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Posts posted by Weho

  1. Actually, I would like to see a BTS run from my house to the Villa Market, making a few stops along the way... and I think there should be the two-tier pricing, just like on the baht busses... but it should be farangs pay 5 baht per ride on the Pattaya BTS, and locals pay 30 baht. I think the locals should make up for past wrongs, and should start paying reparations.

  2. Weho, was your pool boy also swimming naked with you?

    Tell us what happened

    No, I was all alone, just waiting for you to come by... I think he was busy with his pool scoop net somewhere else... but he's really good... he usually takes his tubes, attaches them to this built in suction vaccuum thing, and starts sucking away, (on the tiles). He's quite powerful with that hose.

    One time I gave him one of those Malee 100% orange juice box drinks, I think they are about 18 baht each, and he gave me the Thai wai thing, like he was really appreciative and stuff... then he just left it there... he didn't even bother to drink it or take it. But he's a good little vaccumer.

  3. more importantly , what's father ray been up to then , and who is this father ray ?

    You can read all about Father Ray in Pattaya People, on sale now. It's a tawdry tale of infighting in the Catholic Church... it's quite fascinating really... you should invest 25 baht and read the story... the Pattaya People newspaper has earned it.

    I'm listening to the song "No Time At All", sung by Irene Ryan, from the BroadWAY musical Pippin, I think from 1972... anyone know it? It's a real toe-tapper...

  4. What a sad person !


    I don't think so at all... I think the OP is simply trying to get a spark plug... why would you pass judgement like that on them? Just because he's desperate for a spark plug, doesn't mean he's "sad"... in fact, if anyone is sad, maybe you're just "projecting" your own issues.

    Weho...I hate to speak for Naka, so I won't but in my interpretation of her reply.....it seemed to be aimed at your statement not the OP. So take it like a man!! :o

    You're a regular Sherlock Holmes, aren't you!

  5. What a sad person !


    I don't think so at all... I think the OP is simply trying to get a spark plug... why would you pass judgement like that on them? Just because he's desperate for a spark plug, doesn't mean he's "sad"... in fact, if anyone is sad, maybe you're just "projecting" your own issues.

  6. Sorry to rain on your parade Weho, but my copy is the same. That's at least halved your potential Ebay bounty.

    DON'T RAIN ON MY PARADE!!! I was having visions of receiving a plaque/presentation from the Museum for the donation... i'm quite devistated... maybe they were yanking my crank all along, and there are no misprints... we have to get to the bottom of this scandal... I believe this scandal is AT LEAST as important as the Father Ray getting run out of town scandal.

  7. You did say "any" ideas welcome, right? I think this is a longshot, honestly, you're probably losing time listening to me, but maybe, just maybe, if you look in the Pattaya Yellow Pages, under the possible heading of something like "Lawn Mower Spare Parts", or maybe if you did an internet search, and put in something like "lawnmower Pattaya spark plug* stock"... be sure to put the asterisk after "plug", so the results will show both "plug" and "plugs", really doubling your chances of a successful match.

    The other thing is, you could simply give up, and call up some gardener, who will show up with his crew, and you won't have to worry about it. Or you could get rid of the lawn, and just put in plants or cactus, you know, something that doesn't need to be mowed.

    I recognize these aren't the best suggestions, but you were the one that asked for "any" suggestions, so really, you've opened yourself up to this. You have asked a very reasonable question, but I note that no one, so far, was able to help you.

    I truly hope you find them, and if you do, be sure to post where you finally found them here, hoping that you might be able to help someone else.

    I'm going to take my afternoon nap now, with my dogs, that are being extra cute today... and if you want to see a lawn with brown spots, come over to my place.. the brown spots don't need mowing... they need replanting.

    I added this part: what about getting a gardner over, and either asking him/her WHERE they get their spark plugs, OR offering to buy the used spark plug directly from the gardner? I think these are great ideas, and you should be able to have some success, I would think... hope this helps.

  8. and late that evening, we were both riding up the hotel elevator together, with no one else in it, and he said to me, "do you want to come to my room to relax a while"... I declined this enticing offer... but what do you think he meant?

    Perhaps he wanted to smoke some bones with you

    Is that some kind of "double entendre"? Is that some kind of "blue humour"? I have to give him the benefit of any doubt, that he simply wanted to relax, after a long day of taking a bunch of spoilt teenagers to see places they had no interest in, maybe he just thought a nice way to end off the day would be to relax at the Sheraton Bruxelles with a teenager, one who had insulted him earlier in the day... I'm sure it was all very innocent.

    Now getting back to the stench on Sukumvit... is it all gone now?

  9. I want this to be a fair auction... no person PM for anyone... I appreciate your wanting to bid, but you'll just have to check the eBay listing, like everyone else... and if I get any more solicitations for special treatment requests, I'll probably just end up donating it to the Museum for the Printed Word, in Bangkok. I'll donate it for free, but I would like a plaque that it was "Donated by Weho" in a prominent place.

    It's a really good issue too... between the Father Ray scandal, to the Swedish Go Kart champion dropping dead, to the Lady Boy pickpocket, to the article about the unsupervised roller skater that broke several bones, to the four or five articles about motorcycle crashes... well, it's just a winner all around.

  10. I generally like Belgian food, except mussels... this reminds me of the time I was in Bruxelles, and a tour bus took us to the "Grand Place" (pronounced "plas")... I was sort of a punky teenager, and I asked the tour guide, "what's so grand about this "plas"? I had thought I had insulted him... and late that evening, we were both riding up the hotel elevator together, with no one else in it, and he said to me, "do you want to come to my room to relax a while"... I declined this enticing offer... but what do you think he meant?

  11. Well you made it look like this yourself.

    And indeed you are no match for me :o I know you wished you were.

    Al buffo means with some big rocks around your neck i hope.

    Actually, I didn't wish I simply MATCHED you, I was really hoping to SURPASS you... but with the comedy you demonstrated in your posting about the rocks around my neck, well, that was just really clever, cutting-edge material. I neither surpassed, nor matched you. I feel you could really be one of those comedy writers, like on that Jay Leno show that's on CNBC, or maybe you could write for that show "THE VIEW", with all those yentas. Quite frankly, we're lucky to have you here.

  12. I can't imagine I have a rare misprint... are you sure you ad is the current issue #112, on page 9, with the Father Ray scandal on the cover? There's nothing about any Patrick's Belgian, or anything else in the ad... if this IS a rare mis-print, I want to get it up on eBay at once... but I will tell you in advance, I will keep a high reserve price.

    And in my edition, the incomplete ad is printed upside-down... do you think that will add to the value?

  13. What makes you think Emcross has no brains.

    And where did i say that you shouldnt watch your kids when they are roller skating?? Exactly i didnt.

    Keep twisting things around.. Only makes you look more stupid with every post you make.

    I was just reading your posts in this thread again and noticed each post contained more bullshit then the last one.

    Don't try to win this discussion, you lost allready even before you posted your first reply full off crap.

    Wow, you're so bitter... I LOVE IT! I had no idea this was a contest to try to "win" a discussion, but thanks for advising me... I guess with your wit and charm, I'm no match for you... but thanks for all the attention, and re-reading all the posts again... but how could I "lose", "even before you posted your first reply full of crap"? Is that possible? I can't help it if I'm so beloved... and now I must jump into my pool, al buffo... if you know what I mean...

  14. I'm not sure of exactly which one, Weho; but, based upon the menu, I'd say that it has to be one of those fancy places on Soi Six. Just walk along there until you smell some fish, and that will be the place!

    Smell fish? That could be any outdoor beer bar with hookers... there are so many there, I think the fish smell from the beer bars will overpower any salmon smells from any Christmas eve/day meals...

  15. And i'm trying hard to find the humor in Weho's post.. But i give up.

    Did you think my advice to assure that a mother carefully supervise her young daughter's risky roller skating was intended to be comical? If so, please point out which part/parts you thought were meant to be humorous. Sorry you find it "useless" that child roller skarters should be carefully monitored.

  16. This morning, just after my first naked swim of the day, I'm reading my Pattaya People, the issue with the Father Ray scandal on the front page.... anyway, on page 9, there is a "Christmas Eve/Day" restaurant menu ad, in English, French, and I think also in Dutch languages... 850 baht:

    Mousse from Norwegian salmon with white asparagus (I have a feeling they'll use the cheap local Thai farm-raised salmon), Seafood cream soup "Jacqueline", whatever the heck that is, then the main dish of Kalkoen borst met cranberry saus, groetenkrans en aardappel nootjes, then a desert of Ice cake "dame Blanche", (which they didn't translate into French for some reason)...

    But here's the problem: there's no address, no name, no dates, no phone number, no NOTHING... only the menu, for 850 baht. What kind of advertising is this? Does anyone have any idea where this could be?

    Maybe it's not even in Pattaya...

    (still lisetning to this awful Celine Dion album "taking chances"... I took a chance, and I lost... by buying this album).

  17. No, i wasn't at BIG C a few nights ago... not that I recall... i'm too afraid of their trolleys... and I don't have a used sanitary napkin collection yet, but it's something I admit I've considered starting. Is there an organization for collectors, with regular meetings and networking and stuff? If a group hasn't started, please PM me, and if there's enough interest, I pledge to start a group. We could have regular meetings somewhere, hopefully at no cost, and discuss trading, rarities, oddities, history, etc.

    BTW, i'm listening to the new Celine Dion cd "Taking Chances", and it sucks pretty bad.

  18. I am afraid Jareddiving is correct Weho!

    I am a lady I do live in Pong in a very nice walled village with good safe roads and a large driveway ideal for my daughter to skate on (her own private skating rink), don't worry we will get some protective wear for knees and elbows as well!

    Weho you have totally missed the mark on this one so admit defeat and butt out I think is the expression!

    Thank you I will look in Toys-R-us today for the skates.

    Weho is not used to "missing the mark"... but I'm glad to know you have now confirmed that you life in a place with "good safe roads and a large driveway"... and you sound responsible that you will get some protective wear for knees and elbows... but I wonder where they sell that... I hope all goes well, but in the unlikely event of an injury, it comes down to your responsibility, as a parent, who authorizes and supervises this risky behavior. Now over in that minor nation of the U.S. and A., I've heard rumors that some people, in case of accident, might actually SUE the manufacturer of the skates, or SUE the seller of the skates, or even SUE the village for not banning this kind of risky activity.

    So, in case it comes to that point, I took the liberty of doing a quick search on that internet thing... the link below are a list of so-called "experts", who you can pay to testify in any kind of court case... basically, they will testify whatever you want them to say, as long as you pay them. Their speciality is ROLLER SKATING ACCIDENTS. I hope you don't need their services, and I would strongly encourage you to supervise this highly dangerous activity, like a hawk:


    I can't personally vouch for any of these "experts", I'm only providing the link in case you need their services.

    Regardless, I've got my fingers crossed that all goes well. I would also suggest getting headgear, like a bicycle helmet, in addition to the knee pads and elbow pads. Also, get a mouth/teeth guard, and if there is some kind of chin guard too, that would be useful. And big thick gloves to protect the hands/fingers too. And be sure to clear any possible hazards in the area.

    Good luck!

  19. Guide to Tukcom:

    (you can print this out for reference)

    5th FLOOR: IT City store, has large selection of crap

    4th FLOOR: illegal dvd's and pirated software; not one authentic piece for sale.

    3rd FLOOR: mostly junk, plus some added crap as a bonus

    2nd FLOOR: mostly junk, plus the POWERBY store, which also sells mostly crap

    M LEVEL FLOOR: Mobile phone stores: mostly staffed by ageing transvestites with phone knowledge.

    GROUND FLOOR: often BLARRING microphone peddlers with ear-shattering announcements;

    BASEMENT: Amorn: lots of bad quality products for just about anything; TOPS Market: small selection of bad food.

    hope this helps.

  20. I'm pretty sure she has already abandoned your dangerous idea... easy for you to encourage someone else to engage in dangerous activity for their child. Shame on you. Shame, shame, shame.

    And have you really done some census taking, that you can make the statement that "ALL" farangs in Pong live in villages? Are you that all-knowing?

    Is there anything you don't know? Wow, must be great to be you...

  21. Because i know she is a lady!! So once again maybe think twice before you say something.

    As i can see.. Emcross lives in Pong. Where do the Farangs live in Pong??

    Exactly in nice villages(Sp village, siam country club, lake view villa's, just to name a few!!) with good roads only used by the few residents who live in the village.. So couldn't be more safe.

    "She's a lady, woooo, woooo, woooo, she's a lady...I'm talking about the lady.... and the lady is... (fill in the blank)"

    I've never heard of Pong, and I wouldn't assume that all farangs there live in "nice villages", and I wouldn't assume that villages there have "good roads"... roads that might be fine for cars, but maybe not for roller skaters. But I disagree... it COULD be "more safe": skating in a real skating rink, with medical personnel on standby... maybe there's a reason it's impossible to find roller skates here... you really shoudln't encourage people to do things that really aren't done here. I'm sure the parent in the OP appreciates my good advice, and will discard you dangerous carefree attitude of "just skate anywhere". I've NEVER seen anyone roller skate here, other than at Carrefour. Maybe there's a reason.

  22. Who says she is going to use these skates in the middle of Pattaya??

    Maybe she lives in a park or village where they have good roads.

    Maybe a good idea to think twice before you say something.

    Btw everyone has the right to have christmas the way they like it.

    I believe toys'r us has them.. Not sure but i think can remember seeing them.

    Please provide a list of all the parks you mention, in Pattaya. Are any suitable for roller skating? Maybe a better question would be are there any parks in Pattaya?

    And you have assumed the that OP is a "she"... but I see no clue as to their gender. Maybe YOU should "think twice", or maybe even THREE times before you write something.

    And neither the OP nor I made any reference to using the skates in the "middle of Pattaya"... but I would suggest if the OP insists on going the roller skate route, despite my suggestion that it may be a bad idea here, I admit they probably would be better off in the "middle of Pattaya", than on the outskirts, as it would be quicker for an ambulance to get there in case of a skating injury.

    And I agree, everyone has a "right" to "celebrate" "Christmas" however they like, or not to "celebrate" it, if they choose. I was simply suggesting one alternative is not to buy into the materialistic gift-giving thing, where people are at the point where they EXPECT gifts.

  23. Every now and then, one of the broads working at Carrefour skates by... maybe you could ask them, if you haven't passed out from the heat in there, due to lack of air conditioning.

    And I would strongly advise you NOT to use roller skates in Pattaya... first, are there any sidewalks where there is an area more than about 1 meter, where there aren't giant potholes and other hazards? Unless you have your own rink, I think this is a bad idea. I don't have any children, (I've been "out of commission" for quite some time now), but IF I had an 8 year old daughter, I would buy her a lifetime pass to the Ripley's "museum", or maybe an electric mixer, so you can teach her how to bake cakes and stuff. That might be fun.

    I mean really, where on earth could you possibly roller skate in Pattaya? Oh, I have another idea for you... how about, .... hummmmmmm.... maybe, ..... how about like a small fish aquarium? Of course you could forget the whole Christmas gift thing, and explain to your daughter that Christmas has become very commercialized, and you don't want to just give her some materialistic gift... instead, take her to church, and sit there all day and pray. i'm sure she would really appreciate the true meaning of Christmas this way.

  24. Maybe it was something INSIDE your car... one time I was on a bus from Mexico City to Taxco, and there was an awful stench... couldn't locate it... About 1/2 way there, most of the bus emptied out, but I toughed it out... then at some point, the bus did a quick acceleration, on a turn, and this plastic bag slid back on the floor, towards where I was sitting... someone had disposed of a sanitary napkin, then i guess they got off the bus, and just left it as a present for the rest of us. I had a napking with me, and i used it to grab the sanitary napkin in the bag, and I tossed it out the window. I felt bad about littering, cause I'm totally against that, but under the circumstances, I think I was within reason. The rest of the bus was without incident, for the most part.

    Maybe you had something similar in your car, like a used sanitary napkin in a bag.... i don't know, i'm just guessing, cause the other suggestions didn't seem reasonable to me. I would suggest you look under your car seats. I hope this helps.

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