Asics, Brooks, Adidas, Saucony, Nike, Mizuno, etc ...

    Unfortunately, they are not easily available in Thailand, try the big Dept stores, in BKK or C/Mai but even if the do have any of the above names they may not be of the type outlined above, and the sizes are often to small for farangs because running shoes must be a 1/2" bigger/ longer than one's normal shoes, therefore you have to go and buy online via the UK. or the US. it is worth doing because the health benefits of running, but if you only want to 'strut' as opposed to sportive running then go for any type of plimsoll shoe (trainer) as long as the "colour is fashionable" what?


  3. Is someone drip feeding him sodium pentathal?

    Just keeping on topic. I know how folks either fight our talk around a poster to try have their type of fun. I figure I will just keep the post interesting and informative to those who simply lurk :)

    One thing I think is funny... Folks who are happy to overpay.. Why? :D

    Staying on topic....Having read the response are you coming to Thailand or not? :D

    I am coming. :D I am moving my visit from October to December. BUT the fun begins when I tell my boss I want to spend Christmas & New Years in Thailand so he can't have the holiday off! LOL :D

    Maybe he'll give you a permanent holiday seeing your wasting his time and money all day on this forum!

    I think your an easy target for other posters on this forum with your reply's and comments,so that got me thinking that maybe in the flesh

    your an easy target for the things you are worried about in thailand!

    Think it's time to give it a rest :D

    Enjoy you holiday :D

  4. The Indonesian version of the tank and scoop is called a Mandi. I recall using one in a relatively posh hotel which had goldfish in the tank. Kept down the mosquito larvae, I guess, but the trade-off was showering in fish poo, (and the occasional fish).

    Are you sure it wasn't the water feature in the hotel lobby :)

  5. GF keeps on buying one new t-shirt every week..After she has used one time she gives to me..OMG,my wardrobe is full! :D

    But i'm lucky,she buys unisex clothes!

    As long as they do not match jpolten's pink slippers :D

    Don't think you read the reply properly........but you can see me from time to time streaking down sukhumvit...

    i'm the 6'2 bald guy with a lot of body hair wearing women's underwear and those infamous pink slipper's.. :):D

  6. Slipper's,big pink one's with a furry animal on them :)

    Think they were really for herself with her knowing well i wouldn't wear them!

    Remember her first stay at my place.....she woke the next morning asking to borrow my hair brush....myself being bald and having shaved of

    what was left....she didn't realize what she said until i asked was she taking the piss :D :D :D

  7. As they were not apprehended leaving the store with the stolen goods there is no case to answer.

    CCTV footage alone is not sufficient to convict in a proper court of law.

    End of.

    According to the statement from KP there was other evidence, as they found the wallet.

    My first thought would be did they find it on the suspects?

    If K.P are fabricating evidence to cover their rear's,false statments,fake cctv,posting this cctv on the web was a big mistake for them.

    Any expert with this sort of tech could tell if it's fake or if it's really that couple!

    Surely if the british couple have seen this and (if innocent) knowing this is a fake would be seeking a big court date with K.P to

    get their £8000 back and then some!!!

    Just can't see K.P digging a bigger hole for themself's only to find an expert filling the hole with them in it!

    Don't believe that K.P had anything to do with what happened after the police were involved!

  8. I had a hot water shower added to the outside shower at my in-laws house a few years ago, and it seems they do not use it unless it is really cold out. They use a concrete water tank that holds about 1/2 cu meterof water. This morning when I took a shower there had to be at least 500 mosquitos in the room. They, falsely believe I think, that they will use more water/electricity/money by using the pressure shower.

    How do I go about converting them without causing a problem??????

    I saw a similar thing in isan where they had the shower and the concrete water holder...shower was working,but not used...

    they also had one of those tumble washing machines....you know the one's where you put the clothes in from the top and it wisked them

    back and forth...it worked too,but they still washed by hand!

    I'm not sure why they didn't use them,maybe they don't want the extra bill's!

    most thai's don't like change,more so the older generation that have been doing it their way for many year's.

    I don't think you'll convert them,but you can try :)

    I'm sure they already know this,but try explaining about the disease's that come with stagnant water and what those mozzi's can carry!

  9. I have a lady friend form Laos living with who is going nuts. She is a compulsive liar, she is the exact definition and suicidal. She has attacked me several times with large kitchen knives, I mean real attempts on me, she is totally irrational, and is inflicting self harm to her self, drinking quantities of ‘Vim’ bathroom cleaner, trying to cut her self etc…..

    I can not handle this anymore, but she clearly need medical help. My question is what is available for her? She is dangerously jealous, and that over powers her thinking. I don’t want her locked up in a hospital for Psychiatric patients, I care for her good health and help still, and defiantly don’t want her to top her self. She is in Bangkok.

    Apart from Run, I would love some suggestions.

    It's your call!....stay or leave!

    Like someone said above state hospitals that deal with these things are out dated,if you go private you'll pay for it....and it could be a long process!

    Go to some hospital any hospital and ask for advice,maybe some on can point you in the right direction!

    But i think you better decide quickly before you both pay for it....you being dead......and her in prison!

  10. With the recent topic involving the british couple and kingpower and some saying they were set up,fake cctv ect..

    (Knowing the crimes in this OP are very different from that of the couple)..i'd like to ask again...what would/could you do

    to prove your innocence?

    I think you need to stop reading TV and go out in Thailand and have some fun and keep away from bleary eyed farangs with a story to tell......

    Most of the horror stories are self inflicted.......and then a story has to emerge to create the illusion of innocence.....

    But there have been some true horror stories too.......

    Ok....sorry :)

  11. With the recent topic involving the british couple and kingpower and some saying they were set up,fake cctv ect..

    (Knowing the crimes in this OP are very different from that of the couple)..i'd like to ask again...what would/could you do

    to prove your innocence?

  12. I really don't see why this should deserve it's own topic since the video and the explanation has been showed AND discussed into great detail at the main topic.

    It's also not the point; the point is -guilty or not guilty-

    the extortion of enormous amounts of money from the people involved, apart from the fact that they were kept against their will, missed their plane and the amounts are not proportionate to the products involved,

    whether KP is/was involved or not.

    The cases are absurd and would create ENORMOUS bad publicity for the shop owners and (airport/police) staff in every other major airport in the world.

    It's very bad publicity -again- for Thailand. :)



    Whether 'some' KP staff and 'some' security staff are scamming in colusion with 'some police', or not,

    or whether either of these incidents is real or the cctv contrived to save face,

    this is bad PR no question.

    The onnus is on KP to clean up the appearance of trouble on their turf.

    Something in the way 'their security staff' is handling all these incidents,

    is causing great problems of K.P. and Thailand's image.

    There is the issue

    Why would KP make or doctor the cctv...think about it....if they did surely they're digging a deeper hole for them self's!

    If that couple didn't take the wallet and KP are fabricating evidence it surely can be proven they did make the vid??

    Leaving them self's wide open for court case on fabricating evidence??

  13. I really don't see why this should deserve it's own topic since the video and the explanation has been showed AND discussed into great detail at the main topic.

    It's also not the point; the point is -guilty or not guilty- the extortion of enormous amounts of money from the people involved, apart from the fact that they were kept against their will, missed their plane and the amounts are not proportionate to the products involved, whether KP is/was involved or not.

    The cases are absurd and would create ENORMOUS bad publicity for the shop owners and (airport/police) staff in every other major airport in the world.

    It's very bad publicity -again- for Thailand. :D


    Very bad publicity for thieves thinking of coming here for sure! Surely sending them to prison for years would be worse, because if a judge saw this video then they would have been found guilty.

    For a member who's new (since 2 weeks) on Thaivisa you're quite busy, defending Kingpower :)

    But, let me repeat what I wrote:

    ""It's also not the point; the point is -guilty or not guilty- the extortion of enormous amounts of money from the people involved, apart from the fact that they were kept against their will, missed their plane and the amounts are not proportionate to the products involved, whether KP is/was involved or not.""


    I don't think kingpower had anything to do with extortion,why would they?

    Staff reported a theft to security and from the cctv clearly they did it!

    What happened after they were caught was no fault of KP,just some dodgy tourist cop and some bib making the most of the situation!

  14. The footage isnt exactly like watching a Plasma screen so im probably wrong, but didnt she take the wallet round to the opposite side of the stand and leave it there.

    She puts it down on the 2nd shelf, opens her bag and puts it in, its really very obvious.

    Ah yes i see.

    These educated professionals must just do it for the buzz ..... Silly girl!

    Yes,cctv clearly show's what happened! educated,not short of money....like you said,must get a kick out of it!

    I think kingpower,like rick said are just trying to draw a line between themself's and what the tourist police

    and the local police did!

  15. i don't understand :D

    Where are the my g/f stole my ..... Thai girls are ......... Thai girl did this....... Thai blah blah..... You wait.... Thai bitching posts?

    That Ian is someone who is enjoying Thailand the way it makes you happy. Travelling sightseeing and not stuck in a bar drinking with Jason, Mark and Tom...

    Hopefully some of the depressing posters on here will see these photos and decided there is more to Thailand and enjoy it a bit more..

    Stop sitting in bars buying houses/cars and giving silly sinsnots and get travelling!

    Ian thanks for sharing these its a pleasure to see.....

    Maybe the OP and Ian have showed them a side to thailand they've never seen and they're rushing to pack their bag's as we speak!

    I can picture them herding out of the bar's in pattaya ect, falling over themself's to get the next bus or train up north or NE!.... :) i don't think so!...

    misery love's company....

    Great to see and hear some are enjoying their time in los...where for them the good thing's out weight the bad!

  16. If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

    Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

    If I felt the need to carry a gun in Thailand, I won't live here. Guns generally don't help anyway, just escalate a situation to a higher level of violence.

    I don't think there's a need to carry a firearm on the street when you can walk away from most conflicts.............

    But i think it's a good idea to have one in the home........can you imagine been awaken to a yabaa head jumping around you kitchen

    with a 12 inch blade....what would he do to you??...more importantly...what would he do to you wife and kid's???

    I know what i would do to protect my family.....EMPTY THE MAG!!!

    Having said that-

    * if purchasing a firearm do it legally!....you could be held responsible for past use if illegal!

    * acquire pro-training for use of!

    * practice in a controlled area..pro-shooting range!

    * keep firearm in a safe or safe place away from kid's and unstable people :D

    * if become angry or sad "dont do it" just think happy thought's :D

    * dont shoot your self in the foot :)

  17. If you feel the need to carry a loaded gun in Thailand, then it's time for you to leave.

    Mr. Garry9999. Do you want to leave things to fate and go with the submissive unpredictable flow if someone intend to murder and attack you for stuffs? Or do u want to have at least some control of the outcome and have something to fight back when you are faced with situations in life and death?

    If I felt the need to carry a gun in Thailand, I won't live here. Guns generally don't help anyway, just escalate a situation to a higher level of violence.

    I don't think there's a need to carry a firearm on the street when you can walk away from most conflicts.............

    But i think it's a good idea to have one in the home........can you imagine been awaken to a yabaa head jumping around you kitchen

    with a 12 inch blade....what would he do to you??...more importantly...what would he do to you wife and kid's???

    I know what i would do to protect my family.....EMPTY THE MAG!!!

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