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Posts posted by Weho

  1. In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

    Was it getting too dark in that closet Weho?

    In response to Binkie, obviously the knowledge he gained just prior to his sad demise didn't help but it sounds like he was well on the way to the final curtain call anyway.

    I don't suppose for one minute that anyone knows the results of the autopsy?

    Let me guess on the autopsy results: they found blood in his alcohol stream.

  2. The regular one is kind of hot too, but this one is in the "yummy" category... I feel so dirty watching him clean out the embers at the bottom of my pool... he looks like he's about 21 or 22... and he can really operate the pool vacuum hose.

    I could almost submit a picture, but that just wouldn't be right...

    So dirty... so tainted...

    Does anyone know that song "If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right"??

    So fitting at the moment...

  3. serves a bit of a wake up call.

    3/ Don't drink in the day time, unless special occassions

    Could you please enlighten me: what possible special occasion could there be, where someone felt they just HAD to have some cocktails, "during the day"... am I missing out on some daytime excitement that I didn't know about?

    Although it's unfortunate that anyone die young, this guy didn't exactly seem like a choir boy. Perhaps he was at the point where he was, or was about to put others, INNOCENT people, in harms way. Clearly, he was going to die young, perhaps it's best that he did it quietly, on his own, presumably without hurting anyone else (like jumping off a building, and landing on top of a passing tourist).

    Let's not forget that the economy of Pattaya is based on alcohol... yes, alcohol, even more than sex, cause most bars actually pay some taxes, and taxes are paid on the sale of alcohol... so the city gets to function. So all you "high and mighty" people should get off your fake compassionate high horses, and stop acting like it's such a frickin' SURPRISE that someone drops dead of alcohol poisioning here.

    At least be honest about it. Acknowledge you know it's going to happen, you EXPECT it to happen, and it doesn't trouble, bother or surprise you.

    In the meantime, it looks like I have a new poolboy today, that I must check out... at once...

  4. Driving off without paying !

    You are a very lucky man that you are not dining through straws at the moment.

    This is not your country, you are not a superior being, grow up and get a life !

    Why have you assumed the OP is a "man"? Why have you assumed "this" [Thailand] is not their country? Have you seen the OP's citizenship papers, if any? And are you suggesting that it would somehow be OK for a Thai to drive off without paying, but a farang shoudln't do that?

  5. We're getting smoked as well these days in Chonburi, it's begun.

    Ashes everywhere inside and outside the house. Pisses me off, my pregnant wife has to breathe that crap, we had to leave the house for a while. It's actually quite stupid that the whole area's population has to breathe it and clean it when ONE guy decides to burn his fields.

    Tony, are you the alter ego of Andy Kaufman?

    And when you say "in Chonburi", do you mean in the city/town of Chonburi, or are you referring to the entire province? That is, when they burn the fields near you, does the smoke only stay within the town/city limits, or does the smoke go right to the border of neighboring provinces?

  6. Weho, ignore the dog haters :o

    One way to get rid of ticks in your house is to clean under and behind all your furniture. You'll see the nasty little critters scurrying out from their hiding places that way. Also, when you see a tick be sure to kill it--I have a small cup of bleach that is used for ticks. Believe it or not, painting the walls will also get rid of them--so if you need to repaint the interior of your house, now's the time. :D

    Why would painting make a difference? Do they not like new paint? My walls are white, which makes them easy to spot as they climb around, so i'm hesitant to change to a color where they could hide better. I manage to get about ten of them a day, but i figure there surely must be more.

  7. I bought an Electrolux at Carrefour for I think 7,900 baht, one of those fancy espresso/cappaccino steam deals... really nice, all metal... similar machines from other brands were about TWICE that price. You weren't real clear about what you use the coffee for... I'm going to presume, like most people, it is to drink orally. If you are looking to make coffee for hydro-colonic purposes, you can simply boil the coffee that comes in a tea-bag type enclosure (available at Pattaya's Faustino pharmacy, on Pattay (North) Naklua Road).

    I would take this opportunity to encourage people NOT to drink coffee with caffeine in it... excessive coffee drinking CAN cause heart irregularities, and heart electric beat pattern issues. If you can try to switch over to the decaffeinated stuff, you WILL live longer, it's that simple.

  8. Regardless, I would like to add that finally, FINALLY someone has posted an intelligent topic for an open discussion.

    Nothing intelligent in stealing 20 baht and then beating your gums about some perceived mafia-controlled operation.

    Maybe marginally less intelligent than the dross you incessantly post yourself.

    Are you referring to the dross that YOU repeatedly continue to reply to?

  9. in relation to the f to m bit can a male just get an extra bit added,so as to enhance the length somewhat ,and thinking about it can you have an injection like women do in their lips( facial sort) to plump it up a little.

    ime sure there could be a demand for this,not that i would need it of course ,just curious. :o

    Those injections don't work, and can be dangerous in that special area. They are temporary at best...

    Bigger is generally thought to be better, but, there are some "strong" advantages to smaller. Let's try to keep this thread family-oriented. I doubt a reputable hospital would even get involved with those injections.

    Several months back, I attended a "special midnight show" in Bangkok, along Soi 4, off Suriwongese... 1/2 of the performers clearly had the injections, and it just looked bad. And you know like if some really old guy shakes your hand, it's it feels like jelly? Well, that's all I'm gonna say. Don't ruin what you've already got. Trust me on this one...

  10. Good post WEHO, are you in the market looking to make "THE CHANGE"?

    CURIOUS THOUGH ABOUT THE F TO M THOUGH. Where do they get the spare parts from?

    Trust me, there is NO shortage of "spare parts", for those wanted to go F to M... have you been to the TukCom second floor mobile phone seller's area? From that floor alone, I beleive the hospital has enough stock to last a few years. Honestly, they don't just throw them away... they keep them, on dry ice, and eventually, a buyer comes along.

    I'm told they even have a book you can peek through, and select the one you want sewen on. They are priced according to demand... small ones being cheapest, large ones going for quite a bit more. Unfortunately, I'm told the "spare parts" are NOT part of their great sale/promotion going on til the end of the month.

  11. Yes, it's true... they have quite a few promotions going on til the end of the year... including many of those "check-up" programs, up to 70% off... and surely you have to have some of those tests for the sex-change, so you can apply that discount towards at least SOME of the tests/procedures that you will need. And they even have a sign now, advertising sex change operations, inside the dermatology center, in the building in the very rear.

    Lots of other things are on sale too, examples:

    colonoscopy, regular 25,000 baht, on sale for 13,500 baht

    Hepatitis B vaccine series: regular 1,800, on sale for only 1,550 baht.

    "essential" check up package, with blood tests: regular 5,800, on sale for 2,900 baht.

    oral dental exam, with 2 x rays included: regular 1,550, on sale for 680.

    And lots more too. you call call 1719 for an appointment or more information.

    They also have this deal going on, called "Wonderful Weekend", where for every receipt you have over 2,500 baht, you get a coupon for one of 5 free services... one is an EKG, one is a dental exam, one is an eye exam, one is a lonto/ion skin beauty treatment, and one is an audio exam. I recently had a crown put in, over a few weeks, so I got 3 coupons, and I did all 3 coupons within two hours... I did the EKG, (all is well), and the skin beauty treatment (not that I needed it, but I thought it would be soothing, which it was), and I did the eye exam... I found out my eye pressure is a bit high, so I'll address that issue soon.

    Anyways, if you want a sex change, I'm sure you can use some of these great value packages toward your operation /doctor visit costs. I don't know if they do both female to male, and the more popular male to female, so check with their sex change department if interested.

    I imagine other hospitals in the area have similar promotions going on too, so you may want to shop around, when changing your gender or anything else you may do.

    If you need or want to hear some testimonials, I would suggest going to the second floor of TukCom, and check with some of the mobile phone sellers.

  12. hobby

    You are here NOW, monitoring.

    You thought you were right, but we think you were wrong.

    Your mistake was not going back in with the receipt if you didn't want to pay the Baht 20.

    Don't mess up your rep here for Baht 20.

    Even if you are lying, you better post that you went back and paid up.

    Ouch! Admittedly, the general opinion is that she/he/shim/it was wrong to just drive off... but no one really has addressed the OTHER issue, which is, are those Villa parking dudes making people pay EVEN IF they have the stamp... THAT is the situation where I would have dragged the parking dude INTO the store, and had it resolved there, in the open, for entertainment for all to enjoy.

    And how dare you, "Bobbin", speak on behalf of ALL HUMANITY, by saying "we think you were wrong"... you're not speaking for me, and you didn't address issue #2, which is the extortion allegation. Now i'm going to presume that it's true, cause I don't think someone would just make up, out of thin air, the allegation that they are trying to get money, even with the parking stamp.

    I'm still really curious to know what Hobgobblin was buying, and if there was enough for the daily recommended fiber intake on that receipt.

    Regardless, I would like to add that finally, FINALLY someone has posted an intelligent topic for an open discussion.

  13. Oh, dear, dear, dear... I don't know where to start with this... but the most serious thing would be to understand WHY, you "repeatedly" keep forgetting to get the ticket stamped INSIDE the store. Is your memory going? My first bit of advice would be to take Ginko Biloba for memory enhancement... but it's a double-edged sword... I was told to take it to improve memory "function", but I keep forgetting to take it...

    Now, let's pick apart the rest of your missive... first, YOU have decided YOUR story is "interesting", but really, WE should be the ones who judge that... and you say that "ANYONE" who frequents the new Villa will know what you're talking about... but I've never driver there, I only go by baht bus, walking or motocycle taxi... so I DO feel I can state that I "frequent" the place, but I clearly would have no understanding of their car policy.

    Now why are you only shopping at 11 PM? My hunch, based on nothing, is that you shop for "food", AFTER spending a new in open-air beer bars along Beach Road. I'm usually right about these things...

    Now, regardless of how much or little you spend, that gives you NO RIGHT to not have to get the parking ticket stamped. Clearly the parking dude is just doing his/her job.

    Next, why have YOU determined that the Villa Market is "the ANCHOR" store for The Avenue Mall? And you had the never to state it was "CLEARLY the ANCHOR"... What training in mall management/layout/architecture do you have, that qualifies YOU as the sole judge of what a particular store anchor is? I don't claim to have anchor-spotting ability, but my HUNCH, again, based on nothing, is that the movie theaters/theatres might be more of an "anchor"... again, I have no training in identifying store anchors.

    Next, you have told us that the attendents at Friendship are "grumpy but honest". Are you implying that one who is grumpy is usually expected NOT to be honest? Were you surprised they were honest there? Did you EXPECT them to cheat you? Do you have so little faith in Thais that you now EXPECT people to cheat you, whether grumpy, or non-grumpy? And I will conceed that you can probably tell if they are grumpy or not, but I don't think you can somehow presume they are all "honest"... they may not try to extort money out of parking customers at Friendship, but when they get off-duty, they very well may be the worst criminals in all of Chon Buri province... the point is, you just don't know...

    Then you tell us you are going to "call Villa management" in the morning... have you done so? It's already afternoon, and no update from you. I suspect you have already forgotten about it, or maybe you have seen the error of your ways. Then you express faux concern to wonder "who knows how many more have been ripped off..." If you're just SOOOooooo concerned, what have YOU done about it?

    Personally, if I felt I was being cheated, which you clearly weren't, I would have dragged the parking dude INTO the store, made a scene with the manager, in full view and earshot of other customers, until there was a resolution...

    you know the expression: "let justice be served, until the heavens fall..." Wasn't that in the movie "J.F.K." starring that horrible male actor Kevin Costner?

    Then you have asked "how would you GUYS have handled the situation"... Are you not interested in what one of the GALS might have to say, or one of the transgenders, multi-genders, no-gender people may have to say? Or are you simply making the presumption that only "GUYS" read this forum?

    I would be curious to know exactly what you are buying in that store, at that hour... A while back, I scanned a receipt from the Friendship store, asking for analysis, which I got... I think you should do the same... I want to know what you are buying... I hope you're getting enough fiber... or you'll regret it one day!

    So, in the end, I think you need to go back to the Villa Market, and apologize to all those nice, un-grumpy but dis-honest parking dudes. Look, it's the career path they choose... it's a legitimate job, and they can't be blammed for your forgetting or lazyness in not getting the parking ticket stamped.

    But I must state, if the same thing happened to me, I would probably drive off too.

  14. i think the young twinky homos of today have no appreciation for the older queens, who fought for some civil rights, got punched in the face a bunch of times, so THEY can prance around in relative freedom, in many places. they are clueless as to what it used to be like. no, it;'s still not perfect, but it's generally a lot better than it used to be in most places. and it's not like the older queens expect the young twinks to come up to them, and just bow and thank them 24 hours a day, but ONCE IN A WHILE, it would be nice to hear of someone under say 30, that recognizes how they got to have openly gay bars, even in places like Singapore, Spain, most of the U.S. and A., all of latin america, etc.

  15. It has to do with what your nationality is, what your choices are, and how much $ you've got. We can't all just move into apartments in San Francisco. I was surprised someone mentioned Taiwan, but i suppose i can work for some...

    I know that Puerta Vallarta is getting very expensive, and it really only has a handful of gay bars, not real nice ones either. A friend told me the Philippines is a good choice.

    Oh yeah, it also depends on what your needs are to be homo in public... like if that's a big deal to you, go to Thailand, San Francisco, Amsterdam, etc. I doubt Taipei would be a great choice for gay activists/members of the "gay community"...

    You do call it "community", right? Sounds so much better than "a bunch of b***-f*****s".

  16. thanks for those links... i wouldn't really say i have an infestation, i've seen a few of them, and looked all over... but that was enough to scare the bejesus out of me... i couldn't figure out where they were coming from... i figured they came in through the walls, like through electrical/phone plugs, but i guess the dogs bring them in.

    A few weeks ago, i put this fertilizer stuff on the grass (see my thread in the farming or gardening section), called 16-16-16, and it did great on the lawn... i'm just wondering if i also gave the ticks a great new habitat to multiply in... cause 2 weeks after the lawn was revitalized, is when i saw those ticks.

  17. I guess it's TICK season in Pattaya... is it seasonal?? Anyway, I've got the dog on that FRONTLINE treatment from the Vet, but is there some kind of chemical spray that I can use inside the house? Where do those bloodsuckers hide? Where should I spray?

    Since the product probably doesn't have an English/farang name, can you describe the bottle you recommend, in detail?

    No comedians, please.

    Also, I've noticed that this season, if it is seasonal, there are TONS MORE TICKS than ever before... is this a consequence of global warming, or what else may be the reason for the clear increase in the amount of bloodsuckers in Pattaya?

    I observed some of them climbing the walls, I guess in search of blood... and when they don't find any, they eventually stop in their tracks, and just drop dead. Scary stuff.

  18. has anyone noticed how bad the farang newsreader os on pattaya people news is just now? he's not as bad as the guy a few months back but he isn't a good example of someone who's mother tongue is english

    I love when people criticize someone else's grammar/language skills, when theirs is abominable. What do you mean by "os"?

  19. I always confirm the exact fare in advance, and I know EXACTLY what the fare should be. If they quote the fair fare, what Thais pay, they get a 20 baht tip. Anything else, they get NO TIP. I would say about 1/3 of the time, they get the 20 baht tip.... and 2/3 of the time, I get to walk away, and say in disgust, under my breath, "if you asked the correct price from the start, you would have been 20 baht richer..." Then I walk away, shaking my head from side to side.

    If you agree on a price, that should be what you pay in the end. To agree on a price and then pay an additional 20Baht, witch could be a 100% tip on a short ride, is just silly. This will only confuse the driver and make them try to charge a higher fee for foreigners.

    OK, you got me.. you are correct. But it's real clear that the 20 baht is a TIP, above and beyond what was agreed/expected... it's like a reward from a farang, for being honest, cause we've been trained to think they are NOT honest... so the ones that are honest, the few, should be rewarded... However, I am now aware that in the Thai culture, they don't see it the way a farang might see it. I agree, it might be confusing to a Thai, and send a weird mixed message. The alternative is to agree on a price, say 50 baht one way, then I say, "I'll give you 70..." An even weirder message. The alternative is NOT to reward the honest ones, and the farang just doesn't see it the same way.

    Sometimes I'm on a baht bus, and the guy may go along, looking for more passengers, and he doesn't get any... eventhough the farang price may be only 10 baht, I feel guilty, and I'll give him an extra 10 baht. They never refuse it. I never know if they understand the reason WHY i gave them the extra money... I guess I expect them to think to themself, "oh, I guess this farang feels real sorry for me, the farang must think my life is so pitiful, that the farang gave me another 10 baht out of pity... and the farang thinks they will insure themself a nice cushy spot in heaven, for having all this pity for me..."

    Meanwhile, the baht bus driver may have a MUCH better life than the farang.

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