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Posts posted by Weho

  1. I saw that at Tesco Lotus in Pattaya, (maybe Bangkok same, same), they had the imported Butterball turkeys from the minor nation U.S. and A., AND they had some smaller sized local Thai frozen turkeys, less than 1/3 the price... not sure how good they are, or what kinds of hormones they inject into them.

  2. I believe someone started a similar thread a few weeks ago... i think around 7pm, they start lowering the air con, and I think about 8:30pm, it's totally off... and i would guess they probably don't turn it on in the morning til about 11 AM. I noticed that in the shopping centers in Singapore, it's frickin' ice cold, all the time... even in Kuala Lumpur, they keep it a lot cooler then they do in Thailand.

    And by the way, fanning oneself won't cool you in the slightest... you're just blowing more hot air on you... and you're expending more energy, flapping that damm fan around... better to not use a fan at all.

    I don't have a big problem with them lowering the air con, I just think there should be some disclosure, like a sign posted, telling what temperature it will be at different times. And my hunch is the rats will be more comfortable in the warmer temperatures, and you will be more likely to see them scurrying about in the fresh vegetable department, after about 9 PM.

  3. No, not just new wheels... i'm talking brand spanking new suckers... i was having so much fun in the crowded frozen food section, I intentionally rammed 3 other carts, and each time I said the identical thing: "I'm so sorry, please excuse me...", then I would repeat it about two seconds later. Thai people really are quite patient and friendly, (too bad they didn't know what I was really up to).

    But at Tesco, you can't put the trolleys on the escalators there, like you can at BIG C... but the BIG C trolleys are so poorly maintained, many of them won't stay put on the long escalators, and start flying down. I always quickly board the down escalator when I see someone else is also about to board... then i cut in front of them, so if an out-of-control trolley from above comes flying down, it will hit the person just after me... kind of like a buffer. The Carrefour trolleys generally stay on the long down escalators without incident... but go to BIG C at your own risk.

    And I would also mention that at TESCO, they had NONE of those frozen shrimp rings, i they they are usually 99 baht for the ones with the red cocktail sauce. And I would like to compliment the Tesco staff in the electronics department... they speak pretty good English, and are surprisingly knowledgable about what they sell... same goes for the Carrefour electronics staff.

    But really, I can't stop kvelling over the new trolleys... i think i'll go back tomorrow, just to admire them before they get all beat up, and get gummy stuff stuck on them, like stickers, and just yuck marks and other residue. They should give out Purell hand sanitizer to anyone that touches those thangs...

  4. He's cute... it would have been helpful to give us an idea how big he is, cause we can't tell from the picture.

    Here is a picture of my two turtles canoodling... aren't they cute? Just took it today... mine are about 5" each. They aren't real exotic, but I just love them... I buy that "morning glory", not sure of the Thai name, plant at Carrefour for 3 baht a bunch... they just LOVE it... I have this floating thing I bought in the minor nation U.S. and A., which they climb on to get some sun in the afternoon... they are real happy...


  5. I thought the UPS ones lasted like 5 or 6 hours... i was about to buy one last night... glad I didn't... I don't care about power interuption... the issue is I need at least a few HOURS to run a fan and light, at a minimum...

    I'll try that Thai hardware store, sort of across from Carrefour, going toward the beach... they seem to sell EVERYTHING, and they are real nice in there...

    But if I DID go the UPS route, and only used a small fan, like an 8" size fan, how many hours do you think it will run?

  6. I have decided that I need to take control and be more prepared for power outtages... There is lots of construction going on, and I want to be able to run a small electric fan, a laptop computer, maybe a desk lamp too. It would be great to run a refrigerator too, but i can live without that.

    There is a small gas powered generator at Home Pro for like 22,000 baht, seems like a lot... looks like it has, instead of an electic plug, one of those car cigarette lighter plugs... not sure if it's 4 amps, or 2 KVA, whatever that is... it's made by Honda.

    Then they have these U.P.S. computer battery back up things, that I'm told are like 3,000 baht, and might do the trick. What's the difference/advantages/disadvantages?

    Are there cheaper generators? A friend told me these UPS things make annoying beeps... how do i get one without the beeping?

    Are there any other ideas?

    Oh, and the BIG generator at Home Pro was like 44,000 baht, had a bigger gas tank, and had a few plugs, but that seems like a lot...

    Please, no comedians.

  7. I want one of those vertical chicken rotiseree electric cookers... where the fat drips into a pan below... so much healthier and tastier than the horizontal ones, where all the fat just gets recycled... I'm guessing this will require a trip to Bangkok, but just in case you've seen one for sale in our little town, please advise.

    A friend had one in the minor nation of U.S. and A., and it was just great... I supposed on the inferior horizantal ones, you could put a chicken vertically, but I would guess the thing would fall off.

    I watch that Martha Steward show.

  8. Does anyone know any places showing the Mayweather Hatton fight sunday morning Pattaya time - In a Non smoking environment ?


    Be There Be Square

    It's always nice, when getting gratification from watching two animals attempt to kill eachother, and cheer them on to either their death, brain damage, or just a lot of blood, to DO IT, in a nurturing, non-smoking environment.

  9. OK, so I was off one letter... it's kilN. Hot as a kiln.

    And the point is not to go back during daytime hours, when the a/c is supposed on, the point is, this was a violation of my trust... they enticed me to go in there, with the prospect of nice cool air conditioning, and they tricked me... I felt really violated. They should have a sign outside, and in all their print ads, like "A/C from 10 AM to 9 PM, no a/c from 9 pm to 11:59 PM".

    I'm still upset about this. I may have to contact the Carrefour executives in France, in Levallois-Perret, just outside Paris, across the Seine. I saw on wikipedia that their slogan is "choice and quality for everyone", but I would propose they change that to "choice and quality for everyone, and sometimes even air conditioning, when we feel like it".

  10. I made my way to Carrefour tonight, around 9 pm. My plan was to go to Home Pro to get a light bulb I need for a halogen desk lamp. It felt a little warm in there, but I didn't think much of it. I got the Sylvania "HI-SPOT ES-50" bulb, with aluminised reflector, without incident. Then I go over to Carrefour, and it hits me: THEY'VE TURNED OFF THE AIR CONDITIONING!!! I guess they do this about 9 pm, to save on electricity... but I was warm...

    I felt so dirty... so cheated, so tormented, so VIOLATED. I feel they should disclose with a sigh, something like "air conditioning turned off at 9 pm", so I would know, and have the choice of shopping before that time. I was sweating like a Hawaiian pig in an emu pit. It was like a <deleted>' kilm in there. And I guess it's like that every night. Honestly, I don't know how the employees can survive that... I mean, it's pretty uncomfortable, just standing around all day, doing nothing, but to have to work in those conditions WITHOUT modern air conditioning is just too much.

    I'm also not happy about their sale area, near the cheeses, where they put out all the refrigerated foods that are a day or two away from their printed expiration date... and some of that food may be a YEAR OLD, like the refrigerated fresh pasta... I woudln't trust that stuff, unless it had a date of manufacture on it too... if you were considering buying some of that French packaged ham that say, "manufactured in August 2006", then it said "expires December 9, 2007, who the heck would want to take that chance... and is it really worth it to save 20 baht to eat food that's a year old, or more sometimes?

    Also, avoid their electronice sale area.... mostly filed with display junk that doesn't work, and comes with no manual, no box, no warranty, and NO RETURN, even if it doesn't work... yes, that's what the manager told me... unfrickin'believable.

    They do carry some good stuff there... like the Bleu Elephant frozen dishes: that Tamarind Duck is great stuff... it's on the expensive side, at 149 baht per frozen entree, but I'm telling you it's good...

    And it's probably the only place in town that takes American Express, and doesn't tell you, "oh, we charge an extra 8% if you use that card"... actually Foodland accepts it too, with no extra charge.

    I noticed they took out the outdoor dining area... I guess it was too hot, and people like the air condititioning, that is before 9 pm.

  11. Let's see... you've stated you want to fly into Pattaya, rather than fly to Bangkok. If you really insist on flying directly into Pattaya (U-Tapao airport), you're going to have to make some connections. Your best bet would probably be to fly London/Singapore, nonstop on British, Singapore Airlines or Qantas, THEN try to connect to Bangkok Airways flight from Singapore to Koh Samui, then another Bangkok Airways flight from Koh Samui to Pattaya. Alternatively, you could go London/Bangkok nonstop, then Bangkok/Samui or Phuket nonstop, then either of those places nonstop to Pattaya (U Tapao). Honestly, I would suggest just getting a nonstop to Bangkok, then taking a bus or taxi to Pattaya.

    There are some Russian charter flights into Pattaya... you could also go that route with a few connections in someplace like Moscow, Tashkent or some weird Siberian city, i forget the name... And there are seasonal flights on Korean Airlines into Pattaya from Incheon (Seoul).... really, you should think about a flight into Bangkok, then just get on the bus or taxi. Hope that helps.

  12. ah, it brings back memories, long ago, of when I was, well... um... ugh.... .... better stop there...

    tell Weho, tell! perhaps then i don't feel so alone in my misere :o

    Let's see, um... I was in a gay bar in Madrid, and I think I was the youngest person in there, and I felt out of place, because:

    A. I'm not gay

    B. I'm a woman

    C. I'm a lesbian

    D. I don't speak Espanish

    E. ALL of the above

    F. NONE of the above

    Then two Castillian men approached me, and asked me if I liked Spanish ham... really, that's all I can say... I think you can tell what happened next... this sidebar has nothing to do with burning embers... admittedly, we're quite off topic here... and quite frankly, I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet...

  13. Should this not be on the gay forum? Not all of us want to read this kind of drivel

    How do you know I'm not some woman, therefore it's not "gay"?

    The issue is about a hot poolboy from Pattaya. I think Pattaya is the key word here. I believe this is the perfect forum for this thread.

    And i'm sure some people prefer to read this kind of drivel, rather than your negativity.

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