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Posts posted by Weho

  1. What happend was there were TWO Father Ray scandal covers, TWO WEEKS IN A ROW... so the first week, I was correct, there was no contact information in the ad for the Christmas meals... in the SECOND week, which is THIS week, there is an all new Father Ray scandal, and the Christmas meal ad was CORRECTED in this week's edition.

    I had no idea the Father Ray people were so scandalous, which contributed to some of us being at a loss to understand why there was no contact info in that ad.

    But those Pattaya People editors are really clever, cause this week's Father Ray scandal makes the first week's scandals seem like a walk in the park... this week's scandals go into accounting irregularities, and all sorts of other really juicy stuff.

    So when the earlier poster was saying how their Father Ray cover DID have all the contact info, we clearly weren't talking about the same scandals on the covers.

    Maybe there will even be a part three Father Ray scandal... I love this stuff!

    Here's another picture, sort of what i look like...


  2. Preface... is it possible, for once, for someone to start a simple topic, without having it hijacked, and turned into some evil, nasty thread? Let's try to keep this nice... remember, this is Jesus' birthday today or tomorrow... so no funny business...

    So what are we called? I realized in different languages, it could be somewhat different... but in English, what would be the correct term?

    OOOPS: the subject should read, what is the correct TERM.... but the edit function won't allow me to alter a subject... or maybe i just don't know how to do it... cause i'm concerend with other matters at the moment... like I wish my maid would hurry up and leave for the day, so I can swim naked, and not offend him/her.

  3. Every now and then, one of the broads working at Carrefour skates by... maybe you could ask them, if you haven't passed out from the heat in there, due to lack of air conditioning.

    And I would strongly advise you NOT to use roller skates in Pattaya... first, are there any sidewalks where there is an area more than about 1 meter, where there aren't giant potholes and other hazards? Unless you have your own rink, I think this is a bad idea. I don't have any children, (I've been "out of commission" for quite some time now), but IF I had an 8 year old daughter, I would buy her a lifetime pass to the Ripley's "museum", or maybe an electric mixer, so you can teach her how to bake cakes and stuff. That might be fun.

    I mean really, where on earth could you possibly roller skate in Pattaya? Oh, I have another idea for you... how about, .... hummmmmmm.... maybe, ..... how about like a small fish aquarium? Of course you could forget the whole Christmas gift thing, and explain to your daughter that Christmas has become very commercialized, and you don't want to just give her some materialistic gift... instead, take her to church, and sit there all day and pray. i'm sure she would really appreciate the true meaning of Christmas this way.

    How do you do it?

    Somebody is looking for a nice Christmas present for her child and you manage to butt in get completely off topic and we are ending up looking at your stupid photos.

    I don't mind you posting your own looney stuff, I just don't read them anymore since I read one of the first ones.

    It does irritate me that you want to be involved or influnence so many other postings.

    Thai Visa is there not only for you, so butt out this one and let the woman find her child a Christmas present.

    i'm sorry you didn't like my other pictures... how about this one:


    And I regret that you seemed to have missed the point of these boards: since it seems that the OP is trying to be responsible, and has scoped out her neighborhood, and will get at least some of the recommended protective gear, I think she is not at a huge risk of having the daughter injured in the dangerous activity... but the whole point of these boards, is that someone ELSE may at some point, read this information, and find it useful... Maybe in an hour, maybe in a month, maybe next year... that person may or may not post here, but someone who just MAY find it useful, just MAY read it, heed the advice, and save the life of a child.

    I regret that you don't grasp that concept. And really, if you don't like what you're reading, why not simply move on to something else. You sound like you are speaking on behalf of all mankind, which you are not. It just amazes me how in a reasonable thread like this, where reasonable information goes back and forth, and some people have decided for the rest of us, what topics we can discuss. Good grief. Puh-leese.

    So did you like the picture? Oh, I forgot, you're not reading this anymore.

  4. A guy used to sell furniture when there was a vacant lot on Sukumvit, at I think the street is Soi Kow Towelo, not far from Tepprasit... he had a SET of four of those chairs, PLUS a small square table, all of it for 9,000 baht... they were finished in a shiny darker paint, they seemed rock solid to me, especially for the price. but the bare teak finish, as pictured, are always much more money. every once in a while i have the maid re-stain mine, which are more like what you've pictured... and they are great. i like cushions on them, cause my delicate behind doesn't sit well with those prodding wood slats. good luck in this quest.

  5. Weho where is your Christmas spirit for goodness sake!

    Lighten up you sour puss!

    I think it is a very nice offer Fun-Fun, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too!!

    Oh, I see... so it's OK to get cancer for Christmas? I've got news for you: Cancer don't care if it's Christmas...

    (that's the name of a song, by the way).

    And as far as the colour of the underpants, are we talking before OR after the Christmas dinner? Truth in advertising...

    I'm going to Fuji now...

  6. Weren't you the one that wrote this:

    I really do believe i've seen enough of your bullshit.

    And you insult me, even after I posted the great pictures of Barbara Streisand... that's the thanks I get...

    Attention all Butt-kissers: will someone go to lunch with me today? We can talk about how great I think I am, and stuff like that. And we can talk about Jareddiving... hey aren't you the guy from the Subway Sandwiches commercials? Are you a diver? Do you were those Speedos? I like those, especially when there's a little "happy trail" showing... do you have one of those? Yum! I know you won't answer, cause you've grown tired of me... tired, for the twenty-seventh time...

    I'm out of raisins.

    And remember: always wear the maximum protective wear when roller skating, and monitor kids very carefully in any dangerous activity.

    No, that picture wasn't me... it was Barbara Streisand, yelling at some contractors... this isn't me either, but I look something like this:


  7. When I first saw this title, I thought it was about that singer named "Brandy", who was arrested for killing someone while driving and being on her cell/mobile phone, and I thought this thread was an attempt to discuss a strategy to free her, (even though she was jailed for only a short time), cause it took place in the minor nation U.S. and A., and I guess car killing isn't a big deal there.

    Cigar smoking is highly dangerous... do an infonet search for "lip cancer", or "mouth cancer", and see what comes up. This kind of giveaway should not be encouraged on this family board... OK, it's the Manson family, but cigars are nasty.

  8. Tuk Com can't reallybe compared to Pantip - its expensive compared to Pantip and has a VERY small selection of goods in comparison ..

    I agree the prices at Tuk Com can be more expensive than Bangkok, a little, but the selection is really about the same... to suggest Bangkok has more electronics stuff is absurd... Basically, Pantip has more SELLERS, but the stuff is all the same... even for pirated CD's and DVD's, Tuk Com is equal to Bangkok, with the exception of the "Look Maew" store inside M.B.K., it's on the BTS level, about midway back, in one of the cross aisles, on a corner, I think facing an entrance to the parking lot... they have DVD's to order, takes one day, or they will mail them inside Thailand at no extra charge... and they have stuff that NO ONE else has... and the dvd's are always perfect quality... they have lots of documentarys too.

  9. First, didn't you write this gem, not too long ago: so why are you still interested in what I post? I thought you had seen enough... I guess not...

    I really do believe i've seen enough of your bullshit.

    And second, I just KNEW I could convince someone to side with me... that was my goal all along, (after trying to get people to carefully consider everything before getting their child involved in some potentially dangerous behavior)... Yep, I snagged that "Westener"... I really tricked him/her into some serious butt-kissing..., didn't I...

    BTW, I'm going to be "lunching" today at Fuji, at the BIG C on Sukumvit shortly, I would say around 12:30pm... look for me, drop by and say "howdy".

  10. I got inline skates for my own 8yo daughter at Toys R us (in Bangkok, but would imagine the shop in Pattaya would have similar stock).

    They were simply the first ones I found that were her shoe size.

    1,500 baht for a starter set including helmet, knee, elbow and hand pads. So far she's only used them in the house, in the driveway, and in the road beside the house in the moobaan. The only thing she doesn't like is the padded "socks" she has to put her feet in, as it makes her feet sweaty.

    This is how it starts... people think, "i don't like the thick safe socks, so i'll wear this thin improfitting socks..." Then, it's "I don't like these pads, they are uncomfortable..." Then it graduates to "if I don't have the pads, why do i need the helmet..." And on and on, until the ambulance arrives... then it changes to "why couldn't she just take up reading for Christmas"...

    I have nothing against responsible parents encouraging their children to take up healthy sporty activities, but roller skating, and inline skating are not reasonable choices for Thailand.

  11. I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

    And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

    mis information in the pattaya people newspaper ! how dare you suggest such a thing ? I personally like to keep an up to date copy of the said tabloid in my hong nahm at all times not to read i might add but to ........... please complete

    weho r u still making your own croutons ?

    You know, I haven't made crutons for a while, cause I've been breaking in a new maid for the last two months, and I didn't want to give her too much to learn at once... but I think today might be the day to introduce that...

    and as far as completing that sentence: "... but to shall we say "inspire me" to ..." Nope, i won't go there... i don't dis that paper for your comedy purposes... that paper is the lifeblood of this city... it's what we all have in common... it documents what we all know and love... and truthfully, i certainly coudln't read a full-size newspaper while "there", and even the Pattaya People is too big to handle. I'm sort of embarassed to state what I REALLY use for reading material... no one else in the world knows... and I'll keep it my little secret... but i will say it's about the size, but not thickness, of a hotel brochure. Hope that helps.

  12. relax your jaw a little,maybe pop something in it.while he massaged the back of your head

    I think you're right... he probably just wanted to pop something like a breath mint in... and the next time I'm "doing the nasty", I'm going to try that massaging the back of the head, after I do a head-lice check of course. I do think I need some christmas boffo today.

  13. Since the OP got such great advice here, I would appreciate it if they would reciprocate and just give us an update if they ever found the nails they were looking for. And you never really did say what they were for... just curious I guess.

  14. Since the OP got such great advice here, I would appreciate it if they would reciprocate and just give us an update if they ever found the nails they were looking for. And you never really did say what they were for... just curious I guess.

  15. Why would i wanna go to a bar when i have a beautiful wife at home...

    And read your thread about your pool boy??

    I really do believe i've seen enough of your bullshit.

    I don't believe you've really seen enough... you reply to everything I post... now what does that say about you?

    Congratulations on the beautiful wife "at home", whatever that means... I hope you stay together a very long time, or at least as long as you both think it's a good idea...

  16. You really think so??

    Thank you!!! Thats so kind of you.

    But still i think you are a sucker!

    Well everyone has the right to their own opinion, dont they..

    Sucker :o

    My, you're up late... did the bars close? If you want to read about suckers, read the thread about my pool boy and his vacuum hose that sucks real good. But I think you're losing your touch... this reply wasn't as witty as your other. Even still, I stand by my statement that we're pretty lucky to have you around here with this kind of material to entertain us. You've put me in a very giving mood, so I'm attaching a photo here of screen legend Barbara Streisand outside her home, yelling at some contractors:


  17. Chanukah is over.

    Happy Festivus!


    Celebrants gathering around the traditional Festivus Pole

    Who knew! I just found this list:

    Hanukkah begins at sundown on:

    Sunday December 21 in 2008

    Friday December 11 in 2009

    Wednesday December 1 in 2010

    Tuesday December 20 in 2011

    Saturday December 8 in 2012

    Wednesday November 27 in 2013

    Tuesday December 16 in 2014

    Sunday December 6 in 2015

    I remembered it sometimes overlapped Christmas, but I guess 2007 wasn't one of those years. Well, I'd still be curious if someone could advise which hotels had Hanukkah/Chanukah dinners this year... I must have missed the ads.

  18. I can't seem to find information on this in the local papers... if anyone has a listing, with prices, please share.

    I know the closest mikvah milk bath is in Singapore, and that's sort of crazy to have to travel that far... but surely there is a good choice of Chanukah/Hanukkah meals in town.

    And I would like to extend a "Happy Haj" wish to any locals doing that at this time, and a Merry and Happy Christmas to anyone that is into that scene, and of course a Happy Kwanza for our African Friends, and also a Happy Hanukkah/Chanukkah for our Jewish friends. I would also extend a "Happy Winter Solstace" for those into that thang, and a Happy end of the year, for all the non-believers too. And also a Happy whatever if I've left anyone out. And I think we our our tourist friends a "thank you" for choosing Pattaya, when there are so many other places they could have gone to instead, both within Thailand and abroad. And lastly, a "thank you" to all the local hookers that, quite frankly, are the primary reason tourists come here, which supports our economy, and makes life better, both directly, and indirection, for all of us. If it weren't for them, there would be no Villa Market, no Sizzler, no local metered taxis, no nothing. We owe them.

    You go, girls. You rock.

  19. Several weeks ago, some Great American Rib personnel were handing out flyers sort of outside the Marriott Hotel... and I told the gal that the flyer needed to have the STREET ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, and maybe even a simple map, so people could find the place... it seemed odd to me to hand out flyers so far in advance, that were so poorly written. I told her that the information/suggestion I gave her was free, at no charge to them... and she looked at me as if I was Charles Manson.

    Is that an all-you-can-eat situation? If so, seems to be a good price, as I find the food there good.

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