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Posts posted by Weho

  1. The song is from "Oklahoma".

    You're welcome.

    Yes, thank you... "I'm just a girl who can't say 'no'" should be the Theme song for Pattaya... sort of like Chicago has a song, New York has a song... I think even L.A. has a song or two...

    And thanks to the other poster for acknowledging that I was correct that Martin Sheen is on the West Wing, although Martin Short did about a half dozen guest appearances, according to your link.

    Now I always try to TRY to stay "on topic", so how do I tie in what I already wrote, to air conditioning at the Major Cineplex... hummmmmm. Let's see...

    OK, I got it... I know for a fact that Martin Short likes cold temperatures, as about a year or so ago, I was in New York, and saw his "one man" show on BroadWAY (emphasis on the "WAY")... BroadWAY. It was a cold evening, and I saw him coming out of the stage door (i'm no "stage door 'johnny'", but it was unusual timing). He didn't even have a sweater on... Ok, so he was only going a few feet to the waiting, warm limo, but he clearly wasn't bothered by cool weather. My HUNCH is he would LOVE the a/c at the Major Cineplex. Oh yes, the name of his one-man show was something like, "The West Wing-- A New Musical". It had real bouncy, zippy songs. It's all on imdb.com.

  2. I enjoy non-sexual massages at Jomtien beach, usually in the homosexual area, around stations #15 to #24, sort of near that Avalon Hotel Resort. Lately, I have been quoted 250 baht for a one hour non-sexual beach massage. Is that the fair price? I know there are semi-reputable places that charge less than 200 baht, (community massage room, sometimes non air conditioned), so it seems that someone on the beach, that doesn't pay rent or insurance or taxes etc., who probably has no license, should NOT be charging MORE than the cheapest in-store massages.

    It's very relaxing at the beach, but 250 baht seems high to me. Any thoughts?

    I think the Homeland Massage place, on Pattaya North road, has a massage in a community room, air conditioned, for less than 250 baht for an hour, and it is a spectacular setting...

    Oh, and if I hire the beach guy for a second hour, how much should that cost? Sometimes it takes almost an hour for me to train the guy exactly where I want him to concentrate on, and how to do it...

    There is a large woman that gives a great beach foot massage, but I haven't seen her in months... And I avoid those beach nail clippers, as you're almost guaranteed to get toe fungus from one of those unclean clippers... Nasty stuff!

  3. Your posting is quite vague... what do you mean by "go on"??

    If you mean:

    A. "go on" still inside Thailand, how about spending a week in Chonburi or Sriratcha.

    B. "go on", to a neighboring country, I would suggest Myanmar... just steer clear of the death squads.

    C. "go on", to another continent, how about South America... I really enjoyed Iguasu Falls.

    Hope that helps...

  4. Yes, Major Cineplex... at "The Avenue"...

    Be sure to check out how clean the toilets are, which are near the upper level "candy counter"... it's such a pleasure to have a movie-going experience, where you don't have to worry about what the toilets will look like... and did you see their fancy sink in there? And if you have a "wide stance", no need to worry about privacy, as the toilet side panels go all the way to the floor. And they have lots of cleaning staff on duty there... literally a second after I walked out, there were two women with mops waiting to go right in, and clean up any potential mess that I might have left... (I didn't make any mess, and I always flush the toilet, as a courtesy to the next user, with my foot, so as not to get any "cross-contamination").

    If they would only turn on the a/c at least a half hour before showtimes, I would consider it a pleasant movie-going experience... until such time, I enjoyed the theaters/theatres about as much as someone might enjoy a hysterectemy.

  5. I would like to add that I do feel many asians do look alike. I also think many Ukranians look alike... and many Tonganese look alike. But I can categorically state that I feel ALL Singaporians look different from eachother... they haven't the slightest similarity to any other Singaporians.

    I do research on these things on alternate weekends, in my basement.

    I'm listening to this internet radio now, and they are playing that song "I'm just a girl that can't say 'no'"... what show is that from??? is it from "Pattaya Lullabye of 07"?

  6. Its Martin Sheen in the west wing,and so are you suggesting that all black people look the the same??? I think thats pretty narrow minded from someone who lives overseas...maybe you think all asians look the same as well....

    How dare you suggest that I think "all black people look the same", based on my confusing of two male acTORS... why on earth could you draw that conclusion? Perhaps it says something about your own narrow mindedness. Perhaps you are "projecting". And how do you know that I'm not of African ancestry myself... are you psychic too? Do you just know these things?

    Had I written something like "I saw some dumb movie, I don't remember if it was with Tom Cruise or Bruce Willis...", would you write back that I must be "narrow minded" because I can't tell my white people apart? No you wouldn't... so it's ONLY certain people that offend you, certain types of people... yes, I believe you are "projecting" something about yourself... why not come clean here, and tell us about it...

    And it's most definately Martin Short in the West Wing. And sometimes on the West Wing he would just break out into character, like that old broadway agent guy he does... it was totally out of place on the West Wing.

    And to the other poster, I do know about the movieseer.com website, which I can tell you cannot always be relied upon for accurate showtimes. Always best to try to call the theater/theatre yourself, and try to speak to a human.

    And to the other poster who wrote: JUST AS WE ALL LOOK THE SAME TO ASIANS, BLACKS AND OTHER ETHNICITIES... well, I just LOVE the "we"... as if you are speaking on behalf of all humanity... or maybe you are just speaking on behalf of the ones you personally think are superior to the rest.

    And it's not a question of just going up "one escalator"... it's a question of DO THEY WANT TO MAKE MONEY... but I guess you didn't understand that. At least the Royal Garden theater/theatre people understood the importance of the signs at the bottom of both escalators... i'll bet most tourists wouldn't even know they had theaters/theatres up there.

    And I would like to add that the movies at the Royal Garden, albeit older technology theaters/theatres, they did have good a/c... no need to try to flag down a staff member... but I always hated that awful perfumed spray they would put in there, before/after every showing... seems like they were trying to cover up some awful smell, or maybe mold... it was RANK in there...

  7. It's my second time there, and you walk into the theatre/theater, and it's like walking into a kilm. It makes Dubai seem like Siberia. And if you feel like complaining, it's like a 20 minute walk to where staff seem to be able to pretend to care. Then finally some genius admits they only turn on the A/C once the movie has started. Keep that in mind the next time you pay them their 140 baht admission price to see a bad movie. Just tell them, "I only pay once the temperature goes down below 90 degrees inside the theater/theatre". And I find their seats rather narrow for my average sized western a**. And it's such a schlep to get up all those escalators...

    But the dumbest thing they do is NOT to have a sign, on the ground level, with the movie start times each day. I can only imagine how much business they lose, cause no one has thought of this. The Royal Garden has signs by each ground level escalator... not a bad idea, but "The Avenue" expects people to go up multiple escalators to figure out what movies are playing, and their language and start times. I mean, what is with these people? Just how many farangs do they think are willing to make the trek up all the escalators, just to find out what bad movies are playing, and when the bad movies start? You know, the ones for 140 baht admission.

    At Tukcom, you can buy most movies, even current movies, for 100 to 120 baht per dvd. This is highly illegal, and should not be encouraged, because "Hollywood" needs to pay their top "stars" $50,000,000 per picture, or they just won't get made. But "The Avenue" has to realize they have to compete with the crooks at Tukcom. Why not make it easy for us farangs? We're not frickin' psychic.

    Yes, I saw that new Denzel Washington vehicle "The Kingdom" about Saudia Arabia... was it Denzel? Maybe it was the guy that played Ray Charles... who can really tell... the movie was sort of o.k.... I can't stand the typical science fiction/dragon/spiritual/creature from outerspace movies they usually show... I hate that stuff.

    By the way, I'm watching the first minute and a half of this t.v. show called "The West Wing"... that Martin Short has to be the worst actor in history... horrible, horrible acting.

  8. Another place at Tukcom comes to mind... it's on the 3rd floor, more or less above where the WATSON'S pharmacy is on the ground floor... it's a camera store, a chain, i forge the name... has a red, white and turquoise color sign... they put a mini-dv tape onto dvd for me... reasonable... but i had to leave my video camera with them... so i trust they could do other kinds of duplication work...

    and to the poster who referred their friend for the colonic irrigation, bravo! i'm sure they are now leading a better life, with less crud to deal with... (if you catch my drift there...)...

    I'm overdue for getting the major one i normally get at the Yanhee hospital in bangkok... hopefully within a week i'll get it... you can't imagine how refreshing it feels to walk around Bangkok, after one of those "treatments"... i feel so much lighter... and like i've rid my body of so many Taksins...

  9. I have a good sized lawn, and all I do is water it... am I supposed to occasionally do something else, like fertilizer??? I haven't a clue... it gets brown spots, seems like they are growing... i would like it more lush, more green... what should I do??

    thanks for any help!

    Just wanted to thank everyone for their replies... it was really helpful information, and I'm most appreciative.

    This is a most exciting forum, and I am pleased that you have welcomed me into your world of farming, most warmly.

  10. I had a former neighbor who had completely opposite hours than I did... she he would START blasting his stereo at 11 PM, and turn it off around 6 AM. So I decided to get ear plugs, and then I blasted MY louder stereo, starting at 6:01 AM. And then he came over, and asked me to turn it down... I said i would if he stopped his stereo... And his reaction was: WHAT??? you mean you can hear MY stereo? The neighbor couldn't comprehend that if he could hear MY music, I could hear HIS bad music.

    The solution is ANY disturbance you create that goes beyond YOUR walls, should be illegal, and fined... that includes drifting cigarette smoke from open windows, music, cooking smells, etc.

  11. this is something i know about... why not do it yourself... if you have an mp3 player, which has a "line in", just connect a cord FROM your cassette player output, into that "line in"... you'll get a perfect copy... then, MOVE the file from your mp3 player, onto your computer... then use any simply converter program to convert the file FROM your mp3 player, which takes about a minute per file to convert. i think on the mp3 layer, the files are usually saved as something like "aac", but you'll want to convert them TO mp3 file format, which you can then easily burn onto cd's in minutes.

    There is a german shop, somewhere near Naklua that does these converstions, but it's expensive... it will easily pay for a brand new mp3 player, with "line in" for you.

    I hope the music on your cassettes isn't like bad euro/techno/trance type music, that I hate.

    I too have tapes I would like to put on CDs but not being technically minded Weho's first paragraph is unintelligible to me.

    Where is a shop who can do it for me?

    Sweetheart, my description was perfect... you should embrace it, rather than reject what you don't understand... it's a gift from an angel, that you have rejected... in your defense, at least you had the courage to admit you don't know anything about anything. Bravo.

  12. this is something i know about... why not do it yourself... if you have an mp3 player, which has a "line in", just connect a cord FROM your cassette player output, into that "line in"... you'll get a perfect copy... then, MOVE the file from your mp3 player, onto your computer... then use any simply converter program to convert the file FROM your mp3 player, which takes about a minute per file to convert. i think on the mp3 layer, the files are usually saved as something like "aac", but you'll want to convert them TO mp3 file format, which you can then easily burn onto cd's in minutes.

    There is a german shop, somewhere near Naklua that does these converstions, but it's expensive... it will easily pay for a brand new mp3 player, with "line in" for you.

    I hope the music on your cassettes isn't like bad euro/techno/trance type music, that I hate.

  13. I had the exact same problem you describe... on a Toshiba laptop... the guy a Tukcom popped in a new one, and it worked great... i think it's a problem in the laser reader, that simply can't be repaired... has to be replaced... it did cost about 3,000 baht for a burner... i used the guy on the 3rd floor, in the far corner, which would be above the Powerbuy, on the corner side where the elevators/toilets are. Don't let anyone charge you an install charge, or require that you leave it with them... it's not necessary... replacement take two minutes... no software adjustments necessary.

    While there be sure to check out the pirated cd's, mp3's, and dvd's... I think the $15 movie ticket admission prices in the U.S. are unreasonable, so help send that message.

  14. I stayed at the Evergreen Hotel, which I think is more like a 4 star, but reasonably priced... it had a nice room and nice buffet breakfast... they have free wireless internet in the room, if you bring your own computer. It's a slightly odd location, a bit far to walk to anywhere, yet central to both downtown, beaches, etc. They have a nice indoor gym, where there are lots of naked Chinese guys walking around, who like to show off how "big" they are. The outdoor pool was quite big and nice.

    I took the train/funicular that goes up to the top of some mountain, which was kind of nice, but you have to make sure you don't let anyone cut in front of you. I got a free lapel pin from some broad at the airport, from the Tourist Department, who I answered a few questions for. An hour later, the pin broke. Those are my impressions of Penang.

  15. You might reconsider your subject titles... I thought this thread was going to be someone wanted like a "life coach", or something like a soccer coach for some youth league, or a stagecoach for some movie production, or a Coach brand leather handbag as a prop or something...

    Good luck in finding whatever it is you're looking for...

  16. Did someone mention haggis? I believe I had a thread about that a while back...

    Does Villa market have haggis? I know McDonald's now has a BBQ beef sandwich... I'm going to write their marketing department, and suggest they consider a haggis product, preferbly as a "set", with fries and a drink.

  17. I'm not sure if i'm understanding this thread properly, but I know that it seems like many of the 7-11's have ATM machines in front of them. Maybe Family Mart does too... not sure about the 108 Minimart stores... Not sure if anyone else has made this observation... So why not just go from convenience store to convenience store, and see if I'm right.

    Oh, and I think many of these so-called "convenience" stores also sell cigarettes... so if you want to get cancer, AND get ATM cash, you could do it all with just one stop.

    And about ten years ago, I was on a Thai Airways flight to Chiang Rai, and the president of the Bangkok Bank was on the plane... (I had upgraded to business class for something like $10 at that time and he was there with his entourage)... and I saw the guy at my hotel, the Meridien Golden Triangle, which I think has a new name now... Hope this info helps...

  18. What about taking the train from Pattaya to Bangkok, which I think goes once a day... then taking the train from Bangkok to I think Butterworth?? or maybe it goes all the way to Johor, then you can get a right into Singapore. Hope that helps.

    I remember the old days, like a year ago, when there were only three buses a day to the old Bangkok airport... at least there are like six now...

    Oh, another idea... what about a bus from Pattaya to the Cambodian border, then another bus to Phon Penn, then a flight from there to Singapore?

    Yet another idea: how about a flight from U-Tapao to Samui, then another flight from there to Singapore?? Too bad Bangkok Air doesn't have a "through" fare, and forces you to buy two expensive tickets... but at least you can tell Bell freak off...

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